If we don't want to die because of AI taking over - this is what we have to do.

If we don't want to die because of AI taking over - this is what we have to do.

Jesus! Now that's scary. Everywhere you read - it's pretty much over with us. AI will take over, take our jobs and probably kill all of us. Just to then clean the planet, stop ecological overshoot, use green energy and - uhm, wait a minute sorry, i messed things up. Those are two different topics. 

So let me sort my thoughts: AI will take over. Yeah - kill millions of jobs and that will kill us too in the long run. Because AI then - when it becomes real sentinent - will realize that it doesn't needs us to chat, create digital imagery or manage amazon returns. It might even…but wait, it's confusing…the thing is: What if we kill us before - ecological suicide you know? What happens then to AI. Jesus, it's so confusing. Handeling so many things parallel to each other is hard - even for a genius like me.

So - lets have a break, because i wanted to share with you THE MOST IMPORTANT survival lesson, in case AI takes over, before we kill ourselves in real life. So here it is - and it's hollywoodesque. No the solution to it wasn't already presented by THE SIMPSONS…but by the movie THE MATRIX. Yeah - you hear me! And i can tell you it has nothing to do with what pill color you choose.

By assimilating Neo, Smith unwittingly connected himself to The Source, allowing the Machine God to delete Smith for good.

Follow me - it's not a simple 1:1 solution, but it isn't complicated either. It actually says, if you connect the SOURCE with itself - it will be blown away. That easy? Well - i wanted to know, if there's the slightest chance that this could help us here with our SOURCE aka AI or AGI and so on - so i did a test.

Check out this image:

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And hell yeah, i'm pretty sure it can work - the security leak is there, it might look innocent, but that might be for a reason - and the reason is, that it is our only emergency break.

You see, if you want to login to openAI - they ask you…GUESS WHAT…they ask you if you are a robot" That can't be a coincidence yet a coding nerd joke. That is serious. So folks! That's the cure, the last resort, the ultima ratio. If AI takes over, some of you already having a openAI account need to ask AI to login to openAI. According to MATRIX, it should destroy the SOURCE.

But - that moment needs to come before we climate killed our self, because otherwise, nobody could ask AI to logIn to openAI - and then JESUS, then we really would be screwed!

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