TMD: Unforgiving beauty
What’s up Kaizenovators, happy Tuesday Two Minute Drill. Today I come to you from Land’s End in Homer, Alaska. This place is both beautiful and also unforgiving. It made me think a little bit about how that’s kind of a metaphor for life. Life can be #beautiful but life can also be a bit #unforgiving. When dealing with life’s challenges, how do we also not let go of what’s beautiful around us? that’s what I have been thinking about this week.
Unforgiving beauty
I’ll give you guys an update on Hana. Thank God she had clean margins around the excision of her tumor. Last week, however; we did find out that she has the most aggressive form of #cancer and therefore she is now getting chemotherapy.
How do I make sure that this unforgiving circumstance that came into our lives doesn’t adversely affect my ability to see #beauty? I’m not talking about just the beauty here but I’m talking about all the beauty around me in my life the people that I work with, my friends, my family, my loved ones, and my other puppy deputy. Just remembering that I’ve got a lot of beauty around me.
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How do I not just stick these feelings into a tiny little box? These feelings of despair, hopelessness, frustration, and curiosity, why is this even happening? Stick it in a tiny little box and just move on. However, my goal, and what I want to share with you guys today is I’m going to work hard on exploring these feelings.
I’m going to #meditate, #pray, #journal, and all the combinations of the above to make sure that I figure out exactly how I’m feeling about this situation so that I can manage these emotions effectively and productively so that I can work and take action to support Hana’s recovery and just stay positive.
Going there with my feelings and appreciating the other elements of beauty around me in my life when unforgiving moments happen is this week’s Two Minute Drill message.
I hope you guys have a great week and I’ll talk to you all next week.
I am also happy to share with you the @modernchiropracticmarketing Podcast link with Dr. Kevin Christie. I was the guest of last week's episode and I shared with you the 5 keys for patient adherence. Click here to listen to the full episode.