unknown mystery
- Character is the ability to carry out a resolution long after the excitement of a moment has passed - The word „sin“ comes from the greek word „sin“ used in archery. It means to miss your mark. The greatest sin in life is to miss your mark. To not be, who you were created to be. To be a chicken instead of an eagle. - The story of Icarus: A lot of people remember Icarus being this guy, who had his wings made out of wax. His father cautioned him not to fly too high, or the sun would melt his wings. And what happened? It was Icarus’s arrogance that caused him to fly too high. The sun melted his wings and Boom - fell to the earth - dead. See Icarus’s father also cautioned him against flying too low. He said don’t fly too close to the sea, or your weight will cause you to plummet into the water. - See we all know not to be too arrogant, but how many of us know not to be too humble (ärmlich)/too meek/too timid/too shy/too safe? - It is said that the greatest tragedy in life is not that people aim too high and miss. It is that people aim too low and hit. - It is the cave, that you fear, that will hold the treasure, that you desire. - Let’s make a new life resolution: To be fully and authentically you - It is time to go from mediocre to meteoric. It is time to go from being counted out to being counted on. It is time to fly like the eagle you are.
Consultant and marketer driven by passion
4yThis is very insightful