The Value of Failure
“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” — J.K. Rowling
People would frequently want to avoid reporting failures in many organizations. After all, nobody loves to fail.
We frequently gain more knowledge from our failures than our accomplishments, though. Many successful people believe that failure is essential to their success and that it is also inevitable.
Let's examine what makes a failure worthwhile.
Failure: What Is It?
What exactly is failure? Why is it crucial to fail before we succeed at something?
We tend to view things negatively when we consider failure. Failure, according to our definition, is painful, upsetting, and brings on agonizing emotions of shame, regret, and remorse. However, people who have experienced actual failure and recovered from it are aware that failure is a vital part of life to succeed. Yes, losing hurts. It pierces us from the inside out like a blade. But it's essential.
And those who have achieved the greatest in life have failed the most. You're not really living a life if you attempt to avoid making any mistakes throughout it. Risk-taking and failure are inevitable parts of life; they shape who we are. A baby will frequently trip and tumble while she is initially starting to walk. This is failure. However, if you ask any mother if her child will ever be able to walk, she will vehemently affirm that her child will. She may stumble frequently, but walking is a given. Why does the mother think her daughter will walk with such certainty? Of course, we all are aware of the solution. We are aware that failing to walk properly and falling down are inevitable parts of life. So why isn't failure in other endeavors handled in the same manner?
We are unaware of the lengths some people went to achieve their goals in life. They had to fail repeatedly, just like a newborn learning to walk.
The issue? Instead of emphasizing the epic journeys towards accomplishment that are full of hardships, tribulations, upsets, setbacks, and failures, society frequently celebrates the successes.
Why Failure Is Important?
Even though it hurts, failure is a necessary part of life. Failure is essential.
More often than I'd like to admit, I've failed. I'm not referring to minor failures either; rather, I'm referring to the kind of failures that radically change the dynamics of your relationships, finances, and mental health. And if you're anything like me, you've probably failed numerous times as well. I can't say that I particularly enjoy failing, yet failure develops us as people since it teaches us things that have a lasting impact.
Failure is life’s greatest teacher; it is nature's chisel that strips away all the excess and flattens egos as it molds and forms us according to divine purposes. Without failure, we wouldn't be as capable of kindness, compassion, and great accomplishment; we also wouldn't be as inclined to go for the moon and the stars. The most important life lessons are those we learn through failure.
Why It's Important to Report Failures?
Failure is never fun, but learning from it can be beneficial. Let's use incident reporting at work as an illustration. Minor workplace events should be reported so that more significant ones might be avoided. Organizations must make sure their mechanisms encourage the reporting of issues.
Analytics and employee engagement can both be greatly aided by software solutions. It's critical that the information you gather be specific. Employee participation in reporting failures is therefore necessary. This will make solving problems a lot simpler because you will be able to better personalize the solutions to address the current problems.
Why Failure Is Necessary?
Failure is a vital part of life. Failure serves as a springboard. In truth, failure helps teach and embed in us 5 extremely important life skills. Keep these crucial lessons in mind if you recently failed at something in a big way and are currently going through a challenging moment.
Experience- Experience is the first crucial lesson learned from failure.
What occurs if we fail? We have a deeper appreciation for life when we go through experiences and come out the other side with firsthand knowledge. The lessons learned from mistakes are priceless. Through the creation of pain, it radically changes our mental state. It causes us to consider the truth of things and their significance in our lives, changing and bettering the people we will become in the future.
Knowledge- Failure provides valuable first-hand knowledge. It is possible to use that knowledge going forward to avoid experiencing the same failure that caused so much anguish initially. Failure-related learning cannot be replaced.
With every failure, Thomas Edison, who reportedly tried about 10,000 times to make an electric lighting that would be commercially feasible, learned of yet another approach that didn't work. He eventually succeeded thanks to the knowledge he had gained from his roughly 10,000 failed tries.
Resilience- Resilience is aided by failure in life. We become more resilient as we experience more failures. We need to understand resilience if we want to succeed greatly. Since we'll undoubtedly set ourselves up for a much more painful failure if we believe we'll succeed on the first try—or even the first few.
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Resilience is a quality that can benefit us in so many aspects of life. Success is bred by resilience because it makes the game easier to win. The unrealistic hopes that anything would happen overnight have been replaced by realistic expectations that real success would need a tremendous amount of labour and effort.
Growth- Failure helps us develop and become more fully human. We discover deeper meanings and insights into our life and the motivations behind our actions. This enables us to contemplate and put things into perspective while giving harsh circumstances significance.
Life is meant to help us develop and get better. Growth is an integral aspect of who we are, from the genetic components that shape us as unique individuals to the worldwide social fabric. Without development, we couldn't make life better in every way.
Value- The need to produce and disseminate an extremely high amount of value is one of the most important lessons we can take away from life's mistakes. Value sits at the centre of success, and a lack of value is a keystone of failure.
Consider the value you contributed to the table when reflecting on your prior failures. Could you have provided more benefit? If so, would failure have been avoided? You will achieve success once you develop the ability to continuously create enormous value.
“Instead of just focusing on what it takes to be successful, we should be keenly aware of shortcomings that hinder our success.”
"Good" vs. "Bad" Failures
Every failure has the potential to lead to change, but a horrible failure is one that does not. According to Google, a good failure has two features. It's one where you learn from your mistakes and can use that information in your future pursuits.
Failing "fast" or "early" also improves the outcome of a failure. It's always preferable to improve sooner rather than later.
How to bounce back after failing
There are numerous strategies for overcoming failure. You'll free your mind and open your heart to the joy of failure once you realise what failure is and how it's designed to help us rather than hurt us. Joy? Indeed, joy. It's challenging to understand the significance of failure when we're experiencing it. When a fire is threatening to burn the entire hamlet down, it is difficult to see the forest for the trees. But it is exactly what we must do. There are many ways to do that-
Don't listen to the critics- When you fail, there will undoubtedly be others who will say, "I told you so," or "You should have listened to me." Take no notice to them. Ignore the critics. Living a life where you are always entirely safe isn't living.
Acknowledge that Failure Is Okay- Knowing that failure is perfectly normal is one of the finest strategies to bounce back from it. Numerous failure tales from the most successful people in the world may be found online if you do any of a few searches. Failure is acceptable. But giving up is never acceptable. It's not acceptable to give up, even if your defeat was painful. If you must, keep failing repeatedly. Don't stop till you succeed. When you succeed, it will taste much sweeter.
One of the best ways to bounce back from failure is probably to keep going and not give up. Remember, you can't truly consider something a failure unless you give up completely and for good.
Making Use of Failure as a Tool- You can use a failure in your life as motivation to go on in the future as well as to help you heal from it. Failure may be a fantastic, unparalleled platform for progress. You must bring failures to mind making use of them. Outline your failures and the reasons they occurred. Did your former goals have a deep enough meaning for you? What else could you have done? When you encounter those failures again, how will you respond? How will you use the lessons of the past to help create a more expansive and promising future?
Failure doesn't mean the journey is over as long as you keep trying. If you still have faith in your plans, you might use your setback as motivation to overcome previous constraints.
Review Your Goals- Did you previously have definite, written goals? Did you make your objectives smarter style? Examine how specific you were with your former goals when you revisit them. Were they exact and precise? Did you see them in your mind's eye?
Sometimes not setting goals properly leads to failure. We must not only create goals correctly, but also monitor and evaluate them on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis.
A Massive Action Plan should be prepared- Want to bounce back after failing? Make a Comprehensive Action Plan. Plan for how you're going to reach your goals based on your objectives. The next time failure rears its ugly head, what will you do?
A comprehensive action plan gives us a methodical strategy to accomplish the objectives we set for ourselves. We can approach things with a more long-term mindset once we realise that those goals won't be easy to reach.
Lay out a sound action plan that will assist you in overcoming life's obstacles, and watch as you gradually but steadily bounce back from any setbacks, upsets, or failures.
Concluding Remarks
The value of failure, in other words, is the value of the change it inspires. Failures have proven to be incredibly beneficial to enterprises. Some could even claim that failure should be rewarded!
Why play it safe and remain stagnant when you may fail and progress?
President, NIIT University
1yVery well thought out and scripted. Unfortunately, the work place is a living example of intolerance towards the failure. It is equally important that such failures are shared so that others benefit by not having to go through the same process again, and fora created to share respective experiences Good work Raginie
Academic Advisor! Professor ! Consultant
1yUltimately it will lead to success because you get lesson to rectify your mistakes and becomes more refined and greater chance of success
Regional Head @ LinkedIn | Masters in Management
1yIt takes massive courage to accept failure ...muster the faith to get up and work towards your goal....But at the end of the is a journey ..nit a destination...hence always worth giving your best to chase your dream...Very well articulated Prof. Raginie Singh ....Loved the article....resonated well... Thanks...