Guide Large-Scaling React Apps: Part 1
key points: maintainability, scale, modular design
contributor: Matteo Baratella Yaromir Kozak
pre-scriptum: feel free to google more about topic
principles, years tested for avoid wrong bones in architecture and reduce tech debt
recommend to choose according to project needs: simple - React Context, more complex - Redux Toolkit or Recoil
HOC (high-order-component) and custom Hooks quite useful pattern for enchant component in many ways (read more - high-order-function)
as goal - seamless net of types across all application. Avoid any (alternative 'unknown'), type guards, generics, look at TRPC
React.memo, useMemo, useCallback, Code split with React.lazy and Suspend, virtualization large-lists, efficient state management (choose right level of store data)
in general its best way to provide scale independent development teams. Two main type are vertical and horizontal, exist a lot tech stacks to implement this pattern:
1) React (optional react-router with SSR) and UI composer (Next.js, Remix, Astro),
2) Next JS framework apps
Recommended by LinkedIn
3) Qwik frameworks with Streams (Cloudflare research link)
it will be covered more in next articles
lovely practice of FAANG-companies, demonstrated efficiency in scale and maintain and mental comfortable
PS: not best combo with Micro-Frontends, You’ll need to set a lot of rules to ensure clear boundaries, and I feel like it’s cleaner to have detached, separate apps instead
must have tool for visualise UI-lib development, validate changes, follow design tokens
the style based on atomic functions which pure, always retunes value, no exception, etc
pros: universal testing (smallest function can be under unit test), unexpected errors in functions (if max worse scenario you render no value)
always cover project with maximum available test types like:
1) Unit (framework agnostic, functions)
2) Integration (in framework, components/hooks)
3) End-to-End (look at Playwright) - mostly used in QA team but we need to handle setup of this type of test
structure when you build a feature separately for be able to control it independently, example
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2moGood job 👍