Thinking Small to Build Big: The Overlooked Art of Scaling Success from Humble Beginnings
When you see a house, building, or monument you don’t usually think of it in one of its earlier states. For example, a construction project, blueprint, an idea, or, going further back, one of MANY ideas.
The same thing often happens when we look at wildly successful companies – Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, etc. We see them in their “state of success” which often obscures the long, winding journey of small beginnings and trial and error that got them there. Consider Airbnb’s initial business of renting air mattresses!
Only seeing companies in their successful state creates a trap for visionaries and innovators. For most of them, it’s easy to think big (the ultimate company), but very hard to think small (the next prototype). This is especially true for those who love “big ideas” or come from mature organizations where most of their daily life deals with things that are already “at scale.”
Here are some of some things that might happen when we think too big because we can’t think small enough:
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The following quote from Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn ) is a great summary and challenge if you're innovating: “if you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”
Scaled 3 of my own businesses to $1M+, now I’m helping other online entrepreneurs to do the same and sharing what works on social media...
8moSometimes, taking small, focused steps can lead to significant growth in the long run. What small steps have you found effective in driving growth in your business?