Walker v. City of Pocatello
Above I posted the link to an article that I thought was worth reading on Walker v. City of Pocatello. Below it I posted a link to the text of the case itself. After working in law enforcement 20 years, all I can say is........wow. So here's the thing. Whatever industry you are in, if this is you and you are a left-over relic of a time where you could count on getting away with this, be honest with yourself, get a clue, and stop. If you are one who knows of this type of behavior and turns a blind-eye, do the right thing for the right reason...........and remember......... do you really want to be the one who could have stopped it, but were simply too weak? Lastly, if you are the victim.........stand up for yourself. In many cases, I defend the employer, but I can't in this case. Maybe some facts in this case will come out that make everything look vastly different to me. If that's the case so much the better but for now...........wow!
Happy reading and have a great day!
Your friend, Kevin
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney. Nothing I communicate is meant, in any way to be construed as legal advice.