TIPS R&D as a Foreign Founder in Korea?

TIPS R&D as a Foreign Founder in Korea?

There’s a common rumor that foreigners can’t get TIPS in Korea. I’m here to tell you that’s just a myth! I’ve done it, and so can you. 🌟

My mission is now to share my experience with other foreign founders so that eventually the Global Startup Community grows, meaning we can bring in more global talents and create a Truly Global Korea!

What is TIPS?

TIPS (Tech Incubator Program for Startups) is a Korean government program that supports promising startups with funding, mentoring, and other resources for R&D!

Myth-Busting: Foreigners Can Apply!

As a foreign entrepreneur, I’ve proven that TIPS is accessible to us too. It’s time for more global entrepreneurs in Korea to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

Understanding TIPS R&D


Everything starts with an Investor/Accelerator who has invested (or will invest) at least 100M KRW into your startup and who is an official TIPS Operator. The program will then provide funding for up to an additional 900M KRW per startup for up to three years.

900M KRW Divided into:

  • R&D Funding: 500M KRW
  • Additional Programs: Startup Commercialization Fund: 100M KRW / Angel Matching Fund: 200M KRW / Overseas Marketing: 100M KRW

In addition, you can apply for office space at TIPS Town in Gangnam.

There are two tracks: TIPS R&D and DeepTech TIPS R&D. I am covering the standard program (DeepTech R&D has 36 months of support with 1.5B KRW support).

25% of your funds have to be invested (in 2024). Most of this is usually covered by the investment received from the Investor.

25% Of your funds have to be invested (in 2024)

Most of this is usually covered by the investment received from the Investor.

TIPS Official Announcement for 2024 / 24 Support for TIPS R&D / 36 for Deep Tech
We had 20% contribution in 2023. So based on our example ( Blue = Total amount provided by TIPS R&D | Orange = Startup contribution, In total 12,500,000KRW in cash transferred to a TIPS account and 112,500,000KRW covered with your spendings )

1. Find a TIPS Accelerator!

2. Prepare your Deck / Business Plan!

Forget what you have learned from Guy Kawaski! TIPS has different rules! I would call them: 50 Slides! 1 Excerpt per Slide! 20-Minute Pitch! 20-Minute Q&A! 20 Point Font size and a lot of Graphs!

Each Year TIPS publishes an official template .

It's not a fancy one! 😅 So don't forget to design it yourself... and yes, I have been told that design matters.

There will be several slides with tables for goals, roadmaps, etc. You must exactly follow those templates!


  1. Print out Design to see if there any problems .... since the judges most likely have a paper copy in front of them.
  2. Use Graphs to show your Business Potential! Who doesn't love them 😅?
  3. Summary on each page. Each page should be summarized in 1 paragraph.
  4. Storytelling! Imagine someone reads just over all your summaries, it should tell a story!
  5. Make sure you cover the Business part with slides! What have you done so far / What is your track record? How big is the Market! What is the problem? How big is the problem? Market Opportunity! The new Solution that you will Research on!
  6. ...and Technical part of how do you build the solution!
  7. ... Standardization & Expansion Strategy as well Co-Founder Intro Slides and your Team & Advisors and why you are qualified for it!
  8. ... Roadmap & Goal will be mandatory slides as mentioned above in form of a table. Goals MUST be measurable with Metrics! Don't go for Subjective Goals e.g "Customer Survey"

Some examples:

Table of contents

3. Budget Plan

One of the templates will be another PPT File ( at least in our case ) where you need to fill in the Budget. Its incredible uncomfortable since there are no Formular!

My recommendation is to create your own Excel Budget Planner since you will need to adjust that several times.

  1. Copy paste all the tables from PPT to Excel
  2. Do the Calculation in there, create your Formulars and copy paste them at the end Back to the PPT.

4. Submit your Application

You need to fill out several documents in addition to the Business Plan. One crucial document is a Budget Plan that includes each of your Researchers and Supporting Staff, along with their Work History and Achievements.

All of this information must also be entered online on the official R&D platform: IRIS.

No worries, they provide a manual for the Platform, with all the Templates that you download at the beginning.

Tip: Make sure to put in the data already 2-3 days before the Application Deadline so you have enough time for problems.

After the application you might get some emails from the TIPS Association with requests for changes or additional documents that you need to send via email or upload on the platform.

5. Get accepted to Presentation Stage

Be ready to pitch your startup to the TIPS committee! Several judges will listen to your pitch and have a 20-minute Q&A session. Be prepared for tough questions!

Typically, the Investor will cover the full presentation or most of it, but this may vary depending on the Investor.

For us, I was incredibly blessed to have support, but we decided that presenting half of it in Korean would add confidence in my capability to do business in Korea.

Since it was my first Korean presentation, I hired a Korean tutor for one month who helped, advised, and revised my speech daily for one hour to get me ready for the pitch.

6. Accepted, Declined, Retry Presentation, Selection Candidate

Three weeks after the presentation, you will receive word that you are either accepted, are a selection candidate, declined or get another chance for a second presentation.

For us, we were initially a selection candidate, so it took another 2-3 weeks to get the final word that we were accepted! 🎊

7. Start your Research! Administrative part and so on!

After acceptance, most certainly you have received feedback from the committee to adjust some parts of the budgets and plan.

Operating TIPS on a monthly basis involves quite a bit of administrative work, which is a topic for another time, BUT it is worth it!

Junwoo(Jongkak) Park

TIPS program manager & Startup Accelerator


Congraturations! And thanks for introducing TIPS :) Global entrepreneurs are always welcomed to the TIPS Program!

Jay Kim

Impact Investor(Startup Accelerator) in Seoul | TIPS R&D Fund | Helping mission-driven startups scale globally and accelerate positive impact in the world


Thanks for sharing this and for mentioning me! This is gold. :) I look forward to seeing more international founders benefit from the TIPS program.

Max Wiersma

Founder @ Groon | Ex-Palantir


Super useful info, thank you for sharing with us!

Jason Boutte

Hoping to make tangible impact in my industry


Dominik Danninger you are the man bro! Keep inspiring us! This is a great article as well!

amazing article with great information thank you Dom for sharing your knowledge with everybody ~

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