The Tower
Ce matin je me suis lancé .... à la faveur du temps de jeu Lego© avec les enfants et suite à une discussion très enrichissante hier avec Laetitia Ramberti et au visionnage cette semaine des vidéos engageantes de Michael Fearne, j'ai pris quelques instants pour construire ma tour et la partager avec mon épouse et les enfants, ravis de découvrir cette tour non conforme à leurs standards et profiter du temps de partage qui va avec.
Je partage ma story telle que j'ai l'ai posté sur le site de Michael. Bonne lecture, et excellent WE à toutes et tous.
Here is my first LSP tower and my story ....
The white foundations represent my education which was very normal and common. I worked for years as project manager as we told me to do . The problem with that is it was not enjoying because I’m a very curious person and I have to learn and discover new things to be motivated. So are coming the well arranged colored bricks on top off the white foundations.
It was the very beginning of my professionnal rebirth process, and then I go on discovering a lot of new stuff as agility and scrum, LSP and new ways of working with people. I just realize how it is important to spread my knowledge and my motivation around me.
All this is shown with the colored brick going upward in a way to symbolize that I go everywhere, read a lot, listen and speak about a various subjects. And now it’s time to gather everything to begin my journey on climbing the last steps which will lead me to what I want to be: a true facilitator and agile coach as serving people goals and creativity.
The plate on my head which act as a bowl, represent my mind ready to listen and to gather the knowledge surrounding me.
Agilité pragmatique et réaliste - transfo plurielle - coach - OKR - formateur - facilitateur graphique - auteur
7yLove reading your cute little story It sounds like my own past what I aim for 😄😄