Unlearn the Negative from Your Past
Do you have a mind like a sieve when it comes to remembering things that happened yesterday, but you’ve got a mind like an elephant when you are remembering things that didn't go well in your life in those times where you failed?
Well, stick with me because this week I want to continue our conversation around building up your identity by helping you to unlearn the negative from the past.
We all have this amazing thing called the brain. Even though we know a lot more about the brain now than we did years ago, it still has a lot of mystery involved. Neuroscientists work tirelessly looking at new ways of interpreting what goes on in the brain. However, what we do know is that the brain is the most powerful supercomputer on the planet.
In your life's experience, you’ve stored many things in your brain. You have memories that are pleasant — memories you’ve enjoyed — and, there are some memories that you did not enjoy that much. And it is those negative experiences that often hold you back from moving forward to where you need to go.
Inside your brain you have an intricate circuitry of neurons wiring and firing together. You also have neural pathways that help you to go from an initial thought to a learned response in 1 to 250000th of a second or thereabouts.
What you need to do is make sure that those neural pathways are feeding you, and those thoughts are coming from “positive” and not the negative.
To do that, you need to change the conditioning.
Step one in building a new positive conditioning is to unlearn the things from the past.
The second thing to do then, once we have unlearned, is to relearn.
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Then the third thing to do is to repeat the process over and over again.
This is why I know this works:
You and I did that with the negative conditioning. You started with a thought and a meaning. Then you repeated it, rehearsed it and nursed it. You kept it there and gave it validity. Then, over a period of time, it built those neural circuits so that it went from that to the behaviour in 1 - 250000th of a second of a second or thereabouts.
Knowing that, we know that the brain can (using repetition of the same thought and the same behaviour) create new neural pathways.
There you have it, a three-step process to go from those negative thoughts and beliefs into a positive dialogue and a foundation for you to be able to be who you need to be in every area of your life so that you can have what it is that you want to have.
Unlearn, Relearn, and Repeat so that you rewire your brain.
To learn more about these 3 crucial steps to unlearning the negative from your past and how you can do them, click the link below.
Grant Herbert (aka The People Builder) describes himself as an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and 5 amazing kids, who has a passion to help people escape the performance trap and regain their authenticity in every area of life. He is a VUCA Leadership Mentor, Sustainable Performance Coach, Master Coach Trainer in Social and Emotional Intelligence, and the founder of People Builders.
Visit www.grantherbert.com to find out how you can connect.