UTM Weekly - Feng Wei, Deputy Director of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, visits UTM
Meet UTM 參訪澳旅大
Feng Wei, Deputy Director of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, visits UTM. VIEW DETAILS >
廣東省教育廳副廳長馮偉訪問澳門旅遊大學。 詳情 >
Professional Development 專業發展
In order to promote the further development of educational tours in Macao, UTM will launch a professional training programme in December.
為促進澳門研學旅遊市場的進一步發展,澳門旅遊大學將於12月開設研學旅遊專業培訓課程。 詳情 >
UTM Lectures 澳旅大講座
UTM invited Ms. Synthia Chan, the Council Chairperson of the Macau Fair & Trade Association (MFTA), to share about events industry collaboration and partnership.VIEW DETAILS >
澳旅大邀請澳門展貿協會理事長陳思雅向學生分享,探討會展行業合作與夥伴關係。 詳情 >