#TheDrawdaSessions set to take world by storm!
What happens when you combine Music, Culture & Tourism topics as a Creative Producer?
You get an amazing format that entertains people from all over the world, that’s what!!
We’re not kidding: Global audiences have never been easier to reach, but at the same time, never been harder to acquire because of all the “noise” on the internet! That’s why you need to be very Sun Tzu in your approach to acquiring new customers, retaining current ones and even bringing back old ones!
Conceived and produced by Seán Ó Cearrúlláin MSc BSc PMP®, Managing Director of SkyHigh Productions®, #TheDrawdaSessions has been on his mind with a number of years now. Last year after completing the Feature Documentary “Drogheda’s Trad Roots”, he set about building a team and mapping out the right content for the show that will just blow people’s minds all over the world!
SkyHigh Productions® is a Film and Television Company in Drogheda, County Meath and has a team of over 80 people in its ranks between Ireland, the UK, Scandinavia and elsewhere. It has global reach, an incredibly strong network unparalleled by anyone else in Ireland and is making waves in how technology utilises Audio / Visual Storytelling techniques.
With an incredibly talented Creative, Technical, Customer Oriented and Service-Driven team in-house, there isn’t much these guys and gals can’t do.
Their latest Short Film, Stay, is a Rock Opera shot entirely on location in Mornington, County Meath with what was the equivalent of a medium budget but really a shoestring to work with. They completed something extraordinary that has captured the hearts and minds of everyone it has touched to date, and it’s not even released yet!
#TheDrawdaSessions is their next production and is in full swing of preproduction at present, with the nuts and bolts all in place the only step to complete is the last portion of funding to start making the series in earnest.
Already they have produced a pilot and connected intensely with the local community and audience building is definitely the main priority for the team at present. This goes hand in hand with Tourism and Culture, people abroad want to know more about us, they want to connect, visit and experience what we have to offer, but they need to see it experienced by others first!
This is where our new format #TheDrawdaSessions comes into play and gives local, regional, national and even international brands the opportunity to convert our audience into loyal paying customers!
“I’ve invested heavily into this production and spent the last 6 months working on moving it forward to a point where we actually have a product that business can’t afford to turn down, they would be wise to invest in one of our Rights Assets which are very reasonably priced and provide amazing Earned Value and R.O.I. It’s now over to the local business community to invest and capitalise on our hard work.”
Businesses should register for one of the Screening and Presentation sessions on Thursday 29th August at The Mill Enterprise Centre in Drogheda via the link here: https://mailchi.mp/4c6b5465919d/drawdasessions
SkyHigh Productions looks forward to welcoming you all to the session and bringing you closer to the world.
www.shpcreativemedia.com | sales@shpcreativemedia.com | www.facebook.com/skyhighie