Victory Over THE FLESH (“And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affection and lusts (Galatians 5:24)
Are you living on a daily, constant victory over sin, self and flesh? Are you living in past glories, and victories? Do you have current trailblazing spiritual standing with God? Arent you finding yourself periodically, struggling over little lies, little anger, little immorality, little unforgiveness, little envy? Aren't you like Samson, who thought of shaking himself as usual, not knowing the spirit of God had left him? Are you a victor over the flesh or victim of the flesh?
Looking at himself in the mirror, Michael sat by the edge of the bed with a forlorn face wondering why he appears so powerless in the face of temptation that has defeated him time and again. As he pondered, he reminisced some weeks back how he was determined to war against pornography and masturbation, which greatly disturbed him.
He understood that he was corrupt and carnal, and he was cut off from God. But despite his firm resolution, he could not crucify those fleshly activities. He always went back to his vomit. He thought he could fight against the plague all by himself. But when he realized that by the arm of flesh, no man can conquer worldly affections and lusts, and be completely free from sin, he quickly surrendered his life to Christ and received the power to crucify his flesh. Through Him, he became victorious over fleshly appetites and built a true character worthy of a Christian.
Winning the war against the flesh requires absolute faith in Christ and in the power of His might. God has made adequate provision for us to experience continual victory over the flesh, sin and Satan. He grants us His Spirit which leads and guides us in the way of righteousness. But those without the spirit of God walk after the flesh.
The human soul is rightly described as the battleground between good and evil. Hence, there is an unending battle between light and darkness that seeks to lure the soul away from God into ungodliness (Galatians 5:17-21). But one who yields totally to the Spirit and completely subdue the works of the flesh, is sure to have the victory.
There is a constant battle between the Spirit and the flesh. Every Christian has two births: he fleshly and the spiritual; each is opposed to the other. The freshly birth is flesh and the spiritual birth spirit. “That which is born of the Spirit is spirit (John 3:6). Because they are opposed to the other, there is always a struggle between them.
Naturally, a believer who has not crucified the flesh has the tendency of being controlled and brought into submission by it. The flesh desires to be proud, magnified and conceited, but the spirit desires us to be humble-minded. More so, the flesh desires to indulge in immorality but the spirit desires that we be chaste. The flesh desires to be malicious, crafty, deceptive and hypocritical, but the spirit desires to be truthful and straightforward in all dealings.
This is the reason for Apostle Paul’s injunction to “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh: (Galatians 5:16).
The Apostle became concerned about the Galatians because some individuals had come to them with erroneous teachings, telling them to go in the way of the flesh.
Paul’s concern proves that no matter the spiritual height a believer attains, there is need to constantly subdue the flesh in order to overcome.
There is a big contrast between the Spirit and the flesh. The works of the flesh are: adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, variance, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murder, drunkenness, reveling, etc., while the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (Galatians 5:19-23). Thus, whoever finds the works of the flesh in his/her life is not of the Spirit. Just as it is impossible for water and oil to mix, there can be no agreement between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit.
You must personally deal decisively and violently with the flesh the moment you notice them in your life. Satan is fighting his last battles and has unleashed the lethal weapon of sexual impurity and perversion to herd souls to hell. We live in an era when obscenity, pornography, fleshly lusts, sexual perversion and all sorts of uncleanliness are encouraged, promoted and celebrated. This evil is increasingly fuelled by the mass media, internet, the entertainment industry, social media and a host of other institutions. Such are traps which the devil uses to distract or gain the attention of weak and gullible believers.
The flesh and the Spirit fight against each other. If you must be victorious in this daily battle raging within your soul, you need to be violent with self, bad habits or anything that can hinder you from getting to heaven. But before a battle can be won, there must be a recognition of the enemy. The most continual aggressive enemy the Christian has is the flesh. Hence, there is need to crucify it with its affections. With Christ enthroned in our lives (Galatians 2:20), we must become dead to the things of the world.
Sadly, many people take God’s righteousness for granted and think they are infallible. Presumptuous and self-confident people often fall into sin. Bible characters such as Noah, Gideon, Asa, Uzziah, David and Peter who fell into sin after being saved should serve as a warning to believers and remind them of the need to keep taming the flesh at all times. Only through obedience to the Lord and the empowering of the Holy Spirit can a child of God live an overcoming life. When we try to subdue it on our own, we are defeated long before we try.
Victory comes through absolute surrender and supernatural empowerment which are received by faith.
As we expect to have victory over the flesh…”let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and…put on the armour of light” (Romans 13:12). The plan of God for those who are enslaved by the devil through bad habits, sin of smoking, drunkenness, fornication, immorality, drug abuse, lying, occultism, religion, etc., is to set them free and possess them with His Spirit. Christ Jesus paid the redemptive price so that all slaves’ to sin and Satan can be freed.
You can be free and victorious if you allow Christ to cleanse you from all fleshly entanglements and allow the Spirit of God to reign supremely n your life.
Remember, to conquer, believer must crucify the flesh with its affections.
God bless.
Dotun Jegede, PhD
Dotun is location Pastor, Deeper Life Bible Church, Itun-igodo, Ode, Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
secretary at One way service
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