Todays Update: Clarity helps success!
Today’s Notable Updates: In continuing to help swim through all of the complex and conflicting information that is swirling around, I’d like to continue offering more clarification in the midst of the confusion (Again, please verify all information that is shared with you by anyone before you re-share).
1. It is time that we double down and be very conscious and intention to those that are considered most vulnerable during this time. Although still early and progressing, the data is now starting to speak very loudly. WE MUST protect our healthcare workers and older residents, especially all those with pre-existing conditions. The youth are the spreaders of this virus as they appear to be fueled with false confidence and invulnerability complexes. They need to stop what they are doing and sit out with the world. The faster they comply, the faster this all gets over and IT WILL BE OVER.
2. There is a press conference at 4:30pm est to announce a bi-partisan agreement on a $2t (yup, still trillion!) stimulus plan. Tune in and see how it impacts you and your family. Take the opportunity to pass knowledge to those that may not have the ability to view.
3. The internet speed: AT&T CEO and Chairman Randall Stephenson explains how broadband and internet traffic is changing as more people are working from home amid the coronavirus outbreak. Mobile traffic has increased by 40% and, WIFI call volume has increased by 100%. There has been signs of stress, which is when we experience a slower than usual speed, and they’ve been going out and performing various network augmentation of networks to reduce the stress.
4. Defense Production Act: Yesterday we explained what it was and today we will check the status. As Trump is getting bombarded with multiple requests to invoke this act, the manufacturers (who would be delivering the services) are pleading with him not to invoke the act as they would prefer to volunteer instead of being forced. It seems that they’ve got a significant amount of these companies volunteering.
Many opposing forces in government that are blaming and ridiculing clearly do not understand what this act is:
“Specifically, the DPA allows the federal government to skip the line, so to speak, when it makes requests of private industries. But Trump can’t just go to a company and say “produce this.” He delegates those requests to federal agencies, and the one that does the vast majority of the ordering is the Defense Department.
The president would authorize DoD to place an order with a company — say, for a lot of respirators — and then the Pentagon would go to that company and ask it to produce those respirators. That company would then have to fulfill that order first before it could fill any other commercial orders, since the federal government gets priority.”
5. All testing has been cancelled until further notice: SAT, ACT, State assessment exams. Sounds like a GREAT opportunity to continue studying to increase the probability of higher grades!
6. States are being forced to compete with other states for medical supplies. During this, companies are starting to price gouge (masks for .85 are selling for $7.00, ventilators for $16k are selling for $30k). They are jacking prices up to states that need these badly. I’m sure those companies are not going to do so well once the dust settles with all of this, and it will!
7. Data:
- In Italy 651 people passed away in the last 24 hours, 98% were aged 80+ with at least one pre-existing condition. 5k health care workers have tested positive. This tells a story.
- CA, WA, NY combined represent 75% of all coronavirus cases
8. I would like to see the chart on all 3: those that have colds, the flu and coronavirus because it appears, as data continues to evolve, that the cold and flu are non-discriminant, but the coronavirus can only impact weaker immune systems. If this is true, then that is a significant piece of information that will help people shift their perspectives in many helpful ways.
9. Tokyo Olympics still not cancelled?!?! The Japanese government just said, “postponing the Olympics is not currently being discussed.”
10. Slowing: China has reported 0 new cases. Manufacturers are back in production mode. The newest Starbucks has just opened in Wuhan, China. South Korea is getting much closer to flattening the curve. Spain and Italy feel that there is a slowing that has just begun, which is such a relief based on the news stories.
Which countries are flattening the curve? (really great chart)
11. Faster testing results: new diagnostic test for the novel coronavirus will return results in just 45 minutes, four times faster than existing machines. Cepheid, of Silicon Valley, is a unit of Danaher, the Washington, D.C.-based medical conglomerate. The test will begin shipping by the end of the week.
Let’s all work together to start to slow down the trend, stabilize and then ever watch all the numbers start to drop. Relaxing measures pre-maturely would mean starting over and WE DON’T DO THAT!
Be safe. Be well.
This too shall pass.
What are you grateful for right now?