Tools that made me happy in `24
A short list of the "new" tech I used last year that made me very happy. In #DevEx tradition, these are about Dev environments and non-Dev but work related tools.
While I might be accused of being over zealous of new technologies I wanna break form for the new year. (no old man shaking his hands at clouds in this post)
To be clear while you need to evaluate the tradeoffs between adopting tools but you should always be thinking about how your tools help today and in 5 years. So we are looking at longevity of the community around a tool your likelyhood to still wanna use this tool in 5 years. At the least, does this tool provide value even if the software part goes away, is the artifacts it creates valuable?
I am going to strongly recommend Nix later. I would warn you to take your time adopting it. I have all in on nix flakes but that is a completely experimental feature right now. Nix has a lot of changes happening to it and its so general the use cases can become confusing. There is nearly no documentation to help you and don't bother asking ChatGPT cause it can only guess. If you are still interested after all that keep it on your side projects for a while and allow it to settle. There are places where we can introduce nix into our production work but you need have felt those sharp edges first.
Marketed as "privacy first" but what made me happy was how it lets my join my notes. Its just a bullet list that allows for lists to be linked into a graph. What this means, I have a daily journal and as I work on project designs or IC tickets I [[Tag them]] in my journal with a note. Then go update the related page with focused content here is an example of what this looks like.
There is a lot in here so its worth exploring like:
Journal Looks like this
Tagged Blog Page
Tools page (Note the linked References)
So its easy to make those links and generate pages but why? I have a terrible memory, ADHD, and I meet with a lot of stake holders through the day. I like to think of this as mind mapping without the Map part. At its core we start our day as a stream of activity. Then we add events. Some of those events happen every day or intermittently. The intermittent ones are the hard ones. Doing this kind of linking lets me pick a topic and see which days I interacted with it. Then what else I did that day which is often tangential.
Nix (Flakes)
I have this sometimes violent opinion that
If that doesn't mean anything to you then consider yourself lucky. I work across multiple languages, OS's and dependencies all the time. If you are a Ruby Dev I might invoke the challenges of ImageMagick and Homebrew. I am not throwing shade on either of those amazing tools. Just the nature of compiled extensions in ruby gems related to them. I have a trauma related to those in particular which have caused me, early in my career, a huge waste of time.
The result of this is I have been chasing the ability to keep all my OS and language dependencies completely isolated. My list of failures is long:
Some of those might not be common but what I landed on with some heavy lifting was Nix. While I was introduced to this tool as a way to produce CI artifacts that were repeatable I have found its more useful to me as a way to establish complete development environments built into my projects.
Here is a complex example
description = "My Kafka Flake";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs }:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.pkgs;
kafka = pkgs.apacheKafka;
ruby = pkgs.ruby_3_2;
buf = pkgs.buf;
protoc = pkgs.protobuf;
in {
defaultPackage.x86_64-linux = kafka;
devShells.x86_64-linux.default = pkgs.mkShell {
name = "My-project build environment";
buildInputs = [
We setup a Linux x86-64 ENV that makes allocates, kafka, ruby, buf, and protoc binaries and injects them into my shell by mangling the $PATH often. This is a sub-shell that doesn't pollute the rest of my system or other projects. If that didn't blow your mind just wait.
description = " Env";
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs }:
supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" ];
forEachSupportedSystem = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems (system: f {
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
devShells = forEachSupportedSystem ({ pkgs }: {
default = pkgs.mkShell {
packages = with pkgs; [ zola ];
Here is my blog and it only side-loads a binary Zola, which is a static site builder. Whats notable here is this addresses both Linux and MacOS OS's so as a I switch between machines I am guaranteed the same version of Zola because nix keeps a lockfile for the version I started with. Now my Dev environment is reproducible if I need to reset my dependencies and its reproduce-able across operating systems and computers. Imaging at work joining a project that needs to support x86-64 for a deployment env but also a aarch64 for your Devs (Don't get me started why this is insane...). This is something that we can define, codify, and even integration test over time given we have some runners of that arch lying around.
The next tool that brought me joy makes the fact that I can control my ENV into something that is now automatic.
While you can do a lot with Direnv as it allows you to execute an ENV as your shell enters a directory. I use it to invoke my nix flake based shell ENV on directory load.
This is what the workflow becomes
direnv: loading ~/repos/
direnv: using flake
direnv: export +AR +AS +CC +CONFIG_SHELL +CXX +HOST_PATH +IN_NIX_SHELL +LD +NIX_BINTOOLS +NIX_BINTOOLS_WRAPPER_TARGET_HOST_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu +NIX_BUILD_CORES +NIX_BUILD_TOP +NIX_CC +NIX_CC_WRAPPER_TARGET_HOST_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu +NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE +NIX_ENFORCE_NO_NATIVE +NIX_HARDENING_ENABLE +NIX_LDFLAGS +NIX_STORE +NM +OBJCOPY +OBJDUMP +RANLIB +READELF +SIZE +SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH +STRINGS +STRIP +TEMP +TEMPDIR +TMP +TMPDIR +__structuredAttrs +buildInputs +buildPhase +builder +cmakeFlags +configureFlags +depsBuildBuild +depsBuildBuildPropagated +depsBuildTarget +depsBuildTargetPropagated +depsHostHost +depsHostHostPropagated +depsTargetTarget +depsTargetTargetPropagated +doCheck +doInstallCheck +dontAddDisableDepTrack +mesonFlags +name +nativeBuildInputs +out +outputs +patches +phases +preferLocalBuild +propagatedBuildInputs +propagatedNativeBuildInputs +shell +shellHook +stdenv +strictDeps +system ~PATH ~XDG_DATA_DIR
3. `zola serve`
That might look like a lot of garbage and honestly I ignore all of it unless there is an error but its informing me that my ENV is ready and I don't have to manage Zola or anything else I defined. This could be the first time I pulled the repository or the 100th time I entered here. Its always gunna be the same and I just have to wait for the computer to do its job. The expectation is over time I will forget how this project works and my computer will not. If I ever need a reminder though there is a code that says how its supposed to work.
Success with ADHD is closing loops :)
I have been using Go as my primary project language for all of `24 and I GoLand played a major part in getting this working for me. Its an excellent IDE and moving from strictly CLI go development, which is great, this gave me the feedback I needed to get smart fast with Go. Such that I could do this year completely in Go. It made me happy!
So earlier I mentioned rbenv and sdkman... This is kinda about replacing that but not. There is a competitor to this called RTX which was renamed to Mise-en-place which is french for "everything in its place". So wonderful clever name but its harder to spell so I am still on the fence. It does add a lot of package.json influenced task definition stuff. So the tools I have cobbled together with nix and direnv and asdf and I wanted a smaller feature set for that it might be a good choice for you. I am over invested in what I got at this point.
At its core ASDF lets you defined a set of tools, most CLI binaries and their versions that I want linked to a project.
I see it having two roles:
So when I start collecting new language runtimes they find their way into my ~/.tool-versions
nodejs 18.14.2
ruby 3.0.2
kotlin 1.8.10
java openjdk-11.0.2
crystal 1.7.3
awscli 2.11.8
erlang 25.3
rebar 3.20.0
unison 0.5.19
kubectl 1.32.0
That's it, kinda looks like a ruby-version file. You will see a mix of tools though. Some being runtimes like nodejs and others like kubectl and awscli. Ever have the need for one project to use a different version of a cli tool, cough terraform cough so this lets me have each of those installed side by side and then causally loaded per project. In much the same way direnv loads my flakes when I enter my projects directory this adapts my path via shim based on whats in my .tool-versions file. You might notice a pattern, codify the deps and also remind my future self what was needed.
There is some overlap
Its `25 now and I am starting to move away from ASDF and go whole hog into nix. Using nix profile as my replacement. I'll admit working with nix is hard and if I had to climb that mountain from the start I might never have adopted nix for anything else. Now we have
Nix Profile
Now lemme provide a warning. If you just want some cli-tool and its not related to any project this is OK. I think ASDF is easier but different strokes for different folks...
This is the evolution of nix-env which seems to have been categorically panned. I think its "OK" your mileage will vary.
Which tries to soften the corners of Nix for devs doing exactly what I am doing. Its an exciting project and its worth exercising it. I am not certain its solving a new problem since I am loaded up in nix now and with Nix Profile its even easier.
Is it worth it
That's about you and how you work. I am a wide worker and touch a lot of varied projects. You might not need these tools if you focus in one space all the time. I do think there is a takeaway for everyone though.
A little hygiene in tracking dependencies and making them repeatable allows a really old project you forgot about to come back to life with much less archeology.
Runners Up
FLOX Needs some time to breath, its going to be part of something great!
RTX I don't know if I want another "one tool to rule them all right now" But it might be right for you so check it out.