Truly It Is Up To Us Each, Individually!

Truly It Is Up To Us Each, Individually!

What has become the taught and sought after ways of man, is completely opposite, placing of one’s self totally on the opposite side of the truth, way, and Life God directed His people to be and do.

Through generations of watering down, of false teachings, of exchanging the Word of God, for the words and ways of mankind. Now are we all living in the days in which is ushering in the latter days individually of grieving God’s Holy Spirit, by our very own personalization and personizing our true rejecting of God and His ways and truths.

So many telling themselves, because of the direct disregard and disregarding of personally, seeking first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, while simply deciding to just al along with the ways and directions of mankind.

Jesus knew that in personalizing the Holy Ghost acknowledgement inside individual sons and daughters of God the Father; as declaring an individual as the Church, the temple of the Holy Spirit! It would place the responsibility of maintaining God’s holy dwelling place upon each individual not making way for any to have an excuse of exchanging their individual responsibilities of maintaining God’s Devine Holiness with another nor any other location!


What man calls “The Church,” truly are gathering places and places of direction from God, Himself - to gather together in the name of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, His Very Word made flesh and sent into the world!

What man has accepted to be the church removes the personalization of God’s personal relationship of each individual being His Church, His Own Temple of His Holy Ghost!

Unless exchanging the personal relationship between God and individuals, while exchanging praising God, and worshipping God, moving in God’s ways, and Truth, even within the gifts of God, from God, towards allowing individuals to desire to service the pastors and their staffing, rather than service God.

I know this is harsh and hard words, and revelation, even truth, because unless God’s people who are called by name, by God, stand up within individual personalization, manifestation, in Christ, the very gathering places will continue in mis-leading the people, to join their groups and gatherings togethers, in worship and praising each other for the deeds they desire to do.

God does not need one other to trick another into believing! For the Word of God is more than enough!

Man’s Churches and church Leaders, however, have become just fearful places of closures and followers of the leadership and direction of mankind!

Jesus, Himself warned of this becoming, and of the false teachers, preachers, and prophets, He told of the deceptions of man, and what we individually and personally much be on guard against.

It wasn’t from Him, His Ways, His Truth, and His Life, not from the outside looking in, but from the inside looking out, would the trouble come from.

Many are canceling planned events which God’s Holy Spirit from within the individuals, His True Temples! Would come together in Prayer and Meditation! In worshipping in Spirit and Truth, gathering together and joining together in union as one body; gathering together in Spirit and in truth!

Some have told me; I keep saying the same thing over and over; and Yes I do!!!

“We ALL need God, in God’s Way, Truth and Life, Alone!!!”

Individually, and on are own personal desiring after God, God’s Ways, and ONLY GOD”S directions into ourselves, that we first find God, and return back to being led by God, that is His Holy Spirit, in all our own personal and individual ways.

Man, teachers some are greater than others, and some more educated, that one must first have man’s directed paperwork to be anointed by God, to minster and to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, of God Himself.

Yet, God teaches we who truly find God, will no longer need any other to teach us, that God’s Own Holy Spirit inside of us, will be our more than enough, our teacher, our lover and that we will be and become “as He is, so are we in this world!” New Creatures “IN” Christ Jesus,” having God’s all showing Holiness within ourselves, that we shall desire going out to all nations everywhere, ministering the God, who dwells within His people, the God who has made individuals bodies, His temple of Himself.

Being, like-minded, not of ourselves, any longer, nor any other, but like minded, as taking on the mind of Christ, who is the Word of God, in all of our ways. Our own personal desiring out of our very own, loving God, with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. That we would learn from God, how to love one another as we ourselves are loved by God. Forgiven by God, redeemed by God, in order that we live no longer as ourselves, but as children of God, doing at all times only what we ourselves personally and individually, see of God and hear from God, from within ourselves, where God’s Holy Spirit so dwells.

This is personal, this is desiring, God and God’s will being done, first within ourselves, and then outward towards all others.

Jesus Christ, and none other!

Mans acceptance is who is greater among themselves, of who’s house they have built, of just as the very Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ days, when He walked the earth as 100% man.

Because what they have accepted as “The Church,” is being revealed as only a building built by man; used for some good and some bad!

Bringing about the true separation of man’s ways, from God’s ways.

There is truly none greater then any other, as Jesus spoke and stated, “He who is greater among you must become lesser.” The Lord’s Anointing is as great with one as within another.

Many have transformed totally to the ways of man, while others have transformed merely in part yet accepting in part and ministering in part God’s Word which is the revealing of God’s Power!


which are truly revealed as 100% gather’s and gathering places in and through God’s Word!

“WE NEED THESE SO MUCH!” And they are directed to be by GOD Himself!

This must be done and restored, individually, and personally, by individuals who will be and arise as the son’s and daughter’s of God Himself, within the believer filled with the Holy Spirit of God, and “None Other!”

God truly sees and knows your hearts and my own, the knowing and knowledge shall and can be known by the true, “CHURCHES!” Those called the temple of the Holy Ghost and filled with God’s Word and Covenant between God and Man!

These temples are truly those who know God and obey God, those who truly hear God’s voice, and direct and lead and teach others, ministering and even preaching only the ALL Powerful revealing and revelations of God’s Word, in and through His anointing!

Matthew 23

Those who gather together equipping the saints jointly and lifting one another up, while not placing their agendas and their time frames and their shows and ways within the gathering!

Those who do not and are not blocking the Way of entering in where God is, by their ways and foolishness of desiring people to serve and worship them. “Period….”

John 17

Seeing and accepting the fullness of the power of God which is God’s every Word ever spoken out of God’s mouth!

Yet man’s churches built and taught and learned and joined together with the ways of man! Having a form of godly hood on the outside but truly being filled up with themselves and the ways of man!

How shall a true believe know these! , simply by having a personal relationship between themselves and their God! The Only ever, ALL Powerful God of His Own Words!

Filled on purpose through continued repentance and who are seeking first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness!

“It Truly is not nor ever has it ever been, nor will it ever become, a competition!”

Who knows the purpose of their assignment, not taught nor shown by man’s ways but in and through God’s Holy Spirit!

This requires death of self and self desires, and rebirth only located personally in and through the personal Word of God Almighty! Jesus Christ....

Because God will reveal Himself where He truly is; and where He truly is and abides in, there He empowers And Rules over all else!

Again, I am not against true Gathering places in the Name of Jesus Christ!

Where true revealing of the total Word of God is gathered together!

Those give ALL to, give because you can not outgive God, who truly will show up in these places, in Fire and Power and Truth of signs and miracles, in healing and in building up ALL who enter into His Glory!

Rushing here and there just to ensure agendas are performed of any other; is but a mirror image of the truth and the true revelations of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom!

How will you know them, by their fruits, yet if your fruit is the same fruit from the same tree of teaching and learning. The fruit itself will only know that which the tree’s have taught them in the ways they have become taught!

There is only One Way!!!! And the only Way, is each individual's personal relationship and repentance and desiring in God, “AT ALL TIMES!”

These are the days of revival these are the days of God Revealing Himself as never before!


God loves you and He has empowered through and in His Authority, His Holy Ghost! Revealing His Truth and desiring that each individual is rejoicing IN HIM where He is!

Bringing where they themselves are IN Him, upon the earth! “Heaven on earth!”

These are not merely words of man nor teachings of man!

These are Word’s from God directed and good everyone of them, for teaching and correction and Power! “God’s Word!” With nothing added and nothing being removed from them!!!!! “Period….”

The hour and the day and the day of salvation is upon ALL mankind, “For today is the day of our Lord Jesus Christ!

It may seem as the days of evilness and corruption, of lawlessness, and ways against God, but truly this too, is all part of God’s Master Plan, already completed, in and through The Son of God, Who suffered and died, and greater raised from death and the grave, in order that the entire Word of God, be fulfilled. “Period….”

There is “NO FEAR!” Nor any, “Darkness” within God!

This is the day of the greatest harvest ever or ever will be again!

This is the day of awakening as manifested sons and daughters “IN Christ Jesus!” Not in self power nor might, but by the Holy Ghost of God Himself!

I SAY, Who can fight God?

These are the days of God, revealing Himself and pouring Himself out upon ALL mankind!

Matthew 24-25

These are the days of God’s Purpose for and in ALL who shall but believe without doubting, without fear!

Without fearfulness!

Calling evil, evil and not good, nor exchanging the Truth for a lie’s!

These are the days for you and for all who will but believe, stepping out of man’s ways and buildings and ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ at all times and proving you are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

These are the days of:


Individually and On Purpose, as joining together like minded, and in union, One with Another, knowing that God dwells within you who desire Him, who Love Him, who are called by Him, by name.


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