UTM Weekly - UTM held its 2024 Scholarship and Fellowship Presentation Ceremony
UTM Scholarship 澳旅大獎學金
UTM held its 2024 Scholarship and Fellowship Presentation Ceremony on 8 November, presenting more than 300 scholarships to students who demonstrated outstanding performance in academic achievements, global internships, research and exchange activities. VIEW DETAILS >
澳門旅遊大學舉行2024獎助學金頒獎典禮,合共頒發逾300個由澳旅大、支持機構及個人所設立的獎助學金,以此表彰在學術成績、環球實習、海外交流、學術論文等多個方面表現突出的學生。詳情 >
UTM Events 澳旅大活動
UTM’s “Idea-cation 2024” Competition concludes with success! In the High School Category, Colégio Diocesano de São José 6 team received the gold award, Colégio de Santa Rosa de Lima - Secção Chinesa team the silver, and another team from Colégio Diocesano de São José 6 the bronze. In the Open Category, UTM team earned gold, Northwest University and Canterbury Christ Church University team silver, and another UTM team bronze. VIEW DETAILS >
澳門旅遊大學“創意‧薈2024”競賽圓滿結束!在高中組,來自聖若瑟教區中學第六校的隊伍囊括金獎和銅獎,聖羅撒女子中學中文部獲得銀獎;在公開組,來自澳門旅遊大學的隊伍囊括金獎和銅獎,來自西北大學和Canterbury Christ Church University學生組成的隊伍獲得銀獎。詳情 >
UTM Students 澳旅大學生
UTM students joined the “GEG Sea Cruises: Fishing Heritage Leisure Tour” sponsored by GEG to experience fishing village culture history and landscapes in Macao. VIEW DETAILS >
澳旅大學生參加澳門銀河娛樂集團贊助的“銀娛海上遊—漁樂之旅”活動,體驗澳門漁村文化歷史和迷人風景。詳情 >