Tech Leaders Launch x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group to Plot Future Path
Intel Corporation and AMD have launched an x86 ecosystem advisory group that the companies say will bring together technology leaders to shape the future of the x86 architecture. They want to show that x86 is able to meet the needs of the market better than other architectures through performance and interoperability across hardware and software. Continue reading.
RISC-V Summit Starts Next Week
RISC-V Summit starts next week in Santa Clara. Click here to view the full schedule. Interested in arranging a press meeting with the Embedded Computing Design editorial team? Email
Embedded Executive: Developers Need Great Hardware AND Great Software, Analog Devices
Linux has grown into an operating system that can handle nearly any available application, leading the open-source parade down where it currently stands, basically being its own supply chain.
One vendor, Analog Devices , has transformed from a traditional analog supplier into not just a provider of digital products but a vendor who delivers the software mix with development kits and IDEs that bring all the technologies together—analog, digital, and software.Hear more about it from Rob Oshana, PhD , the Senior Vice President of the Software and Security Group at Analog Devices, on this week’s Embedded Executives podcast.
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