Training AI That Can Be Used in Warfare

Training AI That Can Be Used in Warfare

Have you ever imagined if our favorite games could help create an artificial intelligence that understands the physical world as well as we do? Well, that’s exactly what Niantic, Inc. , the creator of Pokémon GO, is doing with their Large Geospatial Model (LGM).

What’s This LGM All About?

Basically, Niantic is using data from millions of players to train an AI model that can "see" and "understand" the real world in a super detailed way. They already have over 10 million locations scanned globally, captured from where we actually walk – that is, places cars can’t even reach!

What’s It For?

Imagine this:

  • Even More Amazing Augmented Reality (AR): Digital interactions that fit perfectly into the real world.
  • Robots and Drones: Machines that navigate and interact with the environment with super precision.
  • Content Creation: Designers being able to create virtual worlds that align perfectly with our reality.
  • Urban Planning and Logistics: Better-planned cities and more efficient deliveries.

But There’s a Dark Side...

Not everything is rosy. In a recent event, Brian McClendon Brian McClendon from Niantic mentioned that governments and militaries might want to buy this model. Sure, it brings benefits for security and military operations, but it also opens the door for problematic uses, like enhancing technological warfare capabilities.

“I could definitely see it,” said McClendon. “If the use is identical to what consumers or Bellingcat would want to do, that seems completely fine. But if the use is specific to the military and adding amplitude to war, then that’s obviously an issue.”

Niantic acknowledges these risks and promises to handle these issues responsibly. But it’s something we need to keep an eye on!

Ethics in Geospatial AI

Collecting user data is essential to train these AIs, but it has to be done ethically:

  • Privacy: Ensuring data is anonymized and used only for the promised purposes.
  • Responsible Use: Preventing the technology from being used for destructive purposes.
  • Transparency: Being clear with users about how their data is being used.

What’s Coming Next?

Spatial intelligence is ready to transform how we interact with the physical world. With wearable technologies and autonomous systems becoming increasingly sophisticated, the line between the digital and the real will become even more blurred.

The Niantic Large Geospatial Model is proof of how AI can transform our perception and interaction with the world. But, as always, we need to ensure that these advancements are guided by strong ethical principles so we can enjoy the benefits without the risks.

To Learn More:

  1. Pokemon Go Data: Adding Amplitude to War is Obviously an Issue, Niantic Exec Says
  2. Niantic Labs: Large Geospatial Model
  3. Jogadores de pokémon go treinaram ia que pode ser usada na guerra

Let’s talk about this! What do you think about these innovations? What potential benefits and risks do you see? Leave your thoughts in the comments! 👇

#ArtificialIntelligence #Technology #Ethics #AugmentedReality #Innovation #Niantic #PokémonGO #GeospatialAI #TechnologicalResponsibility #SpatialComputing #MachineLearning #DataPrivacy #DataSecurity #FutureOfTech #Robotics #AutonomousSystems #UrbanPlanning #SmartCities #DigitalTransformation #AIethics #TechForGood #DataScience #GamingIndustry #WearableTech #PrivacyMatters #Sustainability #InnovationTech #TechInnovation #AIRevolution #SpatialIntelligence #AugmentedRealityTechnology #TechResponsibility #EthicalAI #AIinGaming #GeospatialTechnology #TechTrends #FutureTechnology #AIApplications #AIandEthics

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