Tough outside, soft inside
If there was ever a time that required resilience and strong leadership, this is it. It is most definitely a time of leading with or without title, too. Right now, though, the qualities that are impressing me most in leaders, are in those who are able to remain tough on the outside, and soft on the inside, like these tortoises.
I was raised in a stiff-upper-lip, tough-it-out, trust-few kind of family. I still think there's value in that. Not showing your challenges all day, every day, to everyone, means that when you do, what you show is meaningful. People don't become inured to your trauma. Similarly, I've had some tough bosses. Direct ones. They called you out if you didn't deliver. The best ones also had an abundance of compassion. Behind a closed door, they'd ask, "What's going on?". And then they'd listen. Sometimes give advice. Occasionally share a wound of their own. The surprise of hearing that they'd been through what you had, created a bond and a loyalty that was lasting.
Right now, things are changing fast. People are experiencing things they have never seen before, and could never have imagined. Colleagues dying, suddenly and unexpectedly. Businesses teetering on the edge. The continuous loop of suffering can be contagious. So let's take a step back and let our shells harden, just a little. Let's share some positivity with each other. Let's keep our softness on the inside, protected, and bring it out when it is needed most. Let's not waste it.
I hope you and yours are well, and safe. Each day I'm hearing a story from someone who has been touched in unpleasant ways by COVID-19. I'm hearing more stories of people who are hanging on, holding on, and supporting one another. If I can help you and your business, please reach out. I'd be happy to see what I can do.
I'm Megann Willson and I'm one of the Partners here at PANOPTIKA. You can also find me on Twitter, Tweeting for my company, or occasionally on Facebook. If you're struggling to find your focus and get stuff done, you might want to check out this week's blog post as well.
Technology Enthusiast, Innovator, Founder, Speaker, CTO. Inspire, Simplify, Automate, Educate. Make it Digital. Web, Analytics, Cloud, ML, and AI.
2yGreat article. Spotting the emotional intelligence in a good boss is wonderful thing.
Helping multinationals navigate the ever-changing international landscape of regulations & risk management in trade compliance.
4yLove your insight! 🐢🐢🐢