The Technological Singularity: A realistic overview
The technological singularity (TS) has gained increased attention, with optimistic and sceptical arguments constantly being debated. This paper examines the various ways in which different futurists conceive it, the essential technological features of the TS, the current, emerging, and future technologies that may be driving humanity towards TS, and potential obstacles to prevent it. Based on the analysis of how much recent discussion on TS is based on credible research and how much is essentially an opinion, the author concludes that despite undoubtful accelerated technology progress, the TS remains a game of guesses primarily based on opinion.
Keywords—technological singularity, artificial intelligence, computational neurology
A Technological Singularity definition
As this paper will examine, there are many definitions of the term Technological Singularity (TS). If we look at the origins of the word, reportedly [1] coined by John von Neumann, we find its essence of being a point in time at which accelerated technological progress in the course will make transformational impacts on humanity relations, ways of working, and intelligence so that the world as we know will no longer exist. Irving John Good [2] refers to the technological singularity as an intelligence explosion caused by super-intelligent machines upon which humanity can continue to exist. Such powerful devices would be possible by replicating human brain function by developing neural circuits. Vernor Vinge [1] conceives the singularity of technology-generated entities capable of superior intelligence surpassing human intellect. Such entities would speed up intelligence progress further and further, comparing it to the biological evolution of species from animals to humans. Ray Kurzweil [3] defines a singularity as a future period with ever-accelerated technological changes with deepening and lasting impacts on human society as we know it today. He emphasises how technological change and growth are exponential as opposed to linear human advancement. Toby Walsh [4] takes a more conservative approach by examining the singularity hypotheses and some arguments against it, sticking to a simple definition of the technological singularity as a time when humans will develop machines capable of self-improving and leading to even more accelerated technology growth and change.
Essential technological features
The technological singularity, as conceived above by futurists, presents some critical common ground technological features. The first key feature brought to the surface is the pace at which technology evolves. One essential contribution to this claim draws on Moore’s Law [5]. In his paper titled "Cramming more components onto integrated circuits”, Gordon E. Moore proposes that considering how the number of components in a single circuity increases over time while its production costs decrease will make it possible for the speed and processing power of computers to double about every two years. From a long-term perspective, this effect will generate exponential growth and development of technology. Such dynamics became known as Moore’s Law and is widely referred to in technology. A second key feature is the allegedly future development of machines capable of thinking. The idea of thinking machines is rooted in a 1950 paper [6] published by Alan Turing titled “Computing Machine and Intelligence”. In his article, Turing proposed an exercise that could be played to test what a thinking machine would look and act like. Such an exercise consists of an imitation game in which two people or parties get into a conversation asking and answering questions formulated by a third person in an interrogator position interested in identifying who in the game is person A and who is person B by the answers they provide. In this context, Turing suggested that a computer could participate in the game. He then defines the concept of a thinking computer as a universal machine that, given a book of rules or programs, can play the imitation game well to the point that it is impossible for an interrogator in the game to distinguish the answers from a human or a computer. This exercise became known as Turing's Test, and any machine that could win the game would be labelled a thinking machine. The third driving feature of the technological singularity is the concept of Whole Brain Emulation [7]. In a 2008 technical report produced by Anders Sandberg and Nick Bostrom for the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University, they report the findings and discussions brought by experts in the fields of neurological, neurobiological, and nanotechnological research about ways and obstacles to make possible to mimic brain functions into a computational substrate. According to the authors, the basic design of brain emulation consists of taking an individual brain, scanning the organ structure at a deep level, and, based on its internal components, trying to sketch and design it in a piece of software. Such a model must be implemented with remarkable similarities and working functions to provide a precise and trusty representation of the studied real-world brain. The modelled software would then be deployed on convenient, suitable hardware on which it would run and behave in substantially similar ways as the brain from which it was originally engineered.
The current, emerging and future technologies that may be driving humans towards the TS
Moving from conceptualisation to implementation, and once the basic theoretical features of the technological singularity have been presented, looking at the current, emerging and future technologies is a worth-investing time in for a reality check. Starting with the technologies already in place at the time, Moore’s Law and its claim for the accelerating progress of technology has been a substantial consummation for the past fifty-eight years. In the essay “Moore's Law and Technological Determinism, Reflections on the History of Technology” [8], the author Paul E. Ceruzzi offers some reflection on the history of this progress. Another feature present in the current modern technology landscape is the enhanced capacity of machines to simulate humans in chat interactions over the internet. An iconic example is the ChatGPT-3 product introduced by OpenAI [9], an artificial intelligence research and implementation laboratory. OpenAI’s ChatGPT-3 is claimed to be capable of understanding and generating natural language and has gained popularity in the media, with mixed opinions published on media outlets including The New York Times [10], The Guardian [11], and Reuters [12]. Katherine Elkins and Jon Chun offer an interesting analysis of the ChatGPT-3 technology in their paper [13] “Can GPT-3 Pass a Writer’s Turing Test?” published in the Journal of Cultural Analytics in September 2020. The majority of technological advancements required to be implemented in emerging and future technologies are from within Computational Neuroscience [14], a field concerned with how information is represented and processed in the brain using electrical and chemical signals, and Neurotechnology, the “assembly of methods and instruments that enable a direct connection of technical components with the nervous system” [15]. The development in these two fields with the creation of emerging technologies has seen significant progress, especially in biomedical technologies such as therapeutics discovery and rehabilitation, education and learning, and wearable neurotechnology.
Potential obstacles to preventing it
Considering the developments envisioned by the proponents of the technological singularity and the current and emerging technologies examined here, the most significant potential obstacle for the singularity to become a reality lies in computational neuroscience and neurotechnology. Although relevant progress has been made in developing and implementing biomedical technologies, for example, it takes a much more integrated approach to translate brain functioning into correspondent electrical and computational devices. Such devices must not only mimic specific functions in narrow fields but be able to form a whole intelligent groundwork that can expand, learn, and significantly improve itself. That is where the biggest challenge is yet to be won, and holistic approach progress still needs to be seen.
Credible research vs opinion
As this paper proposed to bring awareness and shed light on the roots, concepts, progress, and current state of the technological singularity, some important considerations can be made. The first one concerns how much of the recent discussion around singularity is based on opinion versus what is found in credible research. Opinion has been a fruitful fertile for all the debate around a singularity, starting with the different definitions and conceptions brought up by the early defenders of the theory. For some, the singularity establishes itself using computing machines without any references to its conscient traits. In that sense, singularity is a natural progression in the established technology groundwork. When this model was proposed by I.J. Good [2] in 1965, there was scant – if any – existent research to allow for more profound studies and investigations to support his arguments. I.J. Good himself titles his article “Speculations concerning the First Ultra intelligent Machine” and repeatedly asserts the opinionated basis for his proposal. Almost twenty years later, another proponent of the technological singularity, V. Vinge [1], slightly complements his predecessor’s definition of the term by adding that humans would develop such machines and that, over time, they would improve themselves at a faster pace than humans. To say that devices can be created out of machines lend them generative or creational power, a feature of biology so far materialised only in animals and humans. Again, by the time this theory was conceived, little – if any – research was available to support such a claim. Therefore, opinions kicked in. Fast-forward to 2005, R. Kurzweil [3] provides a more comprehensive argument for singularity, going further from his predecessors. He provides data-driven views and centres his projections on the foundation that technological progress scales on an exponential basis rather than on a linear one, the latter being a feature of humans. He then extrapolates this logic to make future solid projections. Up to this point, one can faithfully feel convinced about the logical and sensible conclusions and predictions which would position them as firmly held. A crucial point here to draw attention to is that accelerated technological progress, even at exponential rates, does not directly or necessarily link to superintelligence or generative power. Humanity has experienced many promising technologies creating cybernetic paradise-like worlds based either on past technological progress – such as the invention of computers and the internet – or encouraging discoveries that did not come through. In addition to that, the growing adoption of singularity-related terms such as transcendence, super intelligence, and smarter-than-humans’ machines, on top of predictions of the end of the human era, human extinction, and alike, neither provides credible supporting evidence nor potentially even in the most cutting-edge research endeavours of modernity, not to mention the scale at which such features would be necessary to become a reality shortly. Toby Walsh [4], in his paper “The Singularity May Never be Near”, points out that many of the advocates of the technological singularity, notedly the proposers of the transcendental, human-ending era, and super intelligent conscious machines do not come from the field of Artificial Intelligence at all.
The research effort and findings presented in this paper allowed for a tentative of providing a more realistic view of the technological singularity. Acknowledge must be taken for the pace at which technology is growing and changing at scale and the evident significant impacts it’s causing on humanity. There is much more to come as a natural consequence of discoveries, promising technologies, new materials, and neurotechnology applications, all with unpredictable impacts on society and, ultimately, on the human race’s future. The point at which, and if humans can develop a biological-computational self-improving machine that will shake the world as it’s known today, is still a guess. That said, a more realistic view of the claimed technological singularity is to regard it as what it is: unpredictable. Other than that, if there is a certainty to stick to in the technology arena, it is that it changes and advances.
Luis Henrique Soares,
North Whales Management School | Wrexham Glyndwr University - United Kingdom
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