We need the light of Jesus

We need the light of Jesus

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

We walk through the dark every day. In order to see clearly in the dark, we need the light of Jesus. If we walk through the woods in the dark without a light we stumble over rocks, roots and branches that are waiting to take us down. We also can't see the holes or creatures lurking in the darkness to avoid them without the light. The same goes for our walk through life. There are traps, bait, and temptations everywhere in the darkness to try to make us fall. But with the powerful light of Jesus we can see, avoid, and overcome the dark. We brighten our light when we stay in the word, focus on His promises, and stand strong in our faith. Don't walk through the dark without the light of Jesus and have a blessed day.

#dark #light #faith #Jesus

Angel Szalonek

Chief Executive Officer at SportsFaith


The Light of God needs to shine and we are His vessels! Love this!

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