The Veil Is Very Thin
Holtz Realty

The Veil Is Very Thin

I dare say this month has definitely been far cooler than normal, and you can be sure I'm enjoying every moment of it. Truth be told, there were only two or three days thus far this season where it was slightly uncomfortable at my office, which has left me to believe that there's been more airflow at the front of my office building now that the Kirk Apartment building is gone. A person never would've imagined that apartment complex being that big until now seeing the footprint it's left on that quarter-section of our city's block. I'm finally getting used to it being gone, but I'll definitely miss seeing all those out-of-towners taking photos of it.

There wasn't much happening at office today, so I busied myself with doing some research on a home I was scheduled to inspect this afternoon for a broker's opinion I agreed to provide. I did have some errands to run, along with a quick stop-over to First Congregational Church to look up several hymns they wanted played. While there, the office manager showed up, so I ended up having a short visit with him. Since I was there, I figured I might as well open up the organ and run thru those pieces, and ended up getting wowed again by its beautiful tones and massive audio strength. I was testing it a little more with my opening it up to its limits, and I dare say if I had all the stops pulled, she'd be rattling the windows.

Just as I was leaving, I noticed a woman with her dog seated at the bottom of their steps, and the first words out of her mouth was, "Was that you playing the organ?" Of course I had to respond "Yes", which turned into another short conversation about how few organists there are, along with those who're walking away from their pianos and opting for those nasty electronic keyboards. Yes, I've been forced to play a few of them, and every one of them were inferior to the real thing. I swear our general public is losing its 'ear' for good music.

While out, I noticed the concrete contractors had taken away those barriers around the concrete they poured last week at my back-alley, and for whatever reason, the lowest point of their pour, still looks higher than it's supposed to be, so we'll see what happens the next time we get a heavy rain. I know they hired an engineer/architect to draw those plans, but I dare say I could've done a far better job in getting that corrected. Of course we 'natives' must always bow to our city's meritocracy, or must we?

I did manage to catch up with my dear friend this morning, just to share several discoveries I made, which she was happy to learn. We both agreed that more people had better start educating themselves to all the happenings in our City, State and National governments, along with keeping in tune with what's taking place on the international scene. She did mention having read something on one of our local online news feeds where someone had mentioned there's gonna be a major 'house cleaning' in our City Hall in the near future, so I'll have to see if I can find that article and give it a good read.

My afternoon walk-thru of that home was an easy tour, and only because I'd been in it some years ago. There are definitely some maintenance issues which'll have to be addressed more sooner than later, but overall, it was still standing strong and sturdy. Before leaving, we sat and had a nice visit about how all these 'crazies' are coming out of the woodwork, and especially the alt-rights and alt-lefts. Thank goodness he and I were on the same page regarding how dangerous these movements are becoming. More than once I said, "We can blame it on all those 'bat shite crazy' online news feeds which are likely being funded by the Chinese and Russians. If the average citizen only knew how badly China, Russia, Iran and North Korea wants to see us destroyed from within, we'd all be coming together to make compromises. Yes, my visit with that kind-hearted gentleman ended up being the highlight of my day.

I kept forgetting to mention an interesting conversation I had with a gentleman some days ago, which ended up centering around these random happenings which had taken place in our lives which were beyond coincidence, and of course being the story-teller that I am, I proceeded to share just a few events which had taken place over these past seven years. There's no doubt he's experienced similar happenings which likely prompted him to say, "There are times when the veil is very thin." Oh how true his words were. Thank goodness I didn't mention some of the really creepy incidents which were most definitely the work of what most would consider to be the 'others' out of the spirit world.

After getting emails and phone calls returned, I had some time to go digging for additional music which I'll be able to play before and after the Services at those two churches. As chance would have it, I still have in my possession, a bound accompaniment hymn book which contains a large amount of very old church music. As I was carefully paging thru those yellowed sheets, I would play those which I thought to be appropriate, but the real shocker for me, were the numbers of them that I made copies of which I'd not heard played in decades. I found it a bit sad because at least ten of them were religious classics which have survived since the 1600's, 1700's and 1800's. Now that's definitely saying something about how much our society has turned away from the classics. There are three of them which I'll definitely use as preludes, and won't be surprised if I get compliments. Yes, I'm now even more believing that music as a whole, is rapidly evolving into something I'm not so sure I like. Have you noticed how many of the big evangelical churches are now playing contemporary religious videos on their big screens? These coming years are definitely going to be interesting as we're watching how our main-line denominations are going to contain their eroding memberships. As I'm mentioned before, First Congregational Church should be filled every Sunday, and only because of its magnificent interior, its acoustics, and it's grand pipe organ. How very sad.

Tonight's One-liner is: When all actions are mathematically calculated, they also take on a stupid quality.

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