Want to be a Better Person? Just copy your best boss's behaviors.
Who on their death bed ever said, “I wish I had spent more time on social media?” Later in life, people focus on their relationships with other people—spouses, friends, or family.
For me? I wish I had been a better person. The deeper I analyzed human nature to discover how we can lead better, the more I recognized my leadership shortfalls—in my case, not giving enough positive feedback and not listening enough.
Then it hit me. Much of what makes a good leader makes a good person. Our work brain is essentially the same as our home brain, so the good leader-good person overlap shouldn’t have surprised me.
What if you had your life to live over again? Would you play things differently?
Luckily, by boosting self-awareness and copying a few behaviors practiced by our best boss, we can make significant personal improvements.
Want to be a better person? Just copy your best boss's behaviors.
Changing behavior to improve ourselves can be as difficult as dieting. We’ve all practiced habit breaking routines. Your work brain is essentially the same as your home brain so it shouldn’t be surprising that much of what works in becoming a better leader is the same as what works in becoming a better person.
Luckily, by boosting awareness and copying a few behaviors practiced by great leaders, we can score significant personal improvements.
Focus on behaviors, not values
Many believe integrity is the foundation for great leadership. While that may be true, there is a catch: all of us believe we have integrity. It’s one of those little human quirks.
When I spoke at a recent forum, I asked two teams to list “what’s inside other people’s heads.” Items included:
The exercise produced interesting insights:
When it comes to human relationships, the last bullet point is crucial. The values housed inside our heads are quite visible to us but are totally invisible to others. Outsiders are left to observe our behaviors and deduce our values from them. When it comes to other people’s perceptions of us, our behaviors are crucial.
Practice simple best boss behaviors
As part of a leadership study, I collected employee ratings and descriptors on eight thousand bosses. Employees described their best bosses as honest, sharing, positive, and trustworthy, along with other positive attributes such as “has integrity.”
The descriptors were accurate but fuzzy. If others can’t see my positivity or my integrity like I do, how should I behave to show it to them? The answer came through storytelling.
Over two hundred employees told me stories about their best bosses. In each case, they described a boss’s behavior that positively affected them, and I organized the behaviors into four categories.
Interestingly, the behaviors mirrored 1) current leadership best practices, 2) emotional intelligence (EQ) theory, and 3) the way our grandmothers told us to act. The categories sound like clichés until we look at the specific behaviors described within. These leadership behaviors can be applied in everyday life and practiced daily and provide a roadmap to better ourselves.
Four best boss behaviours
1) Value Others
This involves acknowledging people. In one story, Carol told me about her previous boss, Lester, who strode past employees every morning with his brow furrowed and head down.
Carol was an experienced coach and a gifted feedback giver. She broke the news:
Carol: “They think you’re mad at them.”
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Lester: “Who?”
Carol: “The employees. They think you are mad, because you don’t say ‘hello,’ and you don’t smile.”
Lester: After some stammering, “You know, I do that. I’m actually a bit of an introvert.”
Carol: “But your employees misinterpret that as disinterest or even anger.”
Lester began smiling and pushed himself to say “Good morning.” After that, his unit scored well in employee surveys. There were numerous reasons for the higher rankings, but I like to think Lester’s behavioral change helped.
2) Give
This uses the Law of Reciprocity found in psychology and anthropology. For instance, share your expertise and knowledge with others to build trust. It’s not the gift that builds trust, but the consistency of giving and helping others.
I observed one fast food manager, Rene, as he regularly rolled up his sleeves to help his crew. Every day, he gave helpful advice and recognition. His employees reciprocated with loyalty, hard work, and respect.
I asked him about the secret to good leadership. He answered, “I like to make more deposits than withdrawals.” It was a concise behavioral guide to building trust.
3) Involve
The best boss stories underscored the fact that when appropriate, great leaders will invite employees into decision-making and planning. Having a piece of the pie motivates us, because it gives us a sense of control over our work. This same sharing principle applies to daily life.
Whenever possible, include others. Invite participation.
4) Connect
Meetings and emails often swamp this principle, because it requires personal two-way communications. Employees described their best bosses as great listeners. None of the four behaviors take long to do – this one can be as quick as a hallway conversation.
The behaviors overlap. An “Attaboy” or “Attagirl” is a connection, but it is also a gift.
Acknowledging others as we come into the office is an example of a connection and also a signal that we value them. Whenever you are in doubt about any of the behaviors, just ask, “What would my best boss do?”
Becoming a better leader or person really is this simple, but carrying it out is devilishly difficult – remember the dieting example? The behaviors may be simple but difficult because of our varying degrees of self-awareness, distraction, and the gravitational pull of habit.
Have you ever noticed that everything on your to-do list involves administration and busy work? There is nothing spelled out on your list to improve relationships. One way to bypass the gravity of distraction and habit is to place a few of these simple behaviors on your daily to-do list. It’s just like recording what you eat to get better diet results. Be specific: “Say hello to Jessica.” Fill in the template below to start your journey to become an even better person.
Performing the behaviors and then scratching them off the list gives you a refreshing jolt of dopamine, that brain chemical controlling pleasure and pain.
Great Boss Behaviors
Improving habitual behavior can be as tricky as dieting. So, here’s a deal. If you start, I’ll start. I’m going to give more positive feedback this week. If you and I practice a few of these behaviors every day, we can make the world a little better place.
Maximize your leadership potential today! Dive into the secrets of your brain's productivity and lead with clarity. Subscribe to my newsletter for more insights.
Until next time.
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4moAnd I thought, "Want to positive impact others? Get your Bad Boss fired." There ARE lots of good bosses, and tens of thousands of books and articles on leadership. Why do we continue to suffer bad bosses? BOSS spelled backwards is generally self-explanatory. "I'm the boss here!" -- "Yes, you are."
4moYou are a good man. Don’t ever forget that.
The corollary is: Don't do the things the made your worst boss the worst.