Unlocking Success in Global Firms: Work Styles and Career Upgrade Essentials

Unlocking Success in Global Firms: Work Styles and Career Upgrade Essentials


Thinking of working in Japan and not sure if you should go for a Japanese company or global firms?

Don’t worry! Our experienced headhunters at Talent x Buzz will share insights on differences between Japanese and global companies work culture and how to successfully prepare for getting a job at global firms.

Pay attention! Work culture matters

Before we start with the tips, let us share the facts and culture of Japanese and global companies in Japan. (Although not all of this might be true, we hear a lot of stories from our candidates)

Japanese companies tend to emphasize employee collaboration and teamwork. Traditional working styles, such as seniority-based promotion and lifetime employment, are often deeply rooted. As a result, membership-based employment is common, where employees are expected to contribute to the company over the long term and gradually build their careers.

Global companies, on the other hand, are typically based on a meritocracy, with job-based employment where individual performance and skills are evaluated. Diversity among employees is highly valued, and cross-cultural understanding and proactive leadership are generally expected. Work tends to be efficient, with a focus on results, while flexibility in individual working styles is also common.

Differences in a glance

Real skills that help you get a job

  1. Storytelling

In global companies, it is essential to clearly highlight your strengths and achievements. Unlike the Japanese culture of humility, self-assertion is necessary. Presenting past achievements and specific successful projects, as well as clearly conveying how you can contribute to the company, is key to a successful career move.

2. Flexibility in Work Approach and Thinking

Global companies place great emphasis on flexibility in how work is approached and thought about. You need the ability to actively propose ideas and drive projects forward rather than waiting for instructions from your superiors. Demonstrating leadership and problem-solving skills by making decisions independently is essential.

3. Leveraging Networking

Many foreign-affiliated companies emphasize referral hiring through networking. It is important to expand your professional network by attending industry events and utilizing platforms like LinkedIn. Recommendations and referrals from people already working in the company can provide a significant advantage during the recruitment process.

Before you go...

There are significant differences in culture, evaluation systems, and working styles between foreign-affiliated and Japanese companies. When transitioning to a foreign-affiliated company, improving your English skills, enhancing your self-promotion, and demonstrating leadership in your work approach are crucial. Additionally, expanding your network through networking can increase your chances of success in a career move.

When considering a career change, make sure to understand the corporate culture that aligns with your career goals and lifestyle, and choose an environment where you can maximize your skills and value in either type of company.

Any questions? Contact us here: contact@talentxbuzz.com

日系 vs 外資系:ワークスタイルと外資転職に成功する秘訣

外資系ヘッドハンティングファーム出身のコンサルタントも数多く在籍するTalent x Buzz。日々たくさんの外資系企業への転職を考えている方の相談にも乗りますが、転職をスムーズに進めるには、企業それぞれの特徴や文化を知ることが近道です。








1. 自己PR力


2. 仕事の進め方や考え方の柔軟性


3. ネットワーキングを活用する







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