Time for a Correction:
The pendulum has swung too far the other way and it's time it came back.
We’ve been told we lived on the only planet with life so we’re lucky.
We’ve been told we live in America so we’re lucky.
We’ve been told we’re white so we’re lucky.
We’ve been told we have a job so we’re lucky.
We’ve been told we’re healthy so we’re lucky.
We’ve been told we’re conservative so we’re lucky.
We’ve been told we’re Christian so we’re lucky.
We’ve been told we’re not a criminal so we’re lucky.
If we’re so lucky, why has the mainstream media become our enemy? Because we’re lucky? They report so many things against:
Us as humans, saying we’re destroying our planet.
America: They praise the NFL and any flag burners for not standing for the flag.
Racial bigotry: White on white or black on black rarely makes the news but white on black is top news.
People with money: Criticized for not giving enough to illegals and those who won’t work while our veterans get worse pay, health care and respect.
Impoverished states: They promote changing voting districts giving their politicians an advantage.
Being healthy: Big is beautiful and now acceptable and praised by the media.
Promote liberals and disdain conservatives: Their own prejudice.
The family unit: They praise homosexuals for coming out of the closet but never one becoming a heterosexual… yes, it happens.
Anti-religion: Though millions do good deeds every day in the name of their God and religion, the media will only report the religionists who do something bad.
Anti-good people: They fight for the rights of criminals and how good they should be treated but never press for the rights of their victims.
Freedom of the press was meant to keep the government from stipulating what they can report about the government, their corruption and their abuse of power. It was never meant to allow them to manipulate morals, ethics, choose the political order, and sway opinion. They were not meant to define “political correctness”, promote their own agenda or the meaning of the 2nd amendment, or deceiving others into worshiping their own religion (mother earth).
The press tends to follow the eccentricities of classic sociopaths in that they blame others of what they are guilty of. They tell us we don’t care because we want illegals out of America but what care do they show for legal Americans? They want guns banned because they kill people but why not ban the press because they give the insane people the ideas on how to use their guns and bombs where they will do the most damage? They will put on their front page, for all to see, the mistake of an individual, destroying their life and that of their family. However, when it is found they made a mistake and the person was innocent, they print a small retraction hidden somewhere in the back. There are many other examples we could share, but what is truly sad about the hypocrisy of the press is, they make a lot of money off their irresponsible reporting and manipulation of the truth and nobody is scrutinizing them or holding them accountable for all the evil and corruption their reporting emboldens.
The press wants limitations on the 2nd amendment… maybe it’s time we put limitations on the 1st amendment. Remember, the Bill of Rights was established to protect us, the people, from our government. They were not established to allow the liberal free use of debauchery, crimes against humanity, depravity, manipulation, corruption, lies and moral ineptitude to rule the character of our nation. The immoral and unethical press does not represent America or Americans. They are part of the entertainment industry including movies, music, sports, comedy and all other forms of entertainment representing the moral decay of America. Is that to say all forms of entertainment are corruptible, base and damaging to America? Of course not, but you have to seek deep to find that which is pure, classy, moral, dignified and something making one proud to be an American. They are trying so hard to say the Russians are manipulating our voting but maybe the Russians are manipulating our news. Hmmm, they dropped the reporting on Hillary and Obama giving the Russians 20% of our Uranium but won’t stop trying to show some collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. Maybe the Russians are in charge of our news agencies? Will they investigate? No because they have an agenda and cannot fulfill their manipulation of the people if they report that which will help the people most.
They will tell you themselves, ‘If you don’t like the news, change the channel.’ Figuring people won’t because they love the cesspool of society more than the good natured heroism fought for in the typical day and life of a real American. Why do we allow the disheveled morals of the entertainment world into our homes, babysitting our youth, corrupting our families and injecting unscrupulous and base thoughts into our minds causing the weak to believe they lack, or the idea that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? What isn’t taught is the reason it is greener; because of all the manure (b.s.) that fills the other field. The day will come when people will learn to step away from the entertainment industry and all the foul lunacy and depraved or reprehensible messages they implant in our families dividing us instead of bringing us closer together. Divorce rates have doubled since my youth and people hardly know their neighbors anymore. Kids are unhealthy, disrespectful and lazy because their trainers are now the entertainers of our time instead of the sages and moral aptitude that once ruled society. We must realize the weakening of America and decay of society evolved in direct correlation with the entertainment’s growth to a position of power. People have become more enthralled with being entertained rather than increasing knowledge and skills, and following honorable endeavors. It is a drug every bit as habit forming and dangerous as cocaine. It destroys rather than uplifts. It indoctrinates rather than educates. It corrupts more than enhances. We used to watch our children increase in knowledge and wisdom while reading books. Now we watch as their brains melt out their ears in a puddle of pus. You can actually see them grow stupid as their eyes stay glued to the mind numbing ‘entertainment’ filling their malleable minds.
The proverbial wisest man who ever lived said, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). Since we have given up the training of our children to the entertainment industry; what is the direction the entertainment world is teaching our children to go that they will not depart from when they are old? Stop trying to keep up with the Jones’ and break the hold they have on your children. Become families once again and teach them correct principles that will help them become someone they can be proud of; that care more about people than the material things of the world.
By Scott Taylor