The truth about super heroes...Plus the best thing I learned in my personal development journey

The truth about super heroes...Plus the best thing I learned in my personal development journey

If not you, who?


One of the reasons why I wanted to publish my book after writing it, versus stowing it away in the depths of my basement crawl space, is because by the time I wrote it, I hadn’t found a book, movie, TV show or even song, really, that I could relate to.


All around me, people were telling stories with characters who didn’t look like me, talk like me, or face the same problems that I faced. And if I didn’t have anyone to look up to, as an example of what was possible, how the hell was I going to make it happen for myself?


We all need heroes. And the best ones don’t wear capes or have superpowers. They’re just normal, average people, sucking at life and scared as hell and trying to figure out their next step. Sometimes they get it right, most of the time they don’t. But when they do…. Man, that’s the good stuff right there.


You probably don’t feel like a hero…yet. You’re probably not where you hoped you’d be, or as successful as you think you need to be to have a say. Or a platform. Or a seat at the table. Maybe you think you need to be bigger, richer, more famous, before you can write your book or do that thing—you know, that thing?—that you’ve been thinking, dreaming about.


But I’m going to tell you—and I hope you’re really paying attention here—you are exactly the kind of hero the world needs today. And your story matters a whole helluva lot.


There’s a line in Dr. Seuss’ book The Lorax that I love: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.”


You’re that someone. Believe it. And if you won’t believe yourself, believe me.


Cat xo


Man versus Machine


Speaking of heroes, one person who is that for me is Angus Fletcher, Professor of Story Science at Ohio State's Project Narrative. Angus is on a mission to revolutionize the power of story and how we teach it to our kids.


I had the chance to interview Angus a few years back and I was sooooooooooo relieved to hear that he didn’t believe AI could ever replace us when it comes to that most human function of storytelling.


Not only that, but he also identified something I believe to be true as well—that the problem with the world today is that we’re stuck in the wrong kinds of stories.


Which means… stories—more of them—could be the very thing that saves us.


As Angus says, “The reason I think we are having so many problems as a society is because we are caught in a loop of the same stories…The number one thing you can do is say to yourself, ‘There are more stories. I can create them.’”


There are more stories than we’re being sold on today. Consider it your civic duty to share yours.


PS: You can hear the rest of my interview with Angus here, but only if you’re part of my community. Think someone you know would love this newsletter? Sharing is caring.


The best thing I learned from personal development…


Any Smartless fans here?


Recently I was listening to an interview on the show with Jared Leto (yes, the Jordan Catalano, for my fellow My So-Called Lifers).


In it, Jared shares, “I love to be the dumbest guy in the room. I think that’s a fascinating room to be in.” Jared continues, “It’s great to continue to learn new things. It’s great to be a beginner.”


It’s a revealing posture for the the multi-talented actor-singer-visual artist (Fight Club, Thirty Seconds to Mars) and probably explains why he’s been able to keep us watching and engaged for so many years and films.


Who you hang around with matters. If you want to do a Ted talk, how many speakers do you know? If you want to launch a new business, how many business owners do you meet with regularly? If you want to write a book, how many authors, editors and marketers do you bounce your ideas off of?


Not only can they offer awesome feedback, but they can also share their lessons to save you time and money, and help you from falling into the same traps and mistakes that they did.


Since I started my personal development journey, I’ve sought out opportunities to be the dumbest person in the room, where I could learn from others who are already way further in their journey in entrepreneurship, leadership or story mastery. Thinking, or pretending, you know it all won’t get you as far as surrounding yourself with people who can get you there faster.


So surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are also levelling up their craft, business and impact. Bring your questions. And while you’re there, trust that you have something of value to give as well.


PS: Want to quantum leap your book progress? Doors are opening on my next book publishing accelerator cohort. I have a few spots left for authors looking to publish their book next year, and who are ready to get the ball rolling this month. Email me at to schedule a discovery call with me and see if this is the right program for you.

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