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Learn how to evaluate your skills, interests, and preferences, and how to research different front-end roles and their requirements. Find the role that matches your…
Learn how to use JavaScript to make a progressive web app (PWA) that works offline, loads fast, and has native-like features.
Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of CSS preprocessors and frameworks, the most popular options, the best resources to learn and stay up-to-date, and the best…
Learn how to improve the user experience and performance of your web pages by avoiding layout shifts and jank, using responsive, flexible, and consistent layout…
Learn what are the key front-end code performance metrics and how to use them effectively to optimize your web page load time, render time, memory usage…
Learn how to create user-friendly forms for web applications with best practices and tips on design, input types, validation, security, testing, optimization, and…
Learn some tips and strategies for front-end testing, based on experience and best practices. Choose the right tools, write clean code, automate your process, and…
Learn how to use CSS and JavaScript animations to create engaging and fun effects for your front-end portfolio. Find tips, examples, and resources to help you code…
Learn how to define and execute your web app project scope and strategy, and discover the benefits of progressive web apps and service workers.
Learn what TDD and BDD are, how they differ, and how to use them for front-end testing. Discover the tools, frameworks, and benefits of testing your front-end code.
Learn how to select, modify, create, delete, and listen to events on DOM elements using JavaScript, and how to use custom events to trigger your own logic.
Learn what caching and prefetching are, how to implement them with service workers, and what are the benefits and challenges of using them for your web app.
Learn the best web performance practices for React and Angular single page applications, such as code splitting, server-side rendering, image optimization, caching,…
Learn how to master the fundamentals, explore ES6 and beyond, try new frameworks and libraries, practice your skills, and keep learning and updating your JavaScript…
Learn how to use service workers, caching, optimization, and testing to create reliable and fast progressive web apps (PWAs) for front-end development.
Learn some tips and tricks to speed up DOM manipulation and improve the performance and user experience of your web applications with JavaScript.
Learn how to choose, learn, update, and innovate with CSS preprocessors and frameworks for front-end development. Find tips and resources to enhance your workflow…
Learn how to choose, learn, and evaluate different front-end testing techniques and tools for your web development projects. Improve your testing skills and quality.
Learn how to avoid common issues and anti-patterns when using hooks or hocs in React. Compare the pros and cons of both patterns and how to use them effectively.
Learn how to plan, schedule, use, learn, and enjoy your side projects as a front-end developer without neglecting your main work or your personal life.
Learn the difference between DOMContentLoaded and load events, how to listen to them, and how to use them effectively in your front-end development.
Learn how to use the console, the inspector, the network panel, and the sources panel to debug your front-end products effectively with browser developer tools.
Learn how to create, update, and delete service workers, handle user interactions, and manage app states for progressive web apps (PWAs) using tools and best…
Learn some of the best practices and principles that can help you create user interfaces that are easy to use, accessible, and engaging.
Learn what front-end frameworks are, how they can help you speed up your web development, and which ones are the most popular and useful.
Learn some practical tips on how to avoid burnout as a front-end developer and keep your passion and productivity alive. Balance your time, keep learning, have fun,…
Learn how to avoid common front-end debugging myths and improve your debugging skills and experience.
Learn how to fix some common ESLint parser errors caused by syntax or configuration issues. Find out how to change the parser, the source type, and the ECMAScript…
Learn how to test your front-end code for errors, bugs, or defects, and verify that it meets the requirements and specifications of your project.
Learn some best practices and tools for documenting your dynamic web page elements and event handlers using JavaScript. Improve your code readability, quality, and…
Learn how to create progressive web apps (PWAs) that are fast, reliable, and engaging. Follow these tips and tools to design and test PWAs that work on any device…
Learn how to design and deliver clear, concise, and useful notifications for your progressive web app (PWA) users. Follow best practices and examples for…
Learn how to enhance your user interface with front-end data visualization by following these steps: choose the right tool, design with clarity and simplicity, add…
Learn how to document your front-end code and components effectively with this guide. Discover what to document, how to document, how to update, and how to measure…
Learn how to use CSS frameworks to style different themes for your web pages. Find out how to choose, use, customize, and update a CSS framework, and what are the…
Learn what critical rendering is, what factors affect it, and how to optimize it for your front-end development projects. Improve your web performance and user…
Learn what an accessibility audit is, why you need it, how to perform it, and how to fix and maintain web accessibility on your website.
Learn how to use CSS frameworks and preprocessors to apply branding guidelines to your web projects. Find tips and tricks to save time, avoid errors, and achieve…
Learn how to balance speed and quality with third-party scripts, fonts, and analytics on your website. Follow these tips and best practices to improve web…
Learn how to use front-end development skills to make your navigation menus and buttons more responsive and accessible for different devices and users.
Learn how to use CSS preprocessors and frameworks to speed up your workflow and enhance your creativity. Discover how to choose, use, and combine these tools to…
Learn how to use CSS-in-JS to write CSS code inside JavaScript files, and how it can benefit your front-end development workflow in terms of simplicity…
Learn how to improve the speed, efficiency, and user experience of your Vue apps with these tips and best practices. Discover how to use v-show, lazy loading…
Learn how to optimize event handling with event delegation, a technique that reduces the number of event listeners and improves the performance and memory…
Learn some best practices and tips for writing and maintaining service worker code for progressive web apps, such as using a library, a versioning system, and…
Learn how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create web stories, a new format of immersive and dynamic content. Discover tools, components, and best practices for…
Learn how to use Bootstrap or Foundation for responsive web design, and compare their benefits and drawbacks. Find out which framework is best for your project.
Learn how to choose the right tools and frameworks, use a responsive design approach, optimize your images and assets, follow web standards and best practices, use…
Learn what front-end design patterns are, why they are useful, how to choose them, and what are some examples and resources.
Learn how to protect user data from hackers and attackers with JavaScript. Discover HTTPS, SSL, validation, sanitization, hashing, salting, storage, transmission…
Learn what linters and formatters are, how they can help you write cleaner, more consistent, and more readable code, and how to use them in your front-end…
Learn how to keep your service workers up to date using different strategies and tools for progressive web apps (PWAs).
Learn what a CSS preprocessor is, why you should use it, and how to choose, install, and use one in your front-end development workflow.
Learn how to use front-end frameworks and libraries properly and productively in this article. Discover tips and tricks for choosing, following, optimizing…
Learn how location, experience, skills, and demand affect your front-end development salary and how to research and negotiate for the best pay.
Learn how to use best practices and tools to ensure your code quality and standards improve user experience for front-end development.
Learn the best ways to create web apps that are engaging, dynamic, and responsive with front-end tools. Master HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks, APIs, animation…
Learn how to demonstrate your technical, creative, and problem-solving skills as a front-end developer in a front-end interview. Follow these tips to prepare and…
Learn how to use code quality tools, metrics, and best practices to showcase your front-end development skills and land your dream job or project.
Learn how to use Sass and custom classes to customize and enhance Bootstrap or Tailwind, two popular CSS frameworks for web design. Discover the benefits and…
Learn the best tools and practices for testing and debugging front-end code remotely, and how to avoid common errors and improve your code quality.
Learn how to create a realistic front-end mockup of a website or app. A front-end mockup can help you ace your interviews and land your dream job.
Discover some effective strategies for finding, following, and engaging with other front-end developers who share high-quality content online.
Learn what first paint and first contentful paint are, why they matter for web performance, and how to optimize them with practical tips and best practices.
Learn how to balance your learning and maintenance of front-end skills with these tips and strategies for web developers.
Learn how to use service workers, caching, web app manifests, and other web technologies and tools to create offline and progressive web experiences.
Learn how to test DOM event code using browser DevTools, unit testing frameworks, end-to-end testing tools, code coverage tools, code linting tools, and code review…
Learn how to use progressive web apps (PWAs) to create fast, reliable, and engaging web apps that work like native apps across different devices and platforms.
Learn the best practices for storing and sending JWT tokens in the browser, such as using HTTPS, cookies, short-lived tokens, and validation.
Learn how to create a front-end security audit checklist that covers code, design, and configuration aspects of web application security. Follow security principles…
Learn how to use service workers, web app manifests, and caching strategies to make your web app work offline and provide a native-like user experience with React…
Learn how to comment your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code using best practices and tools. Improve your code's readability, quality, and consistency.
Learn some practical tips and techniques to optimize your web performance for users with limited data plans. Make your website faster, lighter, and more efficient.
Learn how to update front-end dependencies using common tools and best practices, and how to handle different types of dependencies, such as npm, Bower, and CDN.
Learn how to use a CSS reset, browser dev tools, a CSS validator, a CSS framework, a cross-browser testing tool, and a CSS preprocessor to fix CSS layout bugs.
Learn how to deal with unresponsive web systems and create responsive and accessible web designs. Follow these tips and best practices for front-end development.
Learn how to communicate, establish, implement, and monitor web performance standards and optimize your website or web app for speed and quality.
Learn how to balance your skills and style with your users' needs and expectations in this article on front-end design. Follow these six tips to create a front-end…
Learn how to impress your potential employer and demonstrate your value as a front-end developer by displaying your work effectively during an interview.
Learn how to use tools like package managers, CDNs, bundlers, linters, and testing tools to secure your front-end libraries and improve your web app's security.
Learn how to show off your front-end skills online and boost your portfolio, reputation, and opportunities. Find out how to choose the right platform, showcase your…
Learn how to create a readable, flexible, and accessible web experience for users across different devices and browsers using responsive typography techniques and…
Learn how to split, load, and bundle code with JavaScript to optimize your front-end app's performance and maintainability. Discover the concepts, tools, benefits…
Learn the basics of animation with JavaScript, and how to use it to manipulate CSS properties, request animation frames, and create custom easing functions.
Learn how to prepare and impress your potential employer with your portfolio as a front-end developer. Choose relevant projects, create a presentation format, and…
Learn how to test front-end development automatically using tools like Selenium, Cypress, Jest, Mocha, Chai, Puppeteer, and Storybook.
Learn about the key aspects and metrics of front-end code quality, and how to use tools and techniques to optimize your website or app.
This article will teach you the basics of Progressive Web Apps and Service Workers, and how to use them to create fast, reliable, and engaging web applications. You…
Learn how to master the core technologies, choose the right tools, follow web standards, test and debug your code, and collaborate with others.
Learn some tips to create engaging web interfaces that work across different platforms, while keeping up with the latest innovations in front-end development.
Learn how to write clean, readable, and consistent code for your front-end development team. Discover tips and tools to improve your code quality and collaboration.
Learn some tips for finding the right balance between simplicity and flexibility with CSS frameworks for front-end development.
Learn the essential skills and best practices for creating a stunning front-end portfolio that showcases your skills and projects as a front-end developer.
Learn how to cope with changing deadlines in front-end development without compromising your code quality, performance, or user experience.
Compare and evaluate popular front-end frameworks and find the best fit for your web development project. Learn what, why, how, and which framework to use.
Learn how to use your network and personal brand to find the best opportunities for your front-end development career.
Learn what front-end and back-end development are, why you should blend them, how you can do it, what are the challenges, and how you can learn more.
Learn how to use a preprocessor for CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. A preprocessor can help you write efficient, readable, and maintainable code.
Learn how to adopt new front-end tools and improve your workflow with these tips and best practices. Find out how to assess your needs, do your research, try it…
Learn how to use hooks with React, a powerful feature that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class component. Also, learn how to create…