Translation Article 660, Spanish Insights: 34 Idioms in Spanish with “voz.” Translations into English in 34 different contexts.
Translation Article 660, Spanish Insights: 34 Idioms in Spanish with “voz.” Translations into English in 34 different contexts.
1) (slang for voice) pipes, set of pipes
2) (linguistics, lexicon) word, term
3) a media voz
[at medium voice]
in a low voice
4) a una voz
[at one voice]
with one voice
5) a viva voz
[at live voice]
6) aclarar la voz, aclararse la voz
[clear the voice]
clear one’s throat
7) adelgazar la voz
[make one’s voice thin]
raise the pitch of one’s voice
8) al alcance de la voz
[within the reach of one’s voice]
within speaking distance
9) análisis de la voz
[voice analysis]
speech analysis
10) anunciar en alta voz
[announce in a high voice]
announce in a loud voice
11) apagar la voz
[turn off one’s voice]
lower one’s voice
12) centro de mensajes de voz
[voice message center]
message center
13) con la voz quebrada
[with the broken voice]
with a shaky voice
14) con voz apagada
[with a turned off voice]
with a soft voice
15) con voz sorda
[with a deaf voice]
in a muffled voice
16) corre la voz
[the voice runs]
There is a rumor abroad
17) correr la voz
[run the voice]
pass the word on
18) de texto a voz
[from text to voice]
Recommended by LinkedIn
19) de voz muy baja
[in a very low voice]
20) debilidad de la voz
[weakness of the voice]
21) diafanía por la voz
[transparency by voice]
speech crosstalk
22) distancia de voz
[voice distance]
hailing distance
23) entrada de voz
[voice entry]
speech input
24) expresar a viva voz
[express in a live voice]
speak out
25) hablar a media voz
[speak in half a voice]
speak in a whisper
26) hablar en voz alta y maleducamente
[speak out loud and impolitely]
27) llevar la voz cantante
[take the leading voice]
call the shots
28) modulación de la voz
[voice modulation, voice accent]
29) por voz
[by voice]
by word of mouth
30) registro de voz
[voice record]
voice range
31) (military) voz de mando
[command voice]
32) voz común
[common voice]
gossip, hearsay
33) voz pública
[public voice]
public opinion
34) no tener voz en capítulo
[have no voice in chapter]
have no say in a matter
Collins Spanish Unabridged Dictionary, 2015
Word Magic Complete and Unabridged English-Spanish Dictionary 8.8.0
2020 by Word Magic Softwares Ltda.