Top 5 Vocal Secrets for Singers That Produce Results for Singers At All Levels

Top 5 Vocal Secrets for Singers That Produce Results for Singers At All Levels

This post helps you get started, but it’s only the beginning. What would it feel like to finally reach your vocal potential and feel an actual transformation in your voice? In my FREE 4-Day Better Voice Challenge you will instantly Sing Better and Sound Better. In these 4 one-hour workshop style sessions you’ll experience a transformative shift to open up and free your voice. You walk through 8 Sequences in my CVM to Unlock your voice, decrease strain, anchor your sound and expand your power and resonance. Each session builds on the other in sequence to open up your voice, restore your natural sound and increase sound with simple and effective methods. Come join me and learn the methods Grammy winners and legends use to transform their voice and keep them performing at their peak! Click here to get access.

The top vocal secrets singers use to enhance their voices are encoded inside the vocal technique you use to sing from. 

The solution is to use a vocal method that is a complete vocal system, that includes all of the biomechanical techniques that build the voice from the foundation and includes all of the features and hallmarks of a world-class voice.

Here are top 5 vocal secrets taught inside the Cole Vocal Method™ to bring singers immediate results. Following these steps inside the method you’ll be singing better than you ever imagined possible. What would it feel like to perform at your peak? 

Secret 1: Vocal Biomechanics

Vocal Biomechanics are the key to improving vocal production and performance. Most techniques do not address the importance of how the voice moves to make sound, but nothing could be more important to vocal sound and production than the movements the instrument makes. 

Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level using the methods of mechanics to improve function.

Vocal biomechanics is the science of understanding how the human voice and body moves the way it does, including when things aren’t flowing optimally or correctly. Learn more about biomechanics and how it applies to training, performance, and injury treatment and prevention.

When it comes to singing think of biomechanics in terms of vocal production, performance and health. Biomechanics helps create everything from optimal vocal function, stripping away over-functioning muscles, improving core function as well as accelerating  injury prevention and rehabilitation techniques.

Try this:  

  • Stand in front of a mirror and sing a scale or a phrase of a song with a bit of volume.
  • Notice any movements in the head, neck or facial muscles.
  • Do you see your chin lifting up as you raise in pitch?
  • Do you see your facial muscles tightening or eyebrows lifting as you sing?
  • Do you see your neck muscles tensing or bulging as you sing?
  • All of these are accessory muscles that interfere with the sound constricting and damping your voice. 
  • This process helps you to identify which muscles are overactive interfering with sound production.
  • Now practice singing without any of those movements. 

The Cole Vocal Method™ is a complete master holistic voice-building system that builds a strong, resonant, resilient and healthy singing voice. The CVM™ addresses the biomechanics of the voice dramatically improving vocal tone and production. Click here to learn more about The Cole Vocal Method™.

Secret 2: Vocal Science 

Vocal Science gives us a window into the core function of the voice to help improve sound and function of the voice. Vocal Science is a holistic approach to vocal development, focusing on alleviating strain on the vocal cords by teaching proper use of the right muscles to support the sound. This method plays a crucial role in voice placement and professional voice/vocal development.

Vocal strain will constrict or limit volume. The more you can train to open up your voice (using my Cole Vocal Method taught in my Vocal Freedom Circle) the more volume and power you will experience in your singing voice. 

Try this:  

I use this technique inside my method that really helps to improve volume. 

  • Put your hand out in front of you with your fingers facing your face.
  • Lift your chest upwards toward your chin to elevate the chest during singing.
  • Sing an “AHHHHH” keeping your chest raised and move the fingers towards you imagining that you are “drinking the sound”. 
  • Let the sound come “towards you” instead of pushing it outward. 
  • Do you notice that the sound comes out a little easier? 
  • This technique is one of the many techniques inside my method that help singers learn how to sing with more volume and sound with less effort. 

The Cole Vocal Method™is based in 40 years of vocal science. Click here to learn more about The Cole Vocal Method™.

Secret 3: The Core Voice

Many other vocal techniques, tips and tricks promise to improve your voice. And while they help, it’s only temporary. Because these methods manipulate the sound of the voice which only adjust the top layers or the surface of the voice. 

When you manipulate sound on the surface, it can be compared to window dressing. It looks good in the window, but the foundation is faulty. It might sound good temporarily, but doesn’t get to the core of the vocal function to improve sound. 

The CVM™ delves deep into the fundamental mechanics of the voice, targeting the root cause of vocal inconsistencies and inefficiencies. By strengthening the core vocal muscles and optimizing vocal mechanics, the CVM™ lays the foundation for enduring vocal excellence. It goes beyond superficial adjustments to cultivate a truly resilient and versatile voice.

The Cole Vocal Method™ works by first stripping away the compensatory muscles that “compensate” for the lack of strength in the core muscles of the voice and strengthens the core vocal instrument improving all aspects of vocal production.

Try this: 

  • Gently hold your jaw down about 1.5 inches. 
  • Keep the tip of the tongue glued to the inside of your lower lip.
  • Say KAH without closing your mouth or letting the tongue pull back in. 
  • To help, focus on lifting the back of your tongue to say the KAH instead of closing your mouth. 
  • Repeat until you can do it. 
  • This is the beginning of stripping away the compensatory muscles providing access to the core muscles upon which to build the core mechanics of the voice.

As you continue to work the method and strip away the “compensatory” muscles you begin to develop the biomechanical core instrument with a series of positions and exercises designed to open, strengthen and free the physical voice. Like an Olympic coach improves the performance of an athlete, The Cole Vocal Method™, through an innovative physical system of exercises, methods and positions, dramatically improves the voice and vocal performance.

Click here to get started doing these movements inside The Cole Vocal Method™.

Secret 4: Holistic Methodology

Holism is the philosophical position that systems should be analyzed as wholes, not just as collections of parts.

The Cole Vocal Method™ is holistic in it’s approach addressing the whole singer in these four aspects: the physical voice, emotions, and the mind and spirit of the singer. We pull from a variety of bodywork and holistic approaches to help bring the singer into balance, reduce tension, improve alignment and create healthier vocal production.

The Cole Vocal Method™ is holistic in it’s approach addressing the whole person in these four aspects: the physical voice, emotions, and the mind and spirit of the singer. Click here to learn more about The Cole Vocal Method™.

Secret 5: Vocal Health 

Vocal health is an extremely important element in great singing. Singing is an athletic event. Singers are athletes of the voice and breathing. The impact of a live concert and the strain on the voice, is irrefutable.

Dr. Peak Woo (an internationally recognized laryngologist, clinical research scientist, and author of Stroboscopy) said that the physical effect of a 45-minute vocal performance is equivalent to a 2-hour football game for a linebacker. 

No matter how strong your voice or technique is, there is a natural strain and “wear and tear” on the voice in performance. Like athletes, is imperative that singers train with methods that have vocal health in their foundation or they are going to inevitably end up with injuries or issues. You can avoid all of that.

One of the many tools we use to help singers decrease tension is vocal massage: 

Vocal massage helps to return these muscles to their original position and remediate the extra tension that is accumulating. 

Try this vocal massages to help reduce strain in the vocal instrument:  

  • Wrap your thumb and fingers around the vocal muscles at the top of your throat.
  • Start a slight yawn in the back of your throat
  • As you yawn, slide your fingers downward gently pulling the throat muscles downward. Do not force – be gentle. 
  • Repeat 2-3 times each day. 
  • This vocal massage will help decrease tension in your throat and will help too reduce hoarseness that accumulates from over-singing or yelling. 

The Cole Vocal Method™protects the health of the voice using movements that support the voice and increase longevity. Click here to learn more about The Cole Vocal Method™.

WEDNESDAY LIVESTREAM with Cari Cole: JOIN ME EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12 pm Eastern for my Weekly Livestream: Join me on YouTube (and Instagram, Facebook) – where I discuss the Blog of the Week followed by a short Q&A where you can ask me questions.

This post helps you get started, but it's only the beginning. What would it feel like to finally reach your vocal potential and feel an actual transformation in your voice in 8 weeks? Come join the thousands of singers who have already transformed their voice and vocal health with the Cole Vocal Method™. Set your voice free in only 20 minutes a day with these transformative vocal techniques found only here! Click here to find out more

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