Verbal Communication – Things to improve
Have you ever faced a situation, when you had much to say but, you get it difficult to be understood by others? Or you tried to convey an excellent message but it was perceived wrongly by audience? If yes, then your verbal communication needs to be improved.
Communication is not only a need but, an art too. And to be master of it, you need to take care of few small things. Just talking is not a communication, it may consist noise too, unwanted data.
Communication is an exchange of information (data) between two or more people. Mode of communication can be verbal, written, sign or any other way which can successfully transmit information between two living being.
In this article we will talk about the Verbal Communication and how to improve it. First we have to understand that Verbal Communication is just a mode of communication and this can be improved always. You can always be a better communicator by improving the quality of mode.
Telling a good message alone is not a good communication. Message can be very interesting and meaningful but, if it is not conveyed properly then things are just messed up. For example: You are talking to your superiors and conveying the message that you will achieve the given target. But, your voice tone and body language doesn’t support your message. Then, the communication is not done properly, your superior will receive message that you will be failing in your commitments, which is totally opposite of what you wanted to communicate.
Consider yourself as a book while making verbal communication. Your first two pages will create impression about what kind of book you are. People will judge quickly and very few will dare to read complete book. You have to understand this. Audience, whomsoever it may be, have their pre-set mind and will make a quick judgement.
Analyze Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication mainly consists two parts:
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Communication with lost data is actually communication with wrong data. Your message will change it's meaning and whole understanding of the audience will be in different tangent.
Confidence is the key of getting things right and practice can make the confidence at right level. Verbal Communication is most common mode of communication for every individual, so getting it right is very important.
How to improve?
There are few suggestions to improve the verbal communication
There are many more methods which a mentor can teach you. It is always recommendable to keep improving your skills even if you assume yourself as an expert.