Time not timing - What happens when you miss the best days in the market?
We were in 2014 and for the first time I wrote about this topic. Today it's maybe a good "momentum" to think about wrong investment reactions during an uncertain time, when markets are volatile.
I frequently hear that question: why should I stay invested during this bad period, when the stock markets are plunging?" and some investors are telling me: "I'll wait for a better period to invest again!" In this article I'll try to enlighten you about another point of view, let's say less intuitive, based on figures.
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NB : Why did I took the picture of a Bear? Because, for investors, typically bear markets are associated with declines in an overall market.
Disclaimer : This article is not an investment advice. Past performance does not guarantee future results. You should not rely on any past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance. Unit values and investment returns will fluctuate. Investors are cautioned that data based on less than five years’ experience may not be sufficient to establish a track record on which investment decisions can be based.