Think like a dog.
When you have a dog, and I have been around dogs almost all my life, take the time to watch how they go about their days, we could all learn a thing or two from them.
Dogs seem to approach life with an open mind. I was sitting in the park the other day and watching some dogs play and interact with each other and people; it made me wonder if humans acted more like dogs sometimes if it would change our outlook and perspective. Or maybe even the world we live in.
So I made some notes.
- Stay curious. Always look around you when you are outside, be observant, take it all in, the sights, the sounds, the smells. Dogs are constantly looking around when they are out and about. The smallest things can get their attention. Put the phone away when you’re walking (or even sitting in a park) and start observing the world around you. If you’re a creative person and use creativity in your day-to-day life this should be standard daily behavior. Stop short at going up and sniffing people though; that may not end in a good way.
- Chase things.No, I’m not talking about cars (apart from a taxi in New York at shift changeover, then it’s a must). I’m talking about chasing what you want, you need to pursue your goal, ambitions and even fun, none of it will come to you, you need to go after them with a bit of gusto, and be excited about it. But try not to have your tongue hanging out as you do it; that will look kind of odd.
- Enjoy the ride.You don’t always need a destination to enjoy a drive somewhere. Take a look at those car-loving dogs that stick their heads out of the window, wind in their face, tongue sometimes flapping to the side. They have no idea where they are going; they are just enjoying the ride. So sometimes, to clear the head, and just for the sheer pleasure of it, go somewhere unexpected, who knows what you’ll see, encounter, or experience along the way and at whatever destination you eventually get to. If you don’t have a car then find someone who does and make a day of it or just hop on a train or a ferry. The important thing is to get out of the space you’re in, even if only for a short time.
- Naps are good.Exhaustion is not only unhealthy; it’s also unproductive. If you need a break, take a break, re-energize, and then get back to what you’re doing. Dogs are the kings of naps, and when they wake up they seem to have more energy than the Energizer bunny, so it seems to work for them.
- Meet new people with an open mind.You never know who you may shake hands with one day, or who you may meet at a social event, or even who is sitting next to you at a bar while you’re waiting for a friend to arrive. Always be happy to meet someone new, there could be a business connection there, or they may simply impart some knowledge that could be valuable, better still they may even have some good jokes to make you smile at the end of a tough day. Happy dogs run up to strangers with an open mind and greet them without judgment, they may never have seen that person before but they act like they are their new best friends.
- Play.If what you’re doing involves no fun whatsoever, then why do it? We’re all here for a short time, not a long time. It comes down to ‘Do what you love, and love what you do’. Add some element of play into your day, do something that makes you smile. And don’t sit in front of a computer or any other screen and play games, get outside, hit the park, kick and chase a ball around, or even throw a Frisbee…but don’t try and catch it in your mouth unless you have great dental insurance.
- Enjoy your food.Eat well, and savor it. Sometimes do it with friends. But don’t sit down to eat with a cell phone, a laptop, tablet or television as a companion, instead enjoy the moment. The world will not come to an abrupt halt because you sat down to have a meal. When you watch a dog eat it is just himself/herself, the bowl, and the food, other distractions, even a favorite ball or chew toy, all get put aside.
- Loyalty is invaluable. This relates to your personal life and also in business. True loyalty will always repay you, no matter what. People know when someone is genuine, and they never forget when someone either stood by them when they needed it, or stood up for them when they were up against something big. Dogs are the most loyal of companions and best friends, they have proven it throughout history, we could all learn from this.
- Make stuff happen.Dogs don’t have a daily agenda, or a to do list, they just launch into the day and go for it, if the unexpected good thing pops up (such as a squirrel), then that’s a bonus. The same can be said for making too many plans, and thinking things through far too much. I used to be one of those people, I would obsessively plan things out, but of late I have seen the value of just jumping in and doing something without an abundance of preparation. I’m not talking about doing something blindly, but just don’t over think it.
- Go sit in a park.As anyone who knows me can attest, I am committed to carrying a notebook and pen with me everywhere I go. At times I will simply go to a park and sit there and write. There are few distractions, fresh air, and always something to see. In fact, that’s how this post was written.
That’s it for today; see you tomorrow.
P.S. If you are in New York and would like to attend a small talk I am moderating called ‘Where do ideas come from?’ on September 13 you can see the details here.
Rodd Chant is a Creative Director / Writer / Strategist and a bit more. He also teaches creativity to groups and individuals and makes a mean Thai red curry, or so he says. He also has a penchant for talking in the third person. You can read more of his LinkedIn musings here. You can also find him on Twitter and on Instagram. His official blog can be found here. Or drop him an email –
#inspiration #personaldevelopment #creativity #creativethinking
Creative Director | Copywriter | Author
8yWell said, Ozzy would approve.