Watch The Birdie

Watch The Birdie

November is crawling toward us with an eruption of daily events to distract from the main event. The presidential elections. The 2nd stimulus conversation has died and hey presto, as we decry mail-in-ballots, the US post-office is about to collapse. Interesting timing…Just saying. Watch the Birdie lies or look for what is really going on.

On August 12, in Seattle, Black Lives Matter protesters marched on peaceful neighbourhoods demanding “Give up your house, Give black people back their homes. You’re sitting their comfortably — comfortable as f—I used to live in this neighbourhood and my family was pushed out and you’re sitting up there having a good time with your other white friends.”

AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) amongst others, refused to condemn the Black Lives Matters latest demand. Instead, fearfully stating a need for “just policies... in order for us to all come together”. How is that going to happen if we are afraid to stand up against All violence? Is it becoming acceptable now to attack citizens based on their “white” color? And, just to stir the pot a bit more, How do you know they are “white” before they are terrorized and beaten up? Skin tone is no longer an indicator of race, nor, in this day and age, is the street you live on.

Another WTF moment. One can object initially to the racist comment of “white”. The rest follows. It’s beginning to sound like an acceptable new version of what “ni*ger” used to be. Am no fan of the “political correctness” language movement, but honestly, an insult is an insult. No matter the color. Real transparency is about honesty, not fear.

Once again, let’s review history. The French revolution started with hunger for food. When our peaceful protests began, we were all, together, hungry for justice. WE. We united, physically holding each other as ‘brothers/sisters-in-arms’ for a common cause. Black, white, brown, LGBT, stood together, proud, in belief, love and trust. Hands raised for social justice and true equality. I ask you; where is that “we” now? Where is that joined heart?

 Interlopers sidled in to divide and conquer, marketing division. They sowed an agenda of fear, mistrust and lies that are winning even as we All, lose.

Let us address this latest “demand” for the dangerous precedent and lie that it is. Our homes are our castles. By law. Laws that were fought for when we built this country. The Crown does not own our land, as is still the case in the United Kingdom, we do. We are allowed to buy and sell as we choose. We are allowed to defend our “castles” against all interlopers, including, the government. And, finally, perceiving an injustice, we desegregated neighbourhoods in 1964 under the Civil Rights Act. Law. The foundation of society. Created as social behavioural guidelines and able to be changed as required by new social awareness and understanding.

So, this is Not a real issue. It’s another “watch the birdie” distraction. The real foundational issues for social change are; Living Wage pay scales, quality free education, equal job accessibility and especially, employee protections. These foundational actions would provide a gateway for ALL Americans to be able to afford and buy a house wherever they choose. These are the issues no one is talking about or, addressing. Why not? Watch the Birdies instead, it’s easier.

 Equally, I decry another lie. Police are being tarred with a common feather of “being all evil”. They are not. There are however bad apples and bad policies that need weeding out. There are also good people in those same police departments. Additionally, no one can seriously consider having No police. By the same understanding that not all people are “good” or “law abiding” citizens. As our police step back, confused by their own directives, 911 calls are now going unanswered and entire inner cities are devolving into 3rd world crime zones and no one is “safe”. Welcome to anarchy America. Get out those guns.

This is Not justice or proactive social change. Why such fear to speak to the truth of what is happening? Call a spade a spade in this House of Cards that is being played out. This is wanton destruction on a social, physical and economic level. “We” are reaching a point of no recovery that will make a zombie apocalypse look positively friendly. This next level of “demands” indicates we are dissolving into a country with no legal foundation or protections for common citizens. Regardless of race. And, since it's America, here come the guns again. It’s the Wild, wild West.

By the way, Dear “Black Lives Matter” peeps, Native Americans actually have a stronger land claim, if you really want to talk reparations. It’s pretty much all theirs’. And, of course, the Hispanics. Seriously. Am getting tired of this singular, Exclusive, one-sided conversation. In real diversity, "All" our lives do matter. Is no one willing to address the growing hypocrisy of this movement? Are we all so afraid?

I will point out that reverse racism is, racism. Not justice. This current attitude is a mirror reflection of “all blacks are criminals”. Blatantly Not true. All Whites are evil, blatantly, not true. So let’s cut the BS and realize that in a world of true social justice and equality, there are no “black and white” lines but a neutral zone of diversity grey where we must meet and be “together” for all. Together we rise, divided – we fall.

True “dat”.

Come find me- let’s talk honestly. Really, talk. I am not afraid, are you?

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