Tips for Virtual Interviewing with URBN
Out with the old and in with the new! By new, we mean the new normal of virtual interviews instead of in-person meetings. Most likely, if you are interviewing for a new role today, you will have some type of video call with a recruiter or hiring manager as one of the first steps in your interviewing process. We know this can be different and sometimes a bit awkward for many people, so we put together some tips and tricks that might help you throughout the way. See below for some of our helpful steps to having a successful video interview experience.
Speak slowly and look directly into the camera. You want to make sure the interviewer can clearly hear what you are saying and for this to feel like a conversation. Try to look directly into your camera for “direct eye contact”.
Dress for the interview. For URBN, this might mean showing off your personal style. For others, it could mean pulling out your business casual or business suit or dress. Whatever it means for you, be sure to dress appropriately. Don’t be afraid to ask the recruiter what the dress code is and what they would recommend.
Put consideration into where you are taking the interview. Choose a quiet space with little distractions and background noises.
Do a practice run. Ask a family member, friend, or mentor to do a dry run with you! Practice makes perfect, and this would be a great way for you to get all your jitters out.
Understand the platform you are using and how to screen share. This is a great way to be able to walk through your online portfolio, your project, blog, etc. When screen sharing, be sure to share only what is relevant to the role you are interviewing for. Feel free to use the chat option as well, this is a great way to send your interviewers links so they can have them as well. Have your work pulled up and ready to go prior to the start of your interview.
Be yourself! Smile, have fun, be engaging, and ask questions.
Have questions prepared. Have several questions ready to go! Generally, the interviewer will leave time at the end for questions, take advantage of that to WOW your interviewer with your curiosity and knowledge. Ask about challenges within the role, successes, how they see the company growing, etc.
Don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat themselves. If the connection becomes unstable, let your interviewer know. You want to make sure you are hearing them correctly and able to answer their question successfully.
Don’t be late! Have everything prepared, pulled up, and ready to go about 10 minutes early. Do a Wi-Fi and connect check as well.
Don’t forget to follow up and send a thank you. Try to make these tailored to the person you spoke with and your conversation with them. Pull details from your conversation into the thank you email to make it more personalized.
Good luck and have a great interview!