Using 'The Secret' To Cope With The Pressures Of Working On The NHS Frontline
As an Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (ENT) Registrar, I have spent the majority of 2020 working on the NHS frontline, seeing first-hand the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
With long hours and distressing sights, the overwhelming pressure placed on NHS workers is clear to see; both physically and mentally.
I have long-pursued an interest in neuroscience, consciousness and spirituality and have been an avid enthusiast of scripting as a method for reinforcement of neural pathways in the brain, as well as replacing habits and psychological paradigms; essentially aiming to reprogram my subconscious mind and ultimately explore how the perception of reality can be altered through changes in thought patterns and subsequent hormonal effects (which form our feelings).
A basic form of scripting was made popular by the 2006 self-help book, The Secret, and has been widely used by many who are interested in manifestations and the idea of the creation of reality, rather than placement in it.
Scripting is a tool used as part of Law of Attraction (LoA) and it follows the belief that “what you think about and thank about, you bring about”.
The Law of Attraction, also known as the Law of Mirroring, responds to your thoughts with the words you speak and the emotions you feel - establishing you as the creator of your own reality.
I know that words carry immense power and to me, the two most powerful words in the world are “I am”; for what you place after them shapes who you will become.
I feel that my work with the NHS, particularly during this difficult year, is sheer privilege. It has enabled me to help those most vulnerable during their darkest hour.
It is my utmost belief that the trust of my patients (who would otherwise have no prior knowledge of my capabilities) is the purest form of love and something so divinely powerful that can only be met with light and returned love.
It is for this reason that I practice meditation, scripting and many other methods of multi-dimensional growth; to be able to show up, level up and remain a ray of hope in the darkness. Scripting allows me to decide upon and envision the strength I need to bring my best to work each day.
Dr Joe Dispenza has been a great influence on my journey so far and his research into mind and heart coherence is a fantastic scientific insight into scripting, the law of attraction and why this truly works. Neuroscience is the basis of how spirituality manifests itself into physical realism and the world as we perceive it using our five senses.
To this end, I script once a month, where I look to set four specific aims and intentions. I then re-read this script each morning and night, believing in the intentions and meditating on them.
The gap between thought and physical matter is vision with emotion. Emotion is energy in motion so where focus goes, energy flows. Everything that we believe exists; from modern technology to art, has at one point been a thought. Someone has thought it first then followed that thought with action which has led to creation of it in the physical world. There is a very logical sequence of events that is born from pure thought and so, in my opinion there is nothing quite as powerful as a simple human thought.
Emotion is the physical signature of thought. You may not be aware of your thoughts at all times, but you will always know how you feel. Writing in the present tense and physically feeling the joy, peace or other pleasant emotions that you wish to create will help shift your focus into a positive mindset and a domino effect soon follows.
Neuroscience has demonstrated that for every thought that is focused upon, even for mere seconds, another similar thought arises; which is why we can talk ourselves into or out of anything. We can use this predictable behaviour of the brain to reverse the adverse effects of unwanted feelings such as anxiety, fear and negativity.
Working on the front line has led to extremely hard days, but through scripting, I have been able to take a measured response and keep stress under control.
We're facing unchartered waters and now more than ever, mental health and wellbeing is paramount in ensuring we have the coping mechanisms to deal with lockdown and devastating effects of Covid-19.
My spiritual practice has been a huge help to me and my own personal wellbeing, focusing on creating my reality and using the power of words, thoughts and actions to not only cope with the day to day stress of my job but to bring my best to the frontline each and every day.