Wait, do we actually need to expand the UK grid?
Source: The Economist

Wait, do we actually need to expand the UK grid?

TL;DR Not so much. Behind-the-meter distributed generation and storage can make better use of the wires we already have, and support a doubling of demand in coming decades.

By Sam Cockerill – CEO, Libertine Holdings PLC (LSE AIM: LIB)

The Climate Change Committee (CCC), the UK government’s key climate advisor, is clear about what it believes it will take to hit Net Zero by 2050: double electricity supply and decarbonise the grid. The CCC’s sixth carbon budget published in 2020 sets out an ambitious plan to both grow and fully decarbonise electricity supplies by 2035 by scaling up wind and solar, phasing out coal and unabated gas, and deploying over 40TWh of new, dispatchable low-carbon generation.

On the scale of the economic challenge that this presents for transmission within the UK’s electricity networks, the CCC’s 2020 report was circumspect:

“A relatively large expansion in capacity is likely to have low regrets, 'future-proofing' the network to enable greater electrification if necessary and/or enabling demand to respond more readily to variations in low-carbon electricity supply."

And on the storage challenge to accommodate the quantity and intermittency of the new renewable capacity build-out, the CCC was explicitly vague:

“Medium-term storage technologies (Hydrogen, pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage) could not be modelled directly within our analysis … However, a combination of these technologies might be required to meet storage requirements in a renewable-driven generation mix.”


Throughout 2023, and increasingly as the UK’s next general election looms, the question of when, whether and how to meet these national infrastructure challenges has become a pressing and divisive political issue that has been widely reported on, not least because the UK has a mixed track record when it comes to delivering national infrastructure projects.

When, back in June 2023, the Financial Times picked up on a comment by Sir John Armitt, chair of the UK’s National Infrastructure Commission, it raised some eyebrows. “It’s mind-boggling” he said of the scale and pace of the new infrastructure required. “These are big challenges.” 

More recently, the Economist noted in its January 2024 article ‘The Great Rewiring’:

“There are pitfalls aplenty here for Labour. The most obvious is that there is simply not much public money available for the kind of state-led activity it envisages. Under the current model, grid upgrades are paid for by energy consumers via bills.”

How much?

Today’s National Grid comprises some 820,000km of cables and a complex array of interconnections and sub-stations to move around 300TWh of annual electricity supply from where it is produced to where it used, at the correct voltage and frequency, and with the capacity to meet peak demand at a moment’s notice. In the CCC’s ‘balanced pathway’ scenario, electricity use is projected to double to 600TWh by 2050.

Source: CCC analysis from the Sixth Carbon Budget, December 2020

Transporting an increasing share of intermittent renewable power to and from a new and diverse range of grid-scale renewable generation and storage sites could require more than 460,000km of new onshore electricity cables by 2050, on top of the cost of installing and connecting the new offshore wind that the CCC expects will form the backbone of the UK’s future net-zero electricity supply.

The cost of this transformation has been estimated at up to £50bn per annum by the end of the 2020s. However – perhaps unsurprisingly - Labour has just this month announced a scaling back of its 2021 ‘green prosperity plan’ from £28bn a year to under £15bn – only a third of which would be new money.

Even if the money were there, Britain’s centralised and bureaucratic approach to grid planning investment is slow and unlikely to deliver an expansion of the electricity grid at the pace the CCC has in mind. The UK Regulator Ofgem notes that the current ‘first come first served’ process for grid connection has led to a long queue of projects with a backlog of up to 15 years. This has in turn led to a flurry of reports, reviews and reforms to speed up the process and expedite some of the 300GW of new electricity generation or storage projects currently paused in the queue.

There is a better way

The UK’s existing grid connections to households and businesses also provide the means to feed power back to the grid. Though the feed-in capacity of an individual single-phase connection is limited to about 4kWe, there are tens of millions of households and hundreds of thousands of businesses with three phase connections that could export 50kWe or more.

Many companies are already offering innovative new ‘behind the meter’ solutions to help utilise this existing feed-in capacity. Over the past decade domestic solar panels have become nearly twice as powerful and halved in cost, and with the advent of export limitation devices and battery storage it’s now possible to max out domestic solar generation capacity based on available roof area, rather than the nominal 4kWe single phase export limit. In the not-too-distant future, home batteries on wheels aka battery EVs with ‘Vehicle to Load’ or ‘Vehicle to Home’ capabilities as touted by manufacturers such as KIA could allow even greater use of the bi-directional capacity of existing domestic grid connections.

For the proportion of the UK’s 260k small and medium businesses that have three phase power and a suitable roof area, the overwhelmingly positive economics mean solar PV is becoming a competitive necessity. The main potato packing site of Providence Holdings (PHL), my family's business, provides one such example. Expanding the site's existing 50kWe rooftop PV array to a maximum capacity (based on existing roof area) of around 400kWe could cover around half of the site's annual electricity use. Other renewable energy options on site include a repowering of an existing wind turbine with something larger, and utilising 5-10kt p.a. of potato outgrades to produce biogas. One helpful aspect of biogas as a source of renewable energy is both the feedstock and the biogas itself provide time-of-use flexibility. With the right generation technology and the right economic incentives, biogas power generation and battery storage could complement rooftop solar PV and wind output to cover the site's entire power requirements and generate income from exporting power to the limits of the site's three phase grid connection at times of peak demand.

On-site generation is also likely to be necessary to support electrification of PHL's fleet of nearly 20 trucks: a single megawatt truck charger would consume the entire capacity of the site's existing grid connection. With on-site generation and supply using solar, wind, biogas and battery storage, a mix of fast and slow charging could support a path to electrifying our fleet, even as site operations and power use continue to expand.


Cue Linear Generators

Google’s recent sustainability report lists Linear Generators as one of the advanced clean technologies that can produce clean electrical power on-site and on-demand, complementing intermittent renewable solar and outlasting battery storage through the UK’s occasional week-long periods of windless gloom. Linear Generators can use existing natural gas supplied from the grid or biogas produced on-site to reduce cost, improve resilience, and accelerate decarbonisation using the UK’s existing grid connections.

Source: Google Sustainability report, September 2023

Linear Generator technology is coming of age and is uniquely well suited to this new role, able to respond quickly to changing electrical power demand, and offering fuel-flexibility to generate clean power from a wide range of variable composition renewable fuels such as biogas, landfill gas, and syngas.

In the US, companies like Lineage Logistics have been using Linear Generators in this way since 2020 to reduce their utility costs and improve resilience. Linear Generators and solar PV provide an efficient and economically effective combination that reduces the GHG intensity of electricity even when using natural gas.

Left: Lineage logistics site (US) and a Mainspring Linear Generator; Right: Providence Holdings site (UK) and a Linear Generator using Libertine's intelliGEN platform

Libertine’s intelliGEN platform enables the creation of more compact, power dense and modular Linear Generator solutions better suited to applications in the UK and elsewhere in the world where space is a constrained. 

The idea of Linear Generators has been around for a while, but recent changes in the technology environment now make Linear Generators technically feasible just as changes in the market and regulatory landscape make them economically attractive. Libertine’s intelliGEN platform technology and developer tools help OEM product developers reduce the time, cost and development risk for their new Linear Generator product development. As a consequence, we can expect to see more companies bringing Linear Generator products to market in distributed power and transport applications in coming years.


Clean power from renewable fuels

Distributed generation using renewable fuels such as biogas, landfill gas and syngas can generate power in the dark and occasionally windless depths of UK winters when solar PV output slows to a trickle. Even using mains-fed natural gas, distributed micro-generation can significantly reduce the carbon intensity of energy use because waste heat produced can often be used on-site, reducing or eliminating the wasteful use of natural gas in boilers.

UK bioenergy trade associations ADBA and the Renewable Energy Association that represent the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry estimate that the UK’s biogas production could expand by a factor of five during the 2020s, with the potential to increase the annual electricity supplied from biogas from just 12TWh in 2020.

Source: ADBA Report – Biomethane: The Pathway to 2030

Whilst much of this growth might be in the form of megawatt-scale biogas sites generating power or feeding upgraded biomethane into the gas grid, smaller ‘farm-scale’ sites producing 200kWe or less could be located where the feedstock arises as is the case for most biogas sites in Europe.

Conventional power generators don’t scale down very well because as gas engines are made smaller their output falls faster than their capital costs and efficiency losses. Having fewer moving parts and offering efficiency comparable to fuel cells down at scales of 200kWe or less, Linear Generators could improve the economics of biogas power generation at farm-scale sites especially using manures and other ‘stranded’ feedstocks whose biogas yield is too low to justify the logistics costs to transport them to larger facilities.

To put this into context, if the potential contribution of biogas power generation to the UK’s electricity supplies during ‘peak demand’ events increases in line with potential growth estimates by ADBA and REA, this additional dispatchable supply would exceed the 40TWh requirement identified by CCC in their ‘Balanced Pathway’ scenario in 2033. Whether this dispatchable power is best generated where the biogas is produced, or elsewhere via upgrading to biomethane and distributed via the gas grid, depends on the additional economic costs and benefits taking account of the value of the heat that is co-generated when power is generated from a fuel.

Source: CCC analysis from the Sixth Carbon Budget, December 2020


Could that really make a difference?

A quick hypothetical back-of-the-envelope calculation shows the potential contribution that the UK’s existing grid connections and distributed energy resources could make to help meet peak demand events in 2050.

Dividing today’s 320TWh annual electrical energy supply (DUKES, 2022) by 8760 hours p.a. gives a mean grid power supply of 37GW, which compares to a peak demand of about 60GW (BEIS, 2022). By 2050 let’s assume the mean rises to 70GW (Consistent with CCC’s 600TWh p.a. Balanced Pathway), and the peak demand becomes a peakier 200GW (BEIS, 2022)

These peak demand events in 2050 would impose a hefty 130GW additional load over the 70GW average, and these events must either be mitigated through demand response or met with dispatchable supply response. Potential response sources are illustrated in the table below, where ‘demand response’ refers to the extent of measures reducing inbound energy flow at the grid connection, whilst ‘supply response’ refers to measures going further than this, and resulting in feed-in to the grid. These are additive, and both can contribute to mitigating or meeting peak additional loads though supply response is limited by grid connectivity.

  • ‘Household demand response’ includes behind-the-meter electrical (and perhaps thermal) energy storage in the form of solar batteries and electric vehicles with ‘Vehicle to Load’ capability.
  • ‘Household supply response’ includes battery storage, electric vehicles with ‘Vehicle to Grid’ capability, and could include export from domestic 'combined heat and power' or (CHP) assuming that what is left of the gas grid in 2050 is decarbonised using upgraded biogas and maybe even a few percent of hydrogen. This is an option that could fit the small format Linear Generators of the type being explored by Libertine's strategic partners OFFICINA MOTO ITALIA.
  • “Business supply and demand response” includes businesses using battery storage and, for sites with renewable fuels, dispatchable power generation to cover net site loads and potentially for export up to the capacity of the existing 2024 grid connection. In the US, this is how Linear Generators are used today.

Back-of-the-envelope estimated total capacity of supply and demand response by UK households and businesses using existing grid connections.

To be clear, this is not to say that it is at all likely that all UK households and businesses will participate in this sort of collective ‘Dunkirk’ event, nor that the grid as a whole is configured to absorb such large amounts of distributed generation. But just considering the existing grid connections to UK households and businesses, if the exam question is simply: ‘Could the capacity of these connections briefly serve an additional 130GW of peak demand with net-zero carbon power in 2050?’, the back of this particular envelope says a tentative 'Yes'.

The point of this thought experiment is that a plan to expand the existing grid with up to £50bn p.a. from the public purse is hardly a ‘low-regrets’ option as the CCC puts it. That plan is based on the idea that our future net-zero grid, like our existing one, must be delivered through state-led planning and deployment of centralised generation and storage infrastructure, with a corresponding roll out of new pylons, wires and substations that will create transmission losses, add capital costs, introduce mind-boggling delivery risks and extend the time to achieve our net zero commitments.

As the Economist article notes, this approach could leave the UK with an expensive, overbuilt grid - especially if it turns out we can make more effective use of energy efficiency, demand response and decentralised generation using a portfolio of advanced clean technologies including Linear Generators.

Some links I found useful:

Sixth Carbon Budget - Climate Change Committee (theccc.org.uk)

Britain needs an unprecedented expansion of the electricity grid (economist.com)

UK electricity network faces ‘mind-boggling’ scale of change over net zero (ft.com)

Labour cuts £28bn green investment pledge by half | Labour | The Guardian

The National Infrastructure Commission - NIC

Britain's energy regulator launches rules to speed up grid connection | Reuters

Why the Government’s proposed Green Gas Support Scheme underestimates biomethanes’ potential - Future Biogas

ADBA Report - Biomethane: The Pathway to 2030 | ADBA | (adbioresources.org)

Families and households in the UK - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

Business population estimates for the UK and regions 2023: statistical release (www.gov.uk)

Adam McKenna - CertRP

✠ Senior Consultant - Matching world class Technical Specialists with leading Green Technology companies across EMEA at GTS International Ltd - Keeping Talent and Technology Connected


An interesting read, thanks, Sam. In your opinion, what are the main challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning to a more decentralized energy system?

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