UAP Whistleblower Leaks
Last Thursday, two UAP/UFO whistleblowers’ names landed in my DMs. For context, they weren’t even in an encrypted format. They were instantaneously there. Staring back at me. For a few seconds, it was like a pin pulled from a grenade. The UAP whistleblowers leak supposedly came from filmmaker James Fox, who produced UFO truther films such as Moment of Contact, Phenomenon, Out of the Blue, and I Know What I Saw. Apparently, he released a screenshot of his newest production The Program onto X. According to several X users, the screenshot had a witness’s real name on a clapboard from The Program. Savvy researchers grabbed it before it was pulled from social media. It ended up on Reddit under the title “UAP Whistleblower Leaks.”
I sat on it for a few hours, feeling exposed, with two alleged federal whistleblowers' names in the palm of my hand. I am not a journalist, but I am a writer. One thing I’ve learned as an experiencer in the UFO community, is that the community brings perpetual misinformation upon itself. We don’t have a regulating body like the field of medicine (AMA), law (bar association), or psychology (APA). Many who have lied and been caught have been disgraced through social shame. Other than public awareness campaigns by grassroots researchers, there are no real-world costs or consequences for spreading disinformation. It’s one of the reasons the intelligence community can easily insert salacious stories into the field corrupting advocacy efforts while also discrediting them. Consumers of UFO media are hungry for the 24-hour alternative news cycle even if it's utter manure.
Since mainstream news outlets won’t cover such stories, it leaves fake news mostly unchecked. What arrives in the absence of real, verifiable journalism is what we witnessed a short 72-hours ago: the Miami Alien incident dominated X featuring 10-foot holographic creatures who were reportedly menacing unsuspecting mall shoppers. When there is no truth, what arrives is a powder keg. In this instance, it was an army of police. Some witnesses at the Miami mall reportedly lost cell signal. Others went on X and claimed they were chased down by the aliens, only to turn around and report they were pranking.
After I received the names, I contacted another UFO researcher, and we discussed the information. She had also received one of the whistleblowers' names. In both our situations, we found that a common theme arises when such sensitive information is either leaked or intentionally sent to key figures in the UFO community: connections and information are currency.
Who are the Experiencers?
Undoubtedly you have already looked up the term “experiencer.” When I did this for the first time what I found was deeply unnerving. The top search result for the term "UFO experiencer" is a Wikipedia page titled: Alien Abduction. The page mostly describes science fiction, hallucinations, fake abductions, and sleep paralysis. This description is part of the stigma problem. For the uninitiated, there is a scientific paper which outlines the subtle, but distinct layers of the UAP/UFO reality. The paper gives a more accurate picture into what embodiment of an experiencer means and the ongoing “after effects.”
Jacques Vallée and Eric Davis (2003) wrote Incommensurability, Orthodoxy, and the Physics of High Strangeness. The paper’s research stems from Vallèe’s database of accounts of individuals whose lives were dramatically changed from encounters with this strange phenomenon. While movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind brought depictions of high strangeness into pop culture, many experiencers will attest to the feelings of obsessive awe that movie singularly captured in the mashed potato mountain moment. What also comes with obsessions to understand the phenomenon are loss of relationships, jobs, marriages and destruction of families.
Some statistics report up to 7% of the population believes they have seen a UFO/UAP. UFO/UAP encounters include contact with anomalous, unidentified space, airborne, submerged, and trans medium objects. There is a subculture of experiencers who have also described contact with non-human intelligence (NHI). The origins of NHI are murky and are attributed to extraterrestrials, ultra-terrestrials, inter-dimensionals, crypto-terrestrials, or other non-human beings who may live in a “shadow biome.” Some individuals are repeated experiencers of the phenomenon and encounters tend to run in families.
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What the Public Doesn’t Know Might Hurt Them
Medical post-effects have been reported after having an encounter with a UAP/UFO. This includes emergency response providers such as military service members and law enforcement. In the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act the official term for these medical effects are “Anomalous Health Incidents” (AHI). Formerly known as Havana Syndrome, the current definition of AHI includes injuries from directed energy weapons.
The terminology addressing AHI can be found in Section 917 and describes authorization for “Modification of a cross-functional team to address emerging threats relating to anomalous health incidents.” In addition, this section outlines definitions of AHI and inserts language regarding identification and counter measures such as “capabilities” that could result in anomalous health incidents. Subsection B includes additional terminology regarding activities which may be necessary to "identify AHI, determine causes, sources, capabilities, or phenomena which AHI incidents may be attributed." Other subsections will require a more detailed legal analysis. For example, the specific language being used such as, "non-kinetic capabilities plausibly related to anti-personnel capabilities, directed energy weapons, detection and mitigation of such capabilities, and countermeasures."
Experiencer encounters have included exposures to unusual lights, craft which move in an intelligent fashion, but are not commercial or military craft, or other anomalous phenomenon such as a close encounter with a being of non-human origin. Some medical effects that have been reported after these encounters include headaches, skin burns, tinnitus, increases in symptoms from stress-related immune disorders, or new diagnoses (e.g., Hashimoto’s, Lupus, Blood dyscrasias, Systemic sclerosis). Besides compartmentalized military programs that allegedly treated these AHI, modern medicine largely misdiagnoses them. An underlying cause of this may be that many UAP-related AHI go unreported. According to Jacques Vallée’s presentation at the prestigious Sol Symposium at Stanford University in October, as the high strangeness of a UAP/UFO report increases, official reports decrease.
When the NSA Calls
After vetting this story and having some verifiable information, Dave Scott’s popular UFO truther show Spaced Out Radio (SOR) featured this story during the usual news hour on Friday night (January 5th). Dave and I shared what little we knew. It wasn’t long before Dave received a call from the NSA. The whistleblower asked him not to run the story and to withhold his name.
The data suggest this witness is working with Christopher Mellon to get his story declassified so we can bring it to the SOR listening audience. Christopher Mellon was also in attendance at the Sol Symposium and has been linked with multiple, UAP/UFO witness accounts including David Grusch’s testimony. David Grusch testified (CSPAN, 2023) as a federal whistleblower of several compartmentalized, classified UAP programs to the House Oversight Committee. Grusch along with two other military witnesses described either fact evidence found during discovery during the UAP Task Force investigations or first-hand accounts of UAPs by pilots.
Mellon currently serves as a research affiliate for Harvard’s Galileo Project. He is a senior advisor for Americans for Safe Aerospace (ASA) and has been linked with another important witness, Luis Elizondo. Mr. Elizondo was the director of the $22MM black budget project the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) sponsored by Harry Reid (D, NV), Ted Stevens (R, AK), and Daniel Inouye (D, HI). AATIP was originally reported in The New York Times article Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’ The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program by Leslie Kean, Helene Cooper, and Ralph Blumenthal.
It's hard to discern whether this newest leak is a product of backlash because of the watered-down Schumer-Rounds Amendment legislation. Alternatively, it might represent the whistleblowers' attempt to take control over a narrative that has been co-opted by political corruption. According to Daniel Sheehan, founder of the New Paradigm Institute and former lawyer for Karen Silkwood, Daniel Ellsberg, and other important whistleblowers, this leak could be an indication of a larger “Catastrophic Disclosure” that will be led by individuals in the UFO community to finally unmask corporate corruption (e.g., Lockheed Martin, Redstone, Raytheon) and ongoing collusion in the deep state. Or, it could be a promotional bait and switch like other popular movies (The Fourth Kind) about the phenomenon that portrayed false reports and even fake websites as real, but didn't reflect any actual truth.
While I am unsure what the reason behind the leak, the narrative and deep state actors involved are incredibly complex. What I am sure of is when a federal whistleblower asks you not to share their name, you don’t. Bargaining for favors of more sensitive information in the future, better connections, or access to other whistleblowers shouldn’t be required to keep the lid on classified information that could injure or harm individuals. This altruistic concept may be a bygone American ideal corrupted by a slow erosion of constitutional rights. Even so, we can still uphold the right to whistleblower privacy because we choose to do it ourselves in this community as we move toward disclosure not for a corrupted type of information currency or to curry favors for people.
What concerns me most about the cost of the perpetual lies and disinformation the UFO community so readily absorbs, is the danger we all eventually face when we fail to recognize the truth.
Prince2 Project Consultant
1yThere are councils of advance ET races who consult us experiencers for reverse consultation in return to chart our own course for next step in upliftment. We are now lead into UAP act only to focus on release of UAP & ARV only and not anything else to discuss upon or given focus to those other phenomenon. UAP act can only benefit military industrail complex not for commercial practical uses for mass public is narrative getting set indirectly.So we have 2 factions having tug of war on what to do on UAP disclosure benefit humanity or weaponize for defense offense under pretext of national security threat where in so many ET races are debating as to what threat Humanity pose to ETs. UAP tech cannot be used by humans against humans, else no point of having disclosure event, current weapons we know what harm they are causing even today.