Transforming Business with 'Both/And' Strategy

Transforming Business with 'Both/And' Strategy

I want to put out an invitation to visionary leaders like you, to re-examine your beliefs about the intersection of profit and purpose. To help move things out of the intellectual and theoretical realm, and make them more tangible for you, I'm running a FREE masterclass next week that I hope you can attend.

As much as I believe in the value of podcasts and consuming content online, there really is nothing like being together live. The chance to ask questions in the moment and really dig into the meaty conversations is so important.

I hope you take this opportunity to join me for Merging Money & Meaning: reclaiming the reins and restoring order in your business amidst uncertainty.

You can register for free here. If the time zone doesn't work for you to join us live, we'll be sending out replays so it's still worth registering.

The 4 Pillars

We'll be breaking the two-part masterclass into four pillars:

  1. Understanding the purpose of business so you can merge money and meaning.
  2. Uncovering the drivers that move your business towards your version of success.
  3. Why business modelling is the foundational skill you need to master.
  4. How to merge money and meaning to increase income and impact.

I dig into these elements in the podcast this week - if you want to check it out the audio is included at the bottom of this page to make it easy.

To advocate for a strategy that doesn’t see monetary success and meaningful impact as mutually exclusive, we must challenge traditional approaches to business models. We do this by unpacking the pitfalls of traditional consulting advice, and instead provide an alternative perspective that fosters a self-reinforcing loop for business success. 

You don’t have to choose between making money and experiencing meaning in your business; merging the two enables you to leverage powerful competitive advantages. 

Adopting a 'Both/And' mindset allows you to operate beyond binary choices, embracing the complexities and interconnectedness of your actions. 

Join us next week at the FREE masterclass and we’ll show you how to "Think like a system, act like an entrepreneur" — balancing big-picture perspective with actionable entrepreneurship. 

I cannot stress enough the importance of connectivity, because the connecting of the dots, the understanding that you are operating within a system and connected to all things, is where we start to tap into the power of merging money and meaning. It's from this place that we can create business models that allows us to generate a win-win, and ultimately build a business we can be proud of.

It may seem obvious talking about merging money and meaning. You may think that there are lots of people talking about this, many business owners who believe it, and stacks of options for experts you can access to learn this skill.

After working in this space for nearly a quarter of a century, I would argue that there are very few people who are genuinely merging these ideas!

  • There are people who can help you grow and scale your business.
  • There are people who can help you set up a foundation or show you how to do philanthropy well.
  • There are organisations equipped to take donations and do amazing work addressing entrenched social and environmental issues.

But getting to a place where you honour and are unapologetic about the pursuit of both the money side of business AND the meaning behind how you are contributing and making a difference through your core business operations...

That my friend, is a rare beast!

It is rare to find genuine merging, where both are seen as equals, and neither is prioritised over, or undermines, the other.

This is where I have spent my career. It is what I am obsessed with. And so, I'm going to labour the point with you and encourage you to drop into a different way of thinking about business and to question the approach that you've taken to date.

I want you to question those experts and consultants you have engaged previously to help you with this type of work.

Ask yourself whether part of why previous attempts have never stuck is that they were too disconnected. When push came to shove, they were always framed as an either/or trade-off, rather than a Both/And opportunity.

When money or time gets tight, or you feel stretched, the tendency can be to fall back into a one-dimensional way of operating your business that focuses on profit maximisation.

We can justify it by saying we'll be able to contribute, be generous, and give back when the business is doing better. Yet, if we’re honest, there’s something deeply unsatisfying about that. 

I want to encourage you that if you've never been able to consistently run your business in a way that feels integrated, it's probably because the advisors you engaged to help you lacked the insight, experience, and methodology that would’ve allowed them to take you on that journey.  

Merging money and meaning is the essential part of the process that allows us to tap into the competitive advantages I'll be running you through in the masterclass next week.

Bringing contribution and meaning into your business doesn't need to be pushed off for "someday in the future". We can all experience that now if we do the upfront thinking and get the right support to learn the skills required for building a robust business that can withstand a rapidly changing world.

Please join me LIVE next week for my FREE Masterclass - Merging Money and Meaning.

You'll have the chance to ask me questions live and together we'll run through reflective exercises to help you translate these ideas into your business.  

There's nothing to lose and a whole new way of thinking about, running, and experiencing your business to gain!

Sign up now and I'll see you next week.

Register for our FREE 2-day Masterclass Merging Money and Meaning now at: 


While you're here, check out the latest episode of my podcast  

Bessi Graham

Business and Leadership Strategist - Businesses that survive and thrive in this market do business differently. We can show you how!


Amy, I’d love to see you at the Masterclass next week if you’re around.

Bessi Graham

Business and Leadership Strategist - Businesses that survive and thrive in this market do business differently. We can show you how!


Dominic and Andrew you might find the free Masterclass I’m running next week interesting. Would love to see you online (or in the replays!)

Bessi Graham

Business and Leadership Strategist - Businesses that survive and thrive in this market do business differently. We can show you how!


Louis, The free Masterclass I’m running next week could be a good way to spark some ideas. We’ll send out replays, so if you can’t join live it’s no dramas. I’d love to see you there if you’re around.

Bessi Graham

Business and Leadership Strategist - Businesses that survive and thrive in this market do business differently. We can show you how!


Belinda, I think you’d enjoy the free Masterclass I’m running next week. Sing out if you’ve got any questions; I’d love to see you there.


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