The Ten Best IPv4 Blogs of 2023
IPv4.GLOBAL publishes blogs on RIR news, internet management developments, the science and industry of the IPv4 marketplace as well as a wide variety of "how-to" tidbits on these essential network assets. We focus on individual user cases as well as legal and financial issues in the market. Follow us to stay up-to-date with news and insights about pricing, government grants and trends in the market from the world’s most transparent IPv4 resource.
Below are the ten most-read blogs from 2023. Enjoy.
Buying & Selling IPv4 Between RIRs
Some people might hesitate to involve a second registry in their transfer transaction. But with years of experience, these processes are now mature and efficient. Read more
/24 – The Internet’s Smallest Block
Underlying the transfer rules is the fact that it is very difficult to use anything smaller than a /24 on the internet. That doesn’t explain the rationale for why this is true. The explanation is interesting. Read more
Bring Your Own IP (AWS-BYOIP)
On Friday, July 28, 2023, AWS announced they would begin charging for every IPv4 address an account is allocated or used on the platform, starting February 1, 2024. Read more
Are IP Addresses Property?
Does their specific use make IP addresses “property?” If “a property right is the exclusive authority to determine how a resource is used,” addresses don’t fit. Though not natural property, they are intangible assets, a subset of which is further known as intellectual property. Read more
The Value of Private Address Space
Private addresses are intended for use on end-user networks. That means anything from a domestic WiFi connection to a large bank’s internal server infrastructure. Read more
IPv4 Price Trends & Expectations
Good predictions are good guesses made by experienced market observers. At IPv4.GLOBAL we consider ourselves unusually well exposed to the marketplace and so, well-informed about its works. These are our guesses about the future. Read more
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A Higher Education Goldmine
Many higher education institutions received their IPv4 address space at a time when the space seemed nearly infinite. Today that IPv4 space can be worth a substantial amount of money. Learn the basics of this asset class and marketplace. Read more
IPv4 Address Transfers & The Chain of Title
RIRs are deeply concerned with the illicit use of IP addresses. To stop such use they require different kinds of proof of ownership when approving an official transfer. Read more
Consolidating Network Addresses
You can’t control resources you do not know about. Turning hidden assets into a windfall is nice but a complete view of your network is essential to identify precisely its configuration, utilization, and general health. Read more
Public vs. Private IP Addresses
An IP address must be unique on its specific network. But some networks are bigger than others and some public while others are private. And therein lies the rub. Read more