Frank Lloyd Wright (American architect, writer and educator) once commented that “there is nothing more uncommon than common sense”
Why then is ‘common sense’ not common?
Frequently we are expected to use ‘common sense’ to think creatively and solve problems. My opinion in this context is that there may not be such thing as 'common sense' at all. That's because rarely people behave in conformance to a standard set of knowledge. There is big diversity in people and in the way they think and perceive things. If people can opine differently and still be correct, I wonder how can there be a common sense? Awareness (or sense) then seems to be quite relative to perception rather than absolute. Probably ‘common sense’ does not exist. No wonder we blame so many to be not having 'common sense'.
There is however something called 'simple logic'. This is a set of easily accepted rules on anything. The causality of effects. And this logic is not 'common'. No wonder effective problem solving is a rare capability.
What is needed then is a synergy of minds to think logically even in un-common terms but towards a reasonable search of solutions. That then becomes a form of creativity.
I’m in the journey of deepening my understanding on this. You are most welcome to give your views and opinions on this topic.
JR Victor
Director & Consultant - Manufacturing / Lean at AWC Consulting Inc
7yIt makes sense that common sense may not exists.