For this month’s blog of June 2020, I will be speaking about the one year anniversary of my patreon community. I will be speaking about the following themes in this order: community, patreon, my background and inequality in the arts. As you listen, I ask that you keep the importance of community in your mind, as it is the central theme of this blog.
What is the definition of community? An online search revealed the following: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests and goals.
I asked myself, “What do I have to offer to my community?”
I knew I had so much to offer: my friendship, my work, my mentorship, the wisdom of my life experiences, local, national, international and virtual events, discounts, raffles, giveaways, retreats and connecting people from all over the world. I knew a community served as a collective which represented connection, contribution, purpose, meaning and fulfillment.
I knew a community could exist, who would appreciate my work and would be there to support me, far beyond just my family and friends. This community would want to see my work evolve; my work as a visual artist, a designer, a fine art photographer, a writer and a dancer.
Still, I felt there may even be something more I could offer to my community. I asked myself an important question: What can I do to give back to my community to show gratitude for their patronage?
An important idea came to mind. I could provide my patrons an opportunity to earn twenty percent commission from the sales of my artwork; sales they would generate by sharing and promoting my work.
What is the difference between sharing with my community versus sharing with the public? There is a difference between whether you have skin in the game versus whether you do not have skin in the game. “Skin In The Game” is the title of a book I read by author Nassim Nicholas Taleb. My patrons have skin in the game. My patrons have a vested interest in my work. My patrons care about my work. My patrons want to see my work evolve. My patrons want to contribute to the conversation surrounding my work. My patrons want to provide their input into the growth of my work.
Being part of a community implies care, contribution, respect and growth.
My vision is to empower my community and encourage them to live a life that serves their soul and one they are proud of. When we look beyond ourselves and our own life, we become part of something bigger. We realize we are here to help each other and lift each other up.
I am pleased to announce that I will be hosting a patreon community party to celebrate the one-year anniversary. This event will take place on Saturday, June 20th at 5pm Toronto time. This will be a virtual event so, you are welcome to join from anywhere in the world. I hope you will be able to join and I look forward to meeting you!
It has been one year since I launched my patreon community using the patreon platform. What is patreon? As stated on its website,, I quote the following: “Patreon is a membership business to develop a direct relationship with your biggest fans and generate predictable, recurring revenue from your creative work. Membership provides predictable revenue through fans who pay monthly. Membership provides fan connection to connect with fans directly, free from the ads and algorithms that drive social media. Membership also provides exclusive benefits to fans”.
End of quote.
Joining the patreon family and an entire community of creators encouraged me to realize that I was part of something bigger. This community was not just about people asking for money. This was a community of people creating valuable work. Joining patreon was also a call to my soul; an opportunity for my soul to expand.
I would like to share some quotes from the book, “The War of Art,” by author Steven Pressfield:
“Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It's a gift to the world and every being in it. The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more resistance we will feel toward pursuing it. Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance.”
End of quotes.
I was initially influenced to join patreon by Amanda Palmer and Brandon Stanton. Amanda Palmer is an American singer, songwriter, musician, author and performance artist. Amanda is the author of the book “The Art of Asking.” Amanda has more than 15000 patrons supporting her work.
Brandon Stanton is an American author, photographer, and blogger. Brandon is the author of “Humans of New York,” a photoblog and book. Brandon was one of Time's "30 Under 30 People Changing The World". Brandon has more than 20000 patrons supporting his work.
I would like to share a quote about the book, “The Art of Asking”. This quote was taken from The Toronto Public Library website:
“Rock star, crowdfunding pioneer, and TED speaker Amanda Palmer knows all about asking. Performing as a living statue in a wedding dress, she wordlessly asked thousands of passersby for their dollars. When she became a singer, songwriter, and musician, she was not afraid to ask her audience to support her as she surfed the crowd (and slept on their couches while touring). And when she left her record label to strike out on her own, she asked her fans to support her in making an album, leading to the world's most successful music Kickstarter. Even while Amanda is both celebrated and attacked for her fearlessness in asking for help, she finds that there are important things she cannot ask for - as a musician, as a friend, and as a wife. She learns that she isn't alone in this, that so many people are afraid to ask for help, and it paralyzes their lives and relationships. In this groundbreaking book, she explores these barriers in her own life and in the lives of those around her, and discovers the emotional, philosophical, and practical aspects of The Art of Asking. Part manifesto, part revelation, this is the story of an artist struggling with the new rules of exchange in the twenty-first century, both on and off the Internet. The Art of Asking will inspire readers to rethink their own ideas about asking, giving, art, and love.”
End of quote.
I continue to share my content on my various social media platforms but, I know the exclusive content that I share with my community does not have to be shared anywhere else. I started to realize I have control in how my work gets distributed. I could not just produce content for people who really don't care about that content. I realized I have control over the people who consume my content.
This blog and vlog is available in its entirety for the public to listen to and read. Since the start of 2020, I started limiting access to my blogs and vlogs as they were only available to patrons in my community. I have made this blog and vlog public to provide more information about patreon and to encourage growth in the community. My blogs and vlogs take me time and effort to prepare. I knew I could no longer just give my work away for free for people to listen to. I have also considered limiting access to new paintings that I produce. This means that a new painting will not be shown in its entirety on social media. Only patrons in my community will have exclusive access to my work. This does not mean that I will restrict access to all new paintings.
Currently, I have three patrons supporting me. Some of my close family members did not become one of my patrons.
I asked my Dad one day, “Why did you not sign up to my Patreon?”
Dad replied, “It wouldn't make a difference. Nobody likes a beggar. It's humiliating. Why should they give you money? Get off the couch and get a job.”
End of quote.
I would like to share a quote from Amanda Palmer when someone has told her to get a job:
“Get a job? Delete all the songs from your phone. Take all the art off your walls and throw away all your books. Then, promise me you will never watch a movie or TV show again or go to a cafe, wedding or funeral where any music plays.”
End of quote.
This does not mean that my family does not entirely support me in my artistic journey. They have helped me greatly and continue to do so in various ways. My family has some money. But, it does not mean my family has to give some of their money to me, in order to contribute to my artistic journey. People who have known me for more than ten years did not support me by becoming a patron. I was angry, sad and disappointed. I realized I could not be angry or disappointed if you decided not to join my community. You have a choice whether or not to be part of my community. I can only respect that and be grateful for your decision. Launching my campaign on Patreon was not only about me; it was also about you. It is a reflection of me and it is a reflection of you. I am excited and grateful for the opportunity that patreon offers to creators, so that they can create a community of people who support their work. I say thank you in advance. Thank you for your support!
It has been six years that I have been working in the arts, since starting in 2014. Although I always loved the arts, I never considered myself an artist. I knew this love for the arts was a calling that I could not ignore. My background was in criminology and law enforcement. I worked in the field of law enforcement for sixteen years. I resigned from my law enforcement career in 2017 to pursue a career in the arts at the age of 36. I do not have a fine arts education. I am a self-taught artist. Since 2014, I have created six years of work which includes original paintings, limited edition prints, design collections, art exhibitions, interviews, publications, photos, videos, blogs and vlogs.
Here are some links where you can find more information about my work:
Official Website:
Patreon community:
YouTube channel (Violetta Pesin):
I continue to be a one-person entrepreneurial team. Some of my tasks as an entrepreneur include the following: creating original abstract art paintings, creating images for design collections and limited edition prints, social media management, blog creation and editing, video creation and editing, client management, travel management and accounting management. I realized early on in my art career that this was about more than just selling art for me. This was a way for me to weave my life story into my work and into my art. This was a way for me to share the wisdom of my life experiences to provide guidance for others. This was a way for me to share the wisdom of people who influence my life. This was a way for me to connect with other people, listen to their stories and impact people’s lives. By becoming an artist, I made a decision to share myself and my work with the world. Some of you have known me for many years. For those who have known me for many years, some of you may be thinking, “Who does she think she is?”
You have watched me evolve, as I grow into the person I am today. For those of you just learning about me, I welcome you into my journey. By leaving a career in law enforcement, my decision was to pursue a career in the arts for the rest of my life. I walked away from an excellent career. Yet, I had the strength and awareness to realize that a career in law enforcement was not for me anymore, since it did not serve my soul and potential. By asking for your support, I acknowledge that I cannot pretend to do this all by myself. This has been a lot of hard work for me, especially managing everything on my own.
Are the arts reserved for the young? Are the arts reserved for the rich? Are the arts reserved for the educated? Are the arts reserved for the talented? Are the arts reserved for the famous? Are the arts reserved for people of a specific nationality?
An artist asks themself: “Am I valuable? Is my voice valuable? Is my work valuable? Do I believe that I am valuable?”
By becoming one of my patrons and joining my community, you break down barriers which exist for people in the arts. Barriers such as age, money, education, talent, social status or nationality. These barriers should not prevent someone from a career in the arts. Some of these barriers also exist for me. I chose a career in the arts at a late age in my life, as I was 36 years old. I do not have an arts education. I did not have much money to start a business and become an entrepreneur. I was not someone famous prior to starting my career in the arts.
The journey of an artist does not just have to be about reaching fame and success, although that is a bonus. Instead, a community can come together to support artists and their work. An artist no longer has to rely on financial assistance from organizations. Artists can reach out to their communities to make their voices heard. An artist becomes empowered by taking control of their career and making an impact on their community and worldwide.
It is easy to turn a blind eye. We have learned to worry about ourselves. Let somebody else help the arts and artists. At some point, there may be a cause that you will feel strongly about and will hope that your community will contribute to it. We all have a right to decide what we want to contribute to.
For a moment, I want you to imagine a world where the arts did not exist. It is almost impossible to imagine such a world. A world without music, dance, paintings, photography, sculptures, films and books. We all know how much the arts truly enrich our lives and culture worldwide.
In closing, I leave you with these thoughts.
I would like to share a quote from Oprah Winfrey:
“If the largeness of a soul is determined by its sphere of influence, may you be remembered as a mighty soul.”
When we think of our soul and its sphere of influence, we wonder where our place is in this world. We may not have many followers on social media. We may not be living a glamorous, adventurous life. Sometimes we may think, “Why should I post this? Who cares about this post? Who is engaging with this post? Does my post really matter? Does my voice matter? Do my words matter? Do I matter? Does my life matter?”
Yes, we matter. Our souls matter. Our voices matter. Our stories matter. I had to find the strength to show up for myself first, before I could show up for anyone else. I found my voice and continue to learn how to use it best. I have learned that I do matter. My soul matters. My soul has influence. My soul will guide me to my tribe, my people.