Today is my rebirth-day
Want to know something Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and I all have in common?
We all attempted the Hoffman Process, described by some as the world’s toughest therapy retreat.
Justin Bieber left after a few days.
Katy Perry loved it.
It was the most life-changing experience I have ever gone through.
Fatherhood is a close second but nothing comes close to the cathartic release of deep stress, fear, suppressed emotion and the feeling of love and freedom that I experienced that week.
I cried more in one week than I had in my prior 37 years.
I attended the Hoffman Process out in California 5 years ago to this week.
In fact, today is my rebirth-day.
I can’t believe I just wrote that down but it’s true.
I have an annual reminder in my calendar that says “Huw’s Re-birthday”. And I celebrate it - usually privately - every year.
Reflecting back on what has transpired over the past 5 years I am in awe and overwhelmed with appreciation.
Back in 2018 I was really struggling.
While I was leading my own company, living with flexibility and autonomy, no longer in the corporate rat race I was dealing with the stress of launching a new startup, dealing with my newfound sobriety and trying to hide and paper over the deep cracks in my marriage.
I was also being an asshole.
I would criticize and snap at people on my team at work and at my wife at home.
I was constantly oscillating from a place of low-level unease to outright fear, worry or dread.
I was blaming my spouse for our failing marriage and not taking responsibility for my part.
I had also lost my way - I was looking outside myself for guidance. I did not trust my intuition. And I did not feel myself.
I felt alone even when sitting in a room with people I loved.
Bottom line: I couldn’t just ‘be’.
A turning point for me was reading Brene Brown’s ‘Daring Greatly’ on a family vacation which moved me so much that on a whim I signed up for the Hoffman Process.
I had heard about it a couple of years prior but had procrastinated out of fear and worry about what other people would think or say.
When I returned I shared my decision with my company. You can see a screenshot of the email I sent below:
I arrived in California to start the program full of apprehension: would the process work? Who am I to take a week off to do this? I am so selfish. What might I find out about myself locked up in banished memories in the past? Am I really broken and unfixable?
Seven days later I was reborn.
I had shed layers of my ego and reconnected with my self.
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I had explored my negative patterns of behavior that I had been acting out on auto-pilot since childhood.
I had expressed 37 years of emotions suppressed under smiles and attempts to be happy and finally tuned into my body, intellect and emotional self.
I experienced compassion and forgiveness for my parents and for my self. They did the best they could do based on their childhoods, as did their parents, and their parents before. Everyone is guilty, no one is to blame.
I learnt tools and practices to recycle my negative patterns and start to create new neural pathways in the brain to respond to life’s situations in a more authentic and loving manner. It takes time and practice to turn these new tracks into the default responses but I had started and had the tools to continue to develop these new more authentic behaviors.
And more than anything else I re-discovered my spiritual self.
For so long I had looked outward, associating with the external, the ego and identifying as a human being.
How wrong I was.
We are not human be-ings.
We are spiritual be-ings having a human experience.
That week I learnt to love my self.
I learnt to hear and trust the calm and loving voice inside which some call gut instinct, or intuition, or God.
I left that week at Hoffman not only re-connected with my self, but having connected with new friends on a purely spiritual, authentic, emotional level. Not knowing their surnames, their occupations, their social status, their material wealth, their political affiliations or their religions. Simply loving spiritual beings re-experiencing the beauty of life and the highs and lows of the human experience.
One of the capstone moments of Hoffman is a personal affirmation to take with you back home and onwards in your life journey. Mine is as follows:
I vow to love myself and listen to my heart.
In the months following I chose to leave my marriage. Our journey together had run its course and I was able to be grateful for the experience, the memories and the life lessons.
With my new practices and tools I was able to deal with what life threw at me over the following weeks and years. Just because I had gone through this didn’t mean adversity evaporated - rather I was simply better able to weather the storms.
Storms that included an overdoes of a close loved one that led them to rehab and ultimately sobriety and a new life. The growth and failure of a startup with the joys of hiring and inspiring and the pain and shame of layoffs and failure. Financial windfalls and losses as a result of some sensible and not so sensible investments.
And these metaphorical deaths have led to two new births.
Firstly the attraction of my spiritual match, now wife, and being blessed with the birth of our first child. A perfect soul entering the human experience without baggage or fear or concern.
Secondly, the birth of a new business. When I left Hoffman in 2018 I knew I had something bigger and more personal to share. To truly use my unique, loving and appreciating self to serve others. Rory Vaden says “you are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were”. And I felt the calling to help people like me - driven by external success and accolades, looking to others for guidance and approval, believing there has to be more to career and life. It is an honor that I ‘get’ to do this now every day in my coaching practice. I am grateful to all my clients who have entrusted me to help guide them on their journey to connect with their inner guidance so they can lead themselves to a more purposeful career and life.
To conclude, I am so grateful to Nita and my other Hoffman teachers pictured below. You are amazing, inspiring and loving. You are impacting lives so profoundly with your work. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world.
Finally, I am so grateful to Erik Jon Larson for first introducing me to Hoffman and to the amazing loving Hoffman community of teachers, leaders, volunteers, students and graduates.
I see you and I love you.
PS. If this story resonates and you are curious to learn more feel free to message me. I don’t get commission or compensation for referrals - I simply believe it’s the best gift you could ever give yourself.
If you are in a dark place right now have hope. This darkness is not a dead end, it’s a hallway. Keep going. The Hoffman Process might be the action that leads you out into the light.
NED / Board Advisor / CFO / Healthcare / BioTech / Life Sciences
1yThank you for posting Huw. We in the business world could do with being more open and forthright about the challenges and hard times we all go through personally, their impact on us as individuals and on those around us at home and at work. I cannot comment about Hoffman but anything that has this kind of result is a welcome addition to our common dialogue. For me it is meditation, which I discovered in ernest only a few months go and has already had a profound impact. Please keep spreading the word and shaking this up so more people can find their own path to "being", to leading a more meaningful life, and to making a real difference in the world.
Author @ | Author, Speaker, Coach
1yHave always been intrigued by this process. . . Bucket list item, for sure...... . Happy re-birth day, Huw!
Content creator, Copywriter, and SEO Strategist
1yThanks for this powerful testimony! Happy re-birthday
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1yAn amazing story Huw Edwards. Congratulations with what you have achieved. Well done.
Ex Microsoft- MBA Finance student -Lets connect!
1yLove this huw.