Toxic Cultures: It's Everyone's Responsibility

Toxic Cultures: It's Everyone's Responsibility

It's a common saying: people don't quit companies, they quit toxic cultures. If you've experienced a toxic workplace, you know the truth of this statement. No salary, no matter how generous, can compensate for an environment that stifles your spirit and well-being.

Toxic cultures are a poison that can kill a company from the inside out. They smother creativity and innovation, decimate motivation and productivity, and erode trust between team members and management. Bullying, blame-shifting, and a fear of speaking up become the norm.

Symptoms of Toxicity

  • Decision paralysis
  • Overbearing leadership
  • Blame culture
  • Exclusion of those who are different
  • Suppression of high performers
  • Lack of originality
  • Resistance to change
  • Fear of stepping out of line
  • Low morale
  • High absenteeism
  • Increased complaints and stress claims
  • Exodus of top talent

Leadership's Role...and Everyone Else's

While toxicity often stems from weak leadership, it's crucial to remember that culture is everyone's responsibility. Leaders set the tone, but each individual has the power to influence the overall atmosphere significantly. As the saying goes, 'Culture is what happens when the boss isn't around.'

What Can You Do?

Even if you're not in a leadership position, you have the power to influence your workplace culture. Here are a few ways to make a positive impact:

  • Lead by example: Be respectful, supportive, and inclusive in your interactions with colleagues. For instance, you can actively listen to your colleagues during meetings, offer help when someone is struggling, or include everyone in team activities.
  • Speak up: If you see something that's not right, don't be afraid to speak up constructively.
  • Encourage open communication: Foster an environment where people feel comfortable sharing ideas and concerns without fear of reprisal.
  • Celebrate diversity: Embrace every team member's unique perspectives and contributions. Recognising and valuing diversity fosters a more inclusive environment and encourages innovation and creativity.
  • Recognise and appreciate: Acknowledge the hard work and achievements of your colleagues.

Leaders, Take Action

If you're in a leadership position, it's not just your duty, but also your privilege to actively cultivate a healthy and positive culture. Your actions and decisions have a profound impact on the workplace environment.

  • Assess your culture: Conduct anonymous surveys and gather honest feedback from your employees.
  • Be visible and accessible: Get out of your office and interact with your team regularly.
  • Address issues promptly: Don't ignore signs of toxicity; take swift action to address problems.
  • Empower your employees: Encourage autonomy, innovation, and risk-taking.
  • Lead with empathy and compassion: Show your team that you care about their well-being.

Remember, a thriving workplace culture is not just a nice to have but necessary for the company's success. It's built on trust, respect, and collaboration, and it's an ongoing process that requires commitment from everyone in the organisation.

Need help assessing or transforming your company culture? Let's talk!

David Francis

Advising, Consulting, Coaching, Helping tech businesses grow.


Love this Linda Murray. It seems like every second post here is about failures of leadership resulting in toxic environments and the reasons why employees leave. But I have seen almost nothing about the cultural responsibilities and obligations of each team member. I have interviewed a number of people who blame the culture of their previous employers for why they are looking to leave, but it has been clear to me that they were the problem. Each member of a team has a significant impact on the culture, and great cultures result from everyone owning their contribution. Not just the leader. Nice work bringing some balance to the conversation.

Charlotte Jameson

Top 100 Global HRDS, 2023 | Building a Connected Culture - Speaking & Leadership Coaching | Encouraging workplaces to support working parents with The CALMER Wellbeing Model® | Host Wellbeing Gets Real podcast


Great insights Linda Murray! Thank you. Those positive social connections are so crucial to foster the kind of culture where employees don’t have the Sunday night blues and sick feeling in there stomach.

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