There's a Roadmap for That: How to Bounce Forward from Trials to Triumphs
Over the last five years, Beyond the Crucible has conducted a major two-phase quantitative study to develop a valid, projectable understanding of how people experience life’s crucible moments. We wanted to understand how some people turn trials into triumphs — and why others get stuck in the aftermath, sometimes spinning their wheels for months, years or even decades without being able to truly move on.
On their podcast, Beyond the Crucible, Warwick Fairfax and Gary Schneeberger have recorded more than 120 interviews (and counting) with people who have not only bounced back from their own crucible moments, but successfully bounced forward to build new lives of significance. In listening to these stories, we noticed something: No matter how different the crucible stories and their bounce-back journeys were, they all shared certain beats along the path to recovery and significance. Every person’s story was so very different — yet they had remarkably similar touchstones.
What if we could actually identify a predictable path for bouncing forward from a crucible moment to a life of significance? We theorized that if we could do so, we could help people accelerate their journey forward. And we might even be able to help people who were stuck on the path from trial to triumph get unstuck and start moving again.
The Big Ahas: Mapping the Journey from Trials to Triumphs
After surveying more than 11,000 people from all walks of life across the United States, six important learnings emerged:
1. Most of us admit to having experienced at least one devastating loss or setback in life that changed us for good. Nearly three of every four people (72 percent) report that they have experienced at least one crucible moment so traumatic or painful that it fundamentally altered the course of their lives.
2. What about the 28 percent of people who say they haven’t had a crucible moment? In short, they’re in denial. No one gets to sail through life without having their trajectory altered by some loss, failure, or setback. About 1 in every 4 people have experienced what we call “veiled crucibles” — crucible moments that remain unacknowledged by their bearers, but still have a measurable and discernible effect on their lives.
3. There is a predictable map for moving from crucible to triumphs in life. This bounce-forward map is comprised of five progressive stages:
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4. Your starting point on your personal path from crucible moment to a life of significance is not a product of your age, gender, personality, ZIP code, marital status, religious affiliation, or any other label or reason. It is 100 percent a product of how you see yourself, your crucible, and your place in the world at a particular moment in time. It is a “you are here” indicator on your own personal path from trial to triumph.
5. One of the things that surprised us most in the research: As part of our hypothesis, we posited that people who understood how they were wired would be better at bouncing forward from their crucible or following their own path. (At Beyond the Crucible, we refer to this as understanding how you were “designed.”) In fact? No. Knowing how you are inherently designed — what you’re good at and what you’re bad at, what you like doing and what you don’t — does not give you a statistical leg up or a shortcut on your Trials-to-Triumphs journey.
While understanding your design may accelerate certain stages of your personal journey across the map (such as how fast you can turn your vision into reality, for instance), it does not fundamentally change your path. Moving from trial to triumph is all about moving through your crucible, learning to let go of the pain associated with it, casting a significant new vision for your life, and charting a course to transform that vision from an idea into your reality.
6. While there is one map, everyone’s journey from crucible to triumph is not the same. There are six different types of journeys, or paths across the map, that people can take to bounce forward. Take the free Beyond the Crucible Trials-to-Triumphs Self-Assessment to find your own unique “you are here” mark on the map” as you being your journey.
Then listen to our 8-part podcast series (starring yours truly!) unpacking the research in detail and each of the profiles to learn more about how you can triumph a reality in your life.
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CMO | SVP Marketing | Top 100 marketer | Gold Effie | ANA CMO Growth Council | Servant Leader | Performance Marketing | Brand Marketing | Innovation | Growth Generator | Digital | Customer Experience | 2X Super Bowl
11moMust read for all of us
Wow, these findings are eye-opening! It's incredible to see how many of us have experienced significant events that have shaped our lives. Research like this is crucial for understanding our own journeys and finding ways to grow from our experiences. Can't wait to dive into the full report and learn more about bounce-forward points. Thanks for sharing!
Cross-entrepreneur. Métis, e-volved, stop to turn around ! Your hub for your entrepreneurial adventures
11moExciting findings! Looking forward to diving into the research. 📈
Thank you so much Cheryl Farr for all your work in this as you rightly say groundbreaking research! To help people get beyond their worst day to leading fulfilling joy filled lives, lives of significance, lives on purpose dedicated to serving others, is I believe a noble and important endeavor.