Verses 12: Conscious Business

The following collection of original verses offered below were individually posted on LinkedIn (April-May 2017). Written by author Harvey Kraft they provide insightful glimpses into the role of higher consciousness for the sake of forging awareness, inspiration, meaning, and success through conscious business initiatives.

According to Wikipedia, Conscious Business refers to "enterprises and people...that choose to follow a business strategy, in which they seek to benefit both human beings and the environment." But, that said, the view of consciousness as an externally-directed strategy sometimes misses the larger role of awareness in all business, a critical human capability that applies to nearly every enterprise, whether or not it has a stated goal to do good. To ignore it undermines the long-term sustainable viability of any initiative.

In our present Age of big data and analytical technology designed to shed light on market forces, too much dependence on this tool can be used to substitute for thought leadership. While computer programs are used widely to gain perspectives on market dynamics, technology cannot appreciate the role of higher consciousness in human motivations and interaction. For those dedicated to creating a conscious business, regardless of values they may pursue, relying on the distinctly human capacity for raising awareness about meaningful issues works best when it gets equal consideration with the viability of the bottom line.

Ultimately, any do-good goal is admirable; but to be implemented successfully requires the continuous pursuit of Higher Consciousness, the root cause of creating authentic and sustainable value.

All verses written by author Harvey Kraft. Worldwide rights reserved. Artist names appear with images.

Making Space for Kindness in Business

Art: Eugenia Loli

The astronauts

Viewing our planet from space

Felt loving kindness

For all humanity.

Discovering the power of kindness

Can also transform your business

Taking you farther

Connecting you deeper

with people.

But many businesspeople

Stuck in the mud of low opinions

Regard kindness as a weakness,

Reject kindness as a distraction,

Fear kindness for it might

make them vulnerable

As though falling space junk

threatens their business.

So, is there a role for

kindness in business

In the Age of Digital Space?

Conscious businesspeople see

Kindness as an essential

expression of goodwill,

A proven business asset,

A foundational, long-term

equity strategy.

Authentic kindness goes far

Beyond cause marketing

In that it enhances value

Through conscious connections

Requiring awareness

Of inherent value creation.

Managing the application of kindness successfully


Creates massive engagement energy and

produces sustainable profit potential.

Early Adopters

Art: Vargo Statten Magazine

Where are the 5%

of the population

willing to buy into

something new and wonderful?

The early adopters

The innovation junkies

The willing exponents.


The next big thing

For the sustainable 

well-being of humanity

The most innovative vehicle

Ever developed.

Discover the experience of a lifetime

Drive your mind into a wondrous

Future of harmony and wisdom.

Higher Consciousness

The super transport of realization

Will change your life,

Not an app

Nor a gadget,

No subscription required.

Will you be one of the 5% 

ready to buy in?

Step up to join in the


In enlightening your senses.

Take a test ride today.


Art: Gabriel Isak [filtered]

Actual learning

Is becoming

Increasingly rare in our times,

Despite an information tsunami.


is a conditioning process


animal or human behavior

In response to

punishment or reward.

Is this learning?


Generate-test for outcomes

Processing variables until

Data feedback patterns

Fit useful conclusions.

Is this learning?


Education processes

Rely mostly on indoctrination,

Receive, repeat, memorize, recall items

Approved, adopted by

Curricular authorities,

Managed thought systems



But in practice,

Programmed functions

Much like machine learning.

Is this learning?

Information acquisition,

Controlled narratives,

Training modalities,

Rote processes are

Very different from

The fertile field of

Human learnings.

Adept learning

Relies on a complex network of

Dynamic, internal assets

...Intuition, envisioning, investigation

Exhortation, exploration, 

Discernment, discovery,

Inventiveness, innovation,

Insight, foresight, hindsight, farsight,


Set to question

To enlighten the mind

To activate the pallet of

Sensory utilities accessible from

Higher Consciousness,

To delve into the unknown

To energize the learning mind.

A Drink After Work

Art: Borzui

He does business

At the bar

Breakfast, lunch, dinner or after hours

Drinking enough to swallow

The ethics

He espouses at home

To his children

Who question their father

While they take his money

To sooth their secret angst.

He gets a call from

A customer

To meet for drinks after work.

The topic of conversation

Turns to his teenagers.

"I'm at my wits end," he confides in his companion after a third drink,

"When I was their age,

my father smacked me

if I talked back."

The customer asked a strange question.

"Do you have a Last Will and Testament?"

"Yes I do, why?"

"Because what you leave behind is not in it."

Trying to fight an overwhelming haze

The bewildered businessman

Fell asleep.

The customer needing to go

Pulled out a large gem

And placed it on the bar, saying,

"Pre-payment for future services."

When the man awoke

He could not believe his eyes.

The radiance of the jewel

Instantly sobered his mind,

"The bright future

I wish for my children

Is to be found

in the Gem of

Higher Consciousness

hidden within," he realized.

Stopping at the door

Before rushing home

To share the

Newfound treasure

With his family,

He looked back at his usual seat at the bar

but it disappeared

As if he was never there.

Thought Menu

Art: Chiara Fersini [filtered]

In your mind

Is a kitchen

Where you prepare

The thoughts you dish out.

Some minds prefer to eat out,

Pick up, or call for delivery.

Avoiding home cooking

Means thoughts, opinions are mostly collective

Served up by outside services.

Gourmet minds create complex 

world-class thought delicacies

Like five-star chef kitchens,

Culinary masterpieces of

What could be and will be.

Most of us excel at 

Simpler, homemade tastes,

Observations and expressions

Relying on common sense

Good at basic mental nourishment,

Best at ways to delight ourselves, and

Remarkably perceptive when it really counts.

Thoughts range from shallow to profound,

Some more appetizing than others,

Occasionally gulped in a fleeting moment.

Whatever your skills in the kitchen,

Improve your menu

By expanding your mind with

Happy, healthy thought choices.

Adding kind-hearted and conscious

Wisdom resources

To your self-enriching spice rack

Will surely enhance your

Flavor palette with

Joyous ingredients

Just right for serving with a smile.

And The Winner Is...

Art: Rafal Olbinski

Scoring the winning point

Breaking the world record

Receiving a gold medal

Hoisting an engraved trophy

Banking the big $ payoff...

Fueled by our desire to excel,

Each moment of


Heightens our sense of well-earned victory

Flooding our mind

With the chemistry of


Standing on a pedestal is short-lived

Ecstasy will not last,

Jubilation is unsustainable,

Because winning

Is invariably subverted by the

Hovering temporariness

In all we accomplish.

Yet the sweet glorious residue of


May linger long after the

Grand moment has passed

Protected by an aura of pride

It becomes a prized memory.

But in the ongoing race of life

Aspiration never stops to

Bask in fading glories.


Our spirit to strive

Keeps going



Resolved to face

The latest challenge.

Ever-ready to leap over the next

Hurdle just ahead,

In our Higher Consciousness

Triumphs are private,


Like a merit badge,

Is earned for giving it our all,

Garnered from our daily

Transformational battles in

Defeating our inner obstacles.

Group Think

Art: Elena Vizerskaya aka KaSSandrA

Animals and humans share

A fundamental predilection for organized behavior

Adopted early in the evolutionary schema

To benefit survival by improving

Access to food and reproduction.

But the collective mind

Exacts a steep price

For group think.

The most obvious cost of

organized thinking systems is the

Prioritization of group agendas

Subordinating the free will of

individual members,

Often unaware of their

complicity in compliance.

To address these high costs

Higher Consciousness

offers all comers a

Liberated Mind Plan

A free choice application

Wherein you allow your thoughts

To be recycled outside the

Parameters of group think

Infusing your need for survival

With the purpose and meaning

Of cosmic interconnectedness.

The Camouflage Legacy

Art: Hannah Faith Yata

Out of the ocean

Millions of years ago

A creature crawled onto land

An evolutionary leaper

Now advanced enough

To reflect

On wherefrom it once came.

In the Eat-or-be-Eaten ocean

Deception is the best strategy.


Species lay in wait

To catch their prey or

Hide to avoid their own demise.

Down there

The key to success

Is constant vigilance.

The inherited vulnerability of 

Being out in the open,

Focuses us humans on reducing risk

Requiring us to be alert to danger

To hone survival instincts,

Like obfuscation.

But doing so

Slows the development

Of higher functions.

The legacy of the fish world

Blunts the plasticity of the mind,

So that we can survive danger,

Real or imagined.

But this crucial process in

Human development

Has been activated now.

While our genes carry

Fear-based mechanisms

Cultivated in the deep,

As terrestrial beings

We found the talent

For aspiration,

Catapulting our advancement

Through conscious creativity,

Seeking the light of cosmic truth.

Striving to rise above the frey

We now roam the skies

Eyeing vast space

For a new place

Where we can shed camouflage

For self-transformation,

Foster interconnectivity,

Find new potentials,

Soar into Higher Consciousness.

Partial Truth?

Art: Maggie Taylor & Jerry Uelsmann

In legal terms

The truth

Is the whole truth and

Nothing but the truth,

So then...

What's partial truth?

If only a portion of it is true,

Negated in part or by omission,

Then it is an incomplete truth,

On the whole a falsehood.

Partial truth

The great oxymoron of our times

Relies on parsed perceptions

Incomplete versions of "truth"

Designed to fool

Those unaware of

What they don't yet know

Deny or fail to consider.

Like hit-and-run stories

The righteous framing of agendas

Blown out to megaphone proportions,

Are unleashing a torrent of

Partial truths

Threatening to drown sensibilities and

Wash away clarity.

In the flood zone of the mind

It falls upon the bewildered

To escape for higher ground,

But how to get there?

The Truth-seeker

Opens an old drawer

Finding the handheld tool

Once used for

Holding all claims of veracity,

Agreeable or disturbing,

Up to closer examination.

The magnifying glass of discernment

Revealer of authenticity

Instantly uplifts its inquisitor

To the summit of great wisdom

To view the whole picture

From the vantage of Higher Consciousness

Where the unseen and partial

Become visible and whole.

Raise Your Head

Art: Oleg Oprisco

I looked up from my device

Found myself in a public space

Gazed all around

People were seated or standing

A few were chatting

Most heads were looking down

Engrossed in a device.

What does it take to get us to

Lift our heads?

An unexpected commotion like

The arrival of a celebrity?

Money falling from above?

Or a shower of color paints?

Awakening myself

From the pervasive

Running of the bulls,

Like the Pamplona

Of our connected world,

I wonder what I would miss

If I stepped out of looking in.

I'm ready to put down my umbrella

Raise my head

Sing my song

After all

I am only here

Because of you.

To keep us engaged

I create and offer you my verses,

Each a heady wondering

Turned into a daily surprise

Wrapped in art,

Designed to

Honor your

Higher Consciousness,

Hoping you will raise your head

Together with me

Open your mind

To the colorful paint


In the here and now.


Conscious Business

by Harvey Kraft

Author of the award-winning epic The Buddha from Babylon (Amazon) and the recent visionary sci-fi/fantasy e-novel The Waker: Portal of Perfect Light.For more information visit the book website.

Visit my business page:


Business Advisory

Wisdom Leadership

Authentic Branding & Messaging

Saima Talat

English language Instructor at Foundation University, Rwp


Wonderful collection especially, "A drink after work" loved it. Thank you for sharing Harvey.

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