Top 4 Best Online Source of Applicants
Recruiting people has never been an easy breeze until internet came and gave birth to many online job portals.
Finding right talents is not as hard as finding dory. All you need is a device, an internet and the best site to pool candidates. Job portals are commonly used by recruiters but the question is, from so many sites which one matches the qualifications and needs of the company? Here are the Top 4 Online Applicant Sources:
1. Jobstreet - The most popular job site in the Philippines. Jobstreet have established and created the biggest pool of candidates from rank and file to top management profiles that makes almost all of the companies here and abroad avail their website services. As of today they have 61,067 local and overseas jobs available and up for grabs. To maximize Jobstreet appropriate title and job description must be posted to attract suited candidates for the openings.
2. Linked In - Best source of professional candidates, Linked In have specialized its feature fit for the professional side. Targeted positions could be searched in this portal. Free search engine for targeted profiles, the higher the followers and connections are the higher the chance to get qualified candidates. Posting in Linked In is cool as posting in Facebook, their interface is almost the same; maybe its the reason why this site clicked.
3. Facebook - The free branding site. Everyone has Facebook and can be accessed to any device. There are a lot of Facebook groups where recruiters can post job advertisement. Theme and material to be used must be catchy and attractive. Viewers are thousands to millions, in just a snap one advertisement could be viral if it captures the attention of Facebook users.
4. Indeed - An American worldwide employment search engine launched in 2004. Indeed have surpassed Monster in terms of volume of registered potential candidates. Posting is for free and for a wider scope of audience for the job advertisement, more or less a fee of $5 is needed. Easy to navigate features and can really bring quality candidates.
Enjoy the fun search of talents and skills using the online channel! What to do next? Create the best Job Advertisement and start posting!