Tears for Gaza | October 7, 2024
On Yom Kippur we atone for our own sins first, and then for the sins of the entire Jewish people. It is as if each of us holds the possibility of both immeasurable guilt and Universal renewal in our humble return to faith, repentance, and repair.
To prepare for this moment in my own body, I opened up conversations with five people I hadn’t spoken to since Hamas invaded Israel and Israel retaliated against Palestinians in Gaza and the Occupied Territories in the West Bank. As I wrote the first draft of this, Israel was launching air and ground invasions into Lebanon with the full backing of the United States government and weapons funded by our tax dollars.
My conversations with people who are ok with all this were not easy. They taught me a lot – about myself, my long-time friends, and differences that seem irreconcilable between Jewish people who are leading the resistance against Israel’s genocidal attacks on Palestine and Lebanon and those who are – either by consent or lack of protest – allowing the mass destruction of Palestinian people, homes, churches and mosques, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure.
The facts on the ground are appalling and have led the International Court of Justice and the United Nations to consider Israel’s annihilation of Gaza a genocide:
In order to see the people behind these numbers, to feel the horror of this devastation in my own body, I turn to Palestinian journalists on the ground – especially Bisan Owda, “Bisan from Gaza,” winner of an Emmy and Peabody for her daily storytelling.
How could I approach people I know well who were looking at these same facts and landing at such different conclusions? It took a lot of work to get myself to a place where I could even listen to the words these friends use to explain their continued support of Israel at this time.
Much of what they said I find appalling, but it did not surprise me:
These are standard talking points among those in the United States who support Israel. Us vs. them. We are right; they are wrong. They started it, and we must defend ourselves. This is the colonial mindset. It requires turning Palestinians into others who are not-like-us. None of this is new. It’s the framework I was taught as a child, and it’s hard to let it go. It’s a work of daily commitment and yearning to feel in my own skin both the survival drive of the Jewish people and our profound, living connections with the first inhabitants of the lands our ancestral tradition calls home.
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Even in this context, one thing really shocked me:
When I asked “What about all the civilian deaths? Is that justified as well?” Each person called this “regrettable” or “sad,” but none of them would call out the Israeli government for targeting hospitals, schools, and mosques – in some cases whole neighborhoods – where they accused Hamas fighters of hiding.
Mass civilian deaths were repeatedly justified in the name of killing “terrorists.” This is the key Israeli assumption and talking point, the move that enables everything else: once you think of other people as dangerous and not human, any amount of violence is justified.
And for Americans, “sadness” comes easily and means little; it’s another empty word sitting unquestioned beside the thoughts and prayers we send to families who have lost their beloved relatives in mass shootings. We allow mass deaths of children here, and so it is no surprise we allow it there.
My last question points in a different direction, a possible point of connection with some followers of the democratic-for-Jews-only, theocratic state of Israel.
“What about ecocide?” I asked, “the amount of poison unleashed into the earth, air, and water by these massive bombs?” That is a point of potential agreement and hope, a place where we might as progressive Jews shift our language and attention to build new alliances around repairing the earth, our home.
When it comes down to basic needs like food, water, shelter, I felt a yearning, in each of these conversations, for both safety and peace, for approaches that see us connected through faith and family to protect this fragile planet each of us inhabits for such a tiny spot of time.
If you also yearn for both safety and peace for all people, I invite you to explore approaches that begin with our shared humanity, especially Standing Together, A Land for All, and Parents Circle-Family Forum. This last group – started by parents who have lost children to the conflict and turned together in peace – has created a curriculum with Georgetown University to build sustained conversations towards building a capacious new tent for our shared liberation.
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Suffering Gaza Genocide | En-Ar Translator | Humanitarian | Social Worker | #freepalestine🇵🇸
4moThanks for speaking up & trying your best to raise awareness, Ms. Carol ! 👏 I wish if I can share my trauma with you to heal. It's Tasneem Ayyad from Gaza, Palestine. 🙏🇵🇸 I am an ESL teacher who is affected badly by war. I would ask if you can share my story to enable people donate & help me & my family save our lives! We have evacuated to Mawasi after destroying our house at Remal area & we live in a tent now. I have lost my hearing sense partially due to massive voice of bombs & now hearing aids is much needed but it costs 3000$ at least. My brother Omer whose leg was amputated due to a heavy bombardment is an engineer who is dedicated to rebuild our beloved Gaza. So, he needs an urgent evacuation to receive care & put an artificial leg. My sister Maram who is a doctor who works at Al-Shifa Hospital has given birth to baby Awad. We should secure a safe life for him. My brother Mohammed has lost his chance to continue his study at Islamic university as it was completely destroyed. My brother kamel had also lost his chance to continue his study at school as his school was destroyed. Please don't hesitate to help & if you need further information, I can send them directly. https://gofund.me/31afc355