“We can’t manage what we don’t measure”.
We hear the term “company culture” thrown around as often as we do profitability and ROI. From interviews to strategic direction – culture is the climate in which we experience our workplace.
We hire according to culture, we promote according to culture, we build supplier relations based on culture and we grow our client base based on aligned culture.
Culture, a subjective, illusive, seemingly immeasurable concept we place so much emphasis on for the success of our careers, organisations… job satisfaction even!
How do we define culture? It is the unspoken connection, within the business.
Connection in our most primal form is the reason we’re here. We are neurologically wired to feel connected. It’s the way we do things, without talking about how and why we do them.
Is it upbeat and innovative? Is it ‘old-school’, ‘built on trust and a handshake’? Is it cut-throat and toxic?
When there is a culture of positive emotions, studies have found that you’re more likely to have better performance, better customer service and be more innovative.
However, an ongoing culture of negative emotions often leads to burnout, absenteeism, poor performance and high turnover.
A healthy, thriving company culture is one which is built upon the foundations of employee wellbeing.
Once we start talking about wellbeing, we cross over from the illusive, subjective concept of culture into the very real field of research, science, and a measurable and manageable set of practices.
As always, the key to improvement is indeed taking the first step of measuring the current state of wellbeing.
Professor Martin Seligman suggests that the easiest way to care for our wellbeing is by understanding that it comprises of 5 Pillars (The folk at The Wellbeing Lab have added a 6th for good measure!)
Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaningfulness, Accomplishment and Health!
When we balance these six pillars, we experience optimal organisational wellbeing… a thriving company culture!
Are you ready to measure your current state of wellbeing? www.permahsurvey.com/drake
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3yGreat insight. Thank you Tazmayn.
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