Top 5 ways to survive the end of 2020
The zombie minks are coming. Pythons full of mercury live in our backyards. And owls are so fed up with 2020, they’re hitchhiking in Christmas tree boxes just to get away from it all.
So, if you’re curled up in the fetal position with a pint of ice cream re-watching Schitt’s Creek for the fourth time and wishing you were a hitchhiking owl, we don’t blame you. Your 2020 Weird-Shit bingo card is full. Onward to 2021!
Of course, we still have a few weeks before onward to 2021! becomes a real thing. So we thought we’d take a moment to toss a few suggestions your way for how to survive the rest of The Year of Our Lady Chaos, 2020—both as a marketer and as a person who wishes she were a hitchhiking owl.
1. Take a break (for real, though).
It can be tempting to work ourselves half to death trying to wring the last sales, the last ideas, the last anything good from the year. But the truth is that a lot of us are burned the hell out.
Even short breaks are known to improve health, memory, learning, productivity, creativity, motivation, and decision-making (just ask Psychology Today). And the same holds even more true for vacations (though only if you really disconnect from work; no cheating and working from home in between turkey courses).
2. Upgrade your technology.
For B2B companies, December can be a rather quiet time of year. Which makes it the perfect time to improve your work-life by upgrading your tech.
That automation feature that would save you four hours a week? That system you’ve been eyeing to make your sales team’s lives easier? The tool you know will increase your 2021 ROI? Late 2020 is the time to embrace them. The time to get the info you need, sign up for the free trial, and take the plunge.
Future you will thank now-you for using the downtime to make life easier. Not to mention that December business purchases are 2020 tax write-offs. Ho, ho, ho, merry next year, future us.
3. Learn something new.
Did you know that learning something new makes you more creative? And I don’t just mean new work-related skills. I mean literally anything. When you pose a new challenge to your brain, it responds by building up its creative problem-solving skills across the board.
So, you can take a break from work and still be improving your brain’s ability to come back to the marketing drawing board with fresh, creative ideas.
Which means now’s a great time to learn to make your own pasta. Take that online voice lesson. Brush up on Black women’s history, American migration, seances, or the secret lives of bats. Build something with your hands. Paint something from the heart.
Choose a topic that interests you and give yourself a challenge that’s unrelated to day-to-day life.
4. Listen.
In marketing, we talk a lot about the customer. What they want. What they need. What irritates them. What drives them to buy.
But you know what we could do a whole lot more of?
Sending out surveys and really digging into the data, sure. But also asking where do our ideal customers hang out? And then going there and just reading their comments, listening to their complaints, letting ourselves sit with the sometimes-surprise niche use cases and complaints we haven’t heard yet.
If you are working and your December is rather quiet, it’s a good time to just read. Listen. Explore what customers are saying about you—or about the kind of services or products you provide—on social media, message boards, community forums, podcasts, or interviews.
This will help you shape your perspective on customer needs, build empathy, and generate new creative marketing ideas.
5. Forgive yourself.
2020 has been a real bastard, and marketing teams have made some mistakes as we’ve rushed to deal with the ever-changing chaos and our new zombie mink overlords.
Now’s a good time to let those mistakes go. Forgive ourselves. Remember that rarely is a mistake so egregious that we can’t bounce back. Every failure is a chance to move forward.
And, as always, if there’s anything we can do to help—be it suggesting a great TED talk on how to gamify wellness to taking the burden off your team by taking on some projects—we’re always here for you.
Fractional Chief Revenue Officer | AI Consultant | 3x Founder | TEDx Speaker | Author
4yGreat article!
Sales Executive at Converge Technology Solutions Corp.
4yExcellent article Robin! During these times we have to realize that we do not know what people are dealing with. No returned email? don't take it personally, no returned call? how do you know what is happening with their job, life, family? Thank you for the reminder to embrace the opportunity to improve ourselves.
Passionate about Driving Revenue and Building Strong Client Relationships
4y"Every failure is a chance to move forward."...great article!
VP Growth Marketing∞ Chief Growth Officer ∞ Integrated Marketing Leader ∞ General Manager ∞ Consumer Goods & Retail Expert ∞ Team Builder
4yNot yet. I'm sure there are a few more life lesson's up 2020's sleeve. :)